Being ALONE is way different than feeling 'LONELY'. When you are comfortable in your own skin without any attachments to what others may think of you, you'll start to realize that you are actually never ALONE. There is an innate energy of love always vibrating through the fibers of your body. You'll see yourself beyond the physical body and that in itself becomes your own perfect companion. You always have your next breath to count on, always there for you without expectations. In your deepest ALONE moments, you'll realize that the YOU that feels Alone, is just a vessel, passing the entire existence through it's own awareness in order to go beyond separation from it. Take a deep breath, feel your heart beat, love yourself. You are one with everything that ever was, always IS, and will be FOREVER.
Affirmation: " I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. I recognize my divine awesome self, connected to the presence that is ALWAYS nurturing me. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE! I am infinitely abundant, passionately in joy, completely healthy, and deeply peaceful! LIFE supports me. I am available and receptive to more MIRACLES than I can ever imagine possible. Let it ROLE into my AWARENESS. and so it is ,,,Amen."....have a beautiful weekend everyone
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