Sunday, October 6, 2013


I was with a client of mine in the mountains because that's where I do my healing and coaching work. As we were hiking at a rapid speed, a lot of energy was being exchanged and shared. He was random at his old stories, bringing up a lot of painful events. There is a magical atmosphere about the mountain, it's extremely healing, it's powerful. As we reached the peak, was time for meditation. I focused on "unconditional surrender". I also suggested to my friend to meditate on "surrendering, forgiveness, and let go". After half an hour, I opened my eyes earlier, walked next to him. I had felt a shift in his energy field. It was so amazing to witness the transformation of dense energy into pure light. His face was glowing, his heart was so much lighter. There was intense light shining so bright in his AURA. I experienced ONENESS at such deep level because of my own transformation in that very moment. I really don't know how to describe this experience where you become a vessel and tap into GOD. Then, you become one with everything and everyone, surrendering it ALL into the space of infinity. You Let Go, Allow, Trust, LOVE, expand into this blessing prayer. Healing takes over. The rest is just such a beautiful mystery to me. Have a peaceful Sunday my friend

Affirmation: "I am ONE with the infinity of LOVE. I trust and let go of all my past stories, inviting the incredible healing energy of the NOW into my life. I am available and receptive to more miracles, abundance, wealth, healing, passion, joy, success, prosperity, divine relationships, and compassion into my life because that's WHO I AM. I am blessed and a blessing with and to every individual that crosses the path of my life. I surrender to God, I let go, and touch the highest vision of my SOUL!, and so it is,,,Amen

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