Sunday, November 3, 2019


WOMAN: Willingness On Manifesting Abundance Now

Every man and woman loves to have a WOMAN in their life. What do I mean by this? I don't know yet but as I continue to write, the spirit of love will write through me and send its message to you. Woman and Abundance are synonymous to me. Their characteristics are the same. Abundance is reached only through state of love. The way to abundance is having a willingness to Self love and having a sense of absolute knowing that your thoughts are pure energy, once focused on with enthusiasm, will materialize in form. Women have the most sense of compassion than men. This is inherently true because they are the vortex of life to next generation. They know what it takes to care for and caress a new being arriving in this world. They know there has to be a specific condition, or environment for the baby to thrive. Any thought of lack or limitation will inhibit the growth of the baby. Lack of love will cause failure to thrive. Abundance is the same. You have to have the conditions set in motion for raising your vibration in order to feel good and be abundant first. Then, the manifestation of abundance will show up in your life according to your unique expression of your gifts. Your body is your temple of energy exchange where you'll need to take care of in order for abundance to have way of expression and reception. It's this beautiful cycle that creates, manifests, express, and circulates. Once you are in expression, you'll avoid any kind of depression. Depression of the body, mind, and Soul shows up because there is lack of expression. Have the Willingness On Manifesting Abundance Now. A woman is soft and able to nourish beyond her own needs. A woman is always giving and protective of her child in time of need. This is how abundance is. Become sensitive, willing, and openly loving to the feminine energy within you. Once you match this vibration, you become Abundance itself, and your life will never be the same. 

Namaste +1 spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Positive energy

Once you come across this writing and read through it, you will feel your energy rising. You will start giggling inside and slowly put a big smile on your face. Your eyes will lid up with energies of hope and inspiration. You will tap into your innate power, the confidence you have at your service with each breath. Your breath will tune you up with the melody of the universe. You will celebrated the now moment, because you are NOW being focused only in the present moment awareness. This is pulling you out from the sadness of the past and the madness of the future. In the now, you are one with love. Life has its way with you. Abundance dances in between your cells, gushes through your body temple and brings multiple blessings in your life. Miracles of healing and revealing the best case scenario appear real and tangible. Your mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies become aligned with the perfect order of the cosmos. The body of your affairs reflects the beautiful harmony of the celestial bodies. In gratitude, we welcome this attitude. We forgive and let go. Letting prosperity and joy to exude through our hearts. If you felt this, please share and pass it forward. And so it is. Amen. +1πŸ’š spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Being here & in the now! 

You are always here and in the now. If you just ran into these words, know that you've been intended to read and catch the energy behind and beyond what the words are willing to convey. There is a seed being planted in your conscious and subconscious mind. This is the seed of excellence, hope, love , and faith. This seed already has the divine idea waiting to find the right conditions to unfold and evolve on its own. 

The presence of God is the fertile ground for this seed, already within your soul , from the beginning of time, beyond the expression of creation, in you and acting in collaboration for you. Whatever you are going through right now is being washed away by acknowledging your greatness. 

Read these words slowly and take a deep breath because your ego is being cracked by the light emanating from your source. As this seed matures on its own timing, it will reveal its blessings as an expression of your life. I know there has been times where you felt helpless, lost your will, and felt so separated from your essence. I know and I've been there where nothing seems to be going your way. 

These are the exact time when you must anchor yourself deeper and stronger in your will. You must release your attachment of what you think must happen and ease into higher order of universe to uphold you. The support you seek is within. The entire cosmos act in coherence once you are aware of your power and wholeness. This is a law and this seed will grow to become a mighty tree of blessings once you trust into this process. 

Let go and allow. Nourish your being with love and find a way to extend loving thoughts to others. The human family is thirsty for this love, so become the fountain for each soul in order to awaken this awareness within them. This is a new set point for your life. Right now. Feel the excitement of being the source of your own excellence and inviting great possibilities of abundance, peace, joy, and prosperity as an expression of your soul. Take a deep breath, hold it, slowly release by saying ohmmmmmmm! πŸ’š spiritual life coaching 

call: 818-317-0839 for a free consultation in life coaching. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Thought of Hope

When you feel like your back is against the wall, take pride in everything you have done that has worked for you. Focus on what’s right in your life rather than what’s missing. Strengthen your faith and go more within. Meditate longer, pray harder, and let go of how things should be according to you. There is a bigger plan that will reveal itself once you clear out your negative energy and align yourself with divine plan of God for you. Don’t give up and push forward. You will make it through. You’ve got my support and can count on me always. 


Visit: Get a free consultation for life coaching & healing 818-317-0839

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Attention; after reading these few lines, there is a possibility that you will feel happy with a smile on your face, increase a sense of passion for your existence, and tap into more faith within your soul as to how things will work out for you. So, read at your discretion because your attention will create your intention. 

Your intention will focus your energy. Focused energy will cause you to start acting upon your deepest desire. Your desire will open doors of possibilities in order to welcome your wish. What you wish from your heart will manifest in your reality. 

No matter where you are in life, know that you are getting ready for a quantum leap towards the evolution of your consciousness. Take the negative experiences you are battling through now and observe them for what they are. Do not resist them because what you resist will persist. Learn what messages they have for you and simply change your thoughts around them. Choose a different thought and act upon it. 

Choice is a function of your awareness. Spend some time in meditation daily to increase your capacity for more Divine awareness and then create what you want. You are a powerful creator who is capable to re-invent your life based on how you intend it to BE rather than falling trap to mediocre expectations of others from you. Believe in yourself! Believe in your passion! When you feel like giving up, just give up the feeling of giving up. Replace it with hope and kindness towards yourself. The face of kindness is the power that will attract circumstances and people in your life who will assist you to reach your destiny. Your destiny though is hidden in between single moments between your everlasting journey. Be present now, you’ll find contentment underneath the constant voice in your mind telling you there needs to be more. The more you are looking for shows up when you let go of the “need” for having more, rather you increase the quality of BEing more of who you are. Stop, take a deep breath, let this sink, read it over, and share it with someone you truly care for as you keep smiling. 

With eternal love, 

Your Soul❤️ spiritual life coaching 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What holds the future?

You are on a solitary path of creation and uncovering what you already know to be your highest truth. People show up in your life from all back grounds and experiences. What you do with their experience is a work of art. It's really all about us. Happiness is derived from within. Strength to go on is independent of outside sources, it's dependent on your mastering the inside source. This source is pure love, it's pure compassion, and pure allowing the spirit of peace vibrating into manifestation. Take a deep breath my friend, the process of awakening and unfolding requires your participation by re-cognizing who and what you really are. Who: the singular manifestation of the what. What: the invisible, yet indivisible presence of God that is all that IS and all that is not. You are part of this great mystery. Your existence matters, your being means everything to what you are giving meaning to. Enjoy this insight and roll with it. Smile and take it easy. It's all going to be alright. We don't know what the future holds for us, but we do know what holds the future in consciousness. The presence of God (love) holds our future, today, in this very pre-sent moment. Feel my love coming your way. 

And so it is, amen

I Am πŸ’š call 818-317-0839 for a free life coaching consultation 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Back to No-Thing 

When you hold a beautiful rock in your hand, you feel its tough texture and solidity. Your senses tell you that it has a weight and special roughness to it. In reality though, that rock is a condensation of trillions of molecules and atoms that are attracted together, yet if you go deeper within each molecule, you see that it's formed of empty space, formed of NO THING. This is the same as everything else, our lives, our human problems that are condensation of thought forms. You hold old, stagnant memories from the past and repeat them over and over in your mind. This re-creates the same pattern and results. Our challenges are nothing more than thought forms that we carry along the day, obscuring the space of infinite possibility in the PRESENT MOMENT. Think of the heaviness of your problems the same as the rock. When you go deep within, you discover that you can unravel it's origin back to NO THING where it came from. You can then forgive and release that energy to create space for the NEW OUTCOME shot from the mind of God from infinite possibilities to reveal itself. Life then becomes an adventure of knowing Who you are and why you exist!!! Try it! πŸ’š spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839 Get a free consultation 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Letting go of the pain 

In our life a lot of things happens that we don't really know the reasons for. Sometimes there are absolutely not justification for them. I like this saying and I believe in it. It makes life easier for me to glide through: "Pain is inevitable, yet suffering is optional". As a human being, it's inevitable for me to experience pain. Even my physical body is designed with trillions of pain receptors to give me insights as dis-ease starts taking over my body. It gives me warnings, it directs me to take action and find the cause. Emotional pain is the same. It comes through layers of experiences, the old selves, the younger version of me that went through life's challenges and didn't really know what to do with the pain. As you direct your life towards the path of LIGHT and Self realization, healing starts to take over those areas of pain that has turned into emotional suffering. The suffering was never of your making. You simply didn't know better to deal with the immense pain that had happened. A gentle way of looking at the past can create an avenue for the release of the suffering which many time has caused guilt. Guilt is detrimental as it carries a very low vibration frequency in your emotional body, tying your arms and legs, imprisoning you within your own thoughts, and disabling your growth process. It keeps you in the past and robs your from the experience of the present moment. The way to clear guilt is the knowing that you did the best you knew to deal with the pain you went through. Become aware of it, find the gap between your higher Self, and what keeps on triggering your suffering through the guilt. It's possible to let go and heal of this energy when you are willing and accept the choice of 'possibility'. I went through a deep process about these dynamics yesterday with a client of mine, walking her through the different layers and energy knots that has caused her suffering. As she said: "Healing is a process", and it's a beautiful process when you take dominion over your life. When your intention becomes one which is bigger than yourself and includes the shift into optimism and love for the entire humanity. Your experience will transform in the service to others. For this, I'm totally grateful....Namaste...-Dr. Rod.... 818-317-0839 

book a free assessment for life coaching 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Re-writing your life 

It's important not to give up on your dreams. It's important to stay focus on your cause, because you deserve to be happy in your life. Ya, listen to me my friend. I've been in the dark where I could not see two feet ahead of me. I felt depressed and hopeless. It was the most challenging time of my life. You know how it feels like if you ever been an em-path and had your feeling hurt. It can happen to any one of us. Specially if you are spiritually in tune with higher orders, but not balanced on this realm. Usually sensitive people get hit the hardest, and I come the closest to being sensitive as it gets. Why am I sharing this? Because I have not really written for a while. It's been many months since I've shared my deepest part of my soul on my page....I've been writing little posts here and there, or shared my old posts form years of writing on this platform. I've gone very deep inside and this past year and a half, I've been contemplating on so many different principles. Instead of writing them, I've been living them. I've been extremely in tune with what's been happening in my soul. I felt like sharing it would cut me off from the flow. My vortex shifted from writing, to talking it out on my live videos, and then just getting in experience with them in my meditations. Words are limited for me and describing my feelings have been more challenging. However, one of my biggest passions and talents in life is to write what I'm feeling and express what my soul wants to shout out. Like now, I have to be in a special place where the gap between my thoughts expand and the impulses of my ego slow down. So that I get in a trans like space and allow the spirit of love to express itself. Yes, you are in this field of energy and if you have read this far, you'll notice that your heart rate is decreasing slowly, a beautiful smile is coming on your face, and energy of love goes up and down your spine because I'm visioning you in this field. My intention is to start writing more and get deep in my soul to bring forth what the spirit of love has to share in public. I'm open and receptive to this intention as it calms the beating of my heart and synchronizes my consciousness to the reader of this note. Just know that you are being prayed up and that one thing you've been contemplating or worry about, will resolve. I see it and underneath what I feel as doubt in you, is the presence of God. Therefore, it's already gone from you energy field back to the no-thing that it came from, never to return again, allowing you to prosper and expand........

I feel good now....Look for my writings and each time you run into them, make a wish before you read it. See how you'll manifest your desire in no time...


Dr Rod. spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A note to Self

A note to Self:


At times I miss you dearly because you get caught up in so many different paradigms. You move with such intensity and vigor through the dense energies of the world while keeping a calm composure at the inner sanctuary of your heart. You feel with immense compassion and you have such passion to live a life of significance. Anytime you want to express yourself, you go ahead with an attitude of "I am, therefore I have" consciousness. You don't really care about the opinion of others, because their judgment of you has no effect on you! Why? Because you don't judge them simply for the fact that you don't even see them as separate from you. You are well aware of the dark energies that want to cling on you with evil intentions, yet you bravely face them without worrying about anything. Faith and hope are your two swords in this battle while you use your spiritual practices as a shield to deflect these energies. You know you are guided, every step you take is being taken by the presence who leads you by an inner voice. The presence loves his beloved and as a being of love, you know that this is the ultimate state to be in. You radiate kindness when the world sees only darkness. Your eyes are trained to see the divinity within other souls who are trapped in their struggles and stuck in the maya, the illusion of what seems to be real, yet it's not. 

Dear Self, 

I love and appreciate you for what you do for me. I thank you for being closer to me than my neck veins. In total gratitude, I release you in the arms of almighty beauty who is caressing me even now as I am in such deep pain. I open my heart and am receptive to a miracle to shift this pain into absolute peace. A peace that passes human understanding and becomes one with its creator who gave rise to all that is and all that is not. 

Namaste. πŸ’š call 818-317-0839 to book a free life coaching session 

Monday, September 23, 2019

The best to give 

The best thing to give:

Your enemy is forgiveness;

To an opponent, tolerance;

To a friend; your heart;

To your child; a good example;

To your father; deference;

To your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you;

To your Self, respect;

To all human beings, charityπŸ’š -Swami Sivananda 818-317-0839 call for a free life coaching session 

Life Coaching/Meditation/Healing.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Apache blessing

Good morning: this is my prayer for you today πŸ˜ƒπŸ’š;

May the sun,

Bring you new energy by day

May the moon,

Soulfully restore you by night

May the rain,

Wash away your worries

May the breeze,

Blow new strength into your being

May you walk,

Gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life. spiritual life coaching πŸ¦‹πŸ™818-317-839

~Apache Blessing

Climbing the ladder

Life is full of surprises. You don't know when or where they will come at you. Imagine climbing a ladder made of ropes. As you go up and reach with your hands, you alternate with the opposite leg, hoping that it wont swing around. There are times though that the ladder starts shaking. There are times that the bottom rope may tear and fall apart. There are times that your hands may get tired and slip away. Life is full of unknown factors that come into your experience and swing the ladder you are climbing. However, the moments of uncertainties carry a deeper potential for getting to know an aspect of yourself requiring a strong pull to overcome your fears and find your inner strength, your faith within. Just hang on. Long sentence, I know, it's hard for me to express this. Have you faced a situation like that? Where you are caught in corner and there is nothing you can hold on to but the inner knowing of surrendering to higher orders of life itself? If you feel being in that corner, close your eyes and open your inner eyes. As I gaze in your inner eyes with an eye full of love, I want to tell you that "YOU"LL BE OK, and This Too Shall Pass". No matter where you are and what challenge you are facing, I feel the presence of God right there with you and hold you in the best possible outcome. Namaste. +1 ....Dr. Rod... call 828-317-0839 for a free lifecoaching session 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Positive affirmation 

Read this affirmation daily with high vibe and energy; 

“ I am open & receptive to miracles of love, peace, abundance, & bliss flowing through my highest potential. I for-give any karmic energy I’ve created & transform my inner resistances to joy. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of God within my heart. All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my higher good. I am open for the grace of God to shower my life with every blessings I’m worthy of. 

I am aligned with my source in all of my thoughts. I consciously manifest more health, wealth, abundance, money, success with happiness, and allow infinite miracles to show up in my existence. In gratitude, I am willing to share my gifts with the world in service to humanity. I allow this to just be, 

and so it is, Amen. πŸ˜ƒπŸ’š spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839 Call for a Free life coaching session 

Have a beautiful dayπŸ™πŸŒ·

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Suffering and compassion 

One of the most challenging part of human existence is to see a loved one suffering through dis-ease. This can manifest physically, emotionally, or mentally. It breaks your heart to see once a strong person being capable of taking care of their activity of daily living , now totally dependent on you. It tests your limits for patience and resilience. Patience is the greatest human virtue , however to develop patience, you must develop compassion. Compassion is understanding the lack of understanding. This lack is the lack of knowing the unknown. In the unknown, there is infinite reasons for why something is happening in a persons paradigm that is not understandable to your limited understanding. 

To develop the compassion in you , you must tap into unconditional love. This love is seeing God within everything that's happening. It is putting on the prism of oneness so that your perception is lifted from the world of duality and shifted away from relativity into the world of absolute. The absolute is nothing but the unknown and the absolute only reveals itself as unconditional love when selfless action becomes more important than your own needs met. To strengthen selfless action you must be able to control your reactions. These reactions mostly are rooted in the ego for wanting to be right or wanting to judge your circumstances based on your limited point of view. 

It's a common human struggle and the way to bypass it is to develop faith. This is the absolute substance of what your are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be seen. From faith , you will develop muscles for taping into unconditional love where you'll begin to see the oneness of that which IS. Taking this step will free you from judging the dis-ease that another being is experiencing because now you have compassion for what is occurring. No longer tangled with your ego, you become one with the situation and the experience becomes a spiritual practice for your soul's expansion and growth. Your vibration becomes the vortex of transformation for you , for the person suffering, and for the suffering itself because now you have given this situation a totally different meaning. 

It's our capacity to give a different meaning for any given experience and doing so brings bliss into your life. Experience changes, suffering transforms into joy, and as a result you have grown into a more mature being of Love. This is the sole purpose of existence and our human relationships because each person has a grand lesson for you to develop into a better version of your Self. 


Friday, August 9, 2019

Transition from life to after life 

I’m sending out a massive love and compassionate energy towards anyone, family or friends, who are experiencing the transitioning of a loved one or whom recently gone through the loss of their loved ones. Life is precious and Life is eternal. 

The concept of infinity is hard for us to understand. That which is limitless doesn’t make sense in our minds because are minds are made to work only in the finite world. We need tangible concepts to make sense of things. However, our soul is infinite. It is the direct emanation of the mind of God which is limitless. 

When you breath oxygen, the spirit of infinite makes contact to the finite physical body. The energy that becomes substance of your cells and essentially make up your body comes from the infinite. As we transition and change form by the law of entropy, death, the physical emerges back to the source of energy it came from. Through this transformation, our infinite being reveals itself more freely into the limitless intelligence it origins from. 

Know that you are love and source of love. Know that our ancestors from the higher realms are watching over us to provide guidance and healing vibe towards our evolution. Know that the spirit of God is all that IS. That includes you and me, your loved one who is changing form, and everything else we are attached to in the world of form. 

Our ultimate lesson is to let go of our attachment because this brings us one step closer to who we really are. The ability to let go is very difficult. Be conscious about it and ask God to open more space in your heart center for enabling you to pass through the pain. Ask for healing and know that whatever you are growing through, the entire human family is right there to love and support you. 


Dr Rod❤️ spiritual life coaching 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Think about what you think about 

You have this amazing capacity to think about what you think about called 'introspection'. Realize how many thoughts you pick up daily are coming from the negative energy around you. The news, media, many people sharing the negative news on Facebook and other social media. Notice how your feeling and how your mood fluctuates due to getting caught up with people's ignorant remarks and comments. 

Where are they getting their thought process from? Are they authentic and genuine, or are they simply reflecting society's struggles over and over again? Coming from fear and hate wont solve anything I tell you that. Projecting your own stereotypes and hatred outward won't solve anything. All you are doing is adding to the collective EGO consciousness that through out human evolution has reached it's peak in many forms, you are witnessing it. Your sole responsibility is to think twice about what you are thinking about. Feel in your heart whether or not what you are thinking about is for the good of the collective consciousness or for it's destruction? 

You know the answer, you don't need to get other people's opinion, thoughts, political expertise and other jargon that conflicts with simple TRUTH: Is what I AM thinking about coming from LOVE or FEAR? It's simple! Is what I'm projecting or adding to world coming from PEACE or creating more of the same as IS? It's simple... You see, when you are not thinking for your Self and not coming from your higher Self, you are giving away your inherent, God given power to someone else's stupidity. You are more than that. When you see yourself in the mirror today, say out loud: I AM MORE THAN THAT.. Sending the world tons of love and healing energy of peace......Namaste....Dr. Rod....❤️

Friday, August 2, 2019

Getting out of sadness

The way out of your sadness is giving of yourself to others by being in service. This means you go beyond your own needs and meet the needs of another being without any expectation in return. There is a pull and push of negativity that is always a constant. It's like gravity. You don't have to seek it out. It is part of what we are experiencing in the bipolar universe. A universe that is made of both a negative and positive network. When you are aware of this, you need to set your intention to actively bring positive charge in your life. This translates into feelings. Your feelings are the indicators of how much positive or negative energy you are dealing with. Love is the only quality that bypasses both energies. Love is absolute. It's not a relative. It's the fabric of which the universe is made up of. It is your essence and your inherent nature. Be aware of this quality and intend it to take over your life because it is the one and only way to transcendence. Remember, you are the main character, director, and the producer of this movie called "your life". First of all, don't take yourself too seriously. For every problem you are facing, there are people having it a lot worse. Second of all, shift your focus on what is great in your life or what you have with gratitude rather than constantly nagging of what is missing and what you wished you had. Vision what is possible and let go of the impossible. The only impossible is impossible. The way out of where your are stuck is going in. The moment you let go and surrender to your higher self, answers will reveal themselves to guide you and open new doors for your unfoldment. Today, focus on what is the best case scenario for your life, reside in love, extend act of kindness to others, and close your mouth if anything other than a blessing is coming out of it! πŸ’š

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lesson from the seagull

True story! Lesson from the mighty seagull 

Yesterday I woke up at 5am and went into my routine practice of meditation. On the even days I usually prepare to go and do Bikram yoga. It takes a different level of commitment and preparation to go into a 90 minute hot room and do a military style yoga which is unbelievably challenging. However, one thing I like in my life is discipline and overcoming inner challenges to accomplish a craft. That’s what spirituality is all about. It’s about the practice and self preservation, commitment, and alignment with your higher Self. 

I left my house early and was parked in my car about 30 min earlier before class starts. This is 615am, in my car, focused on my meditation workshop tonight which is in manifesting abundance , wealth, and success. 

I’ve been working on these two affirmations: 

I am well; affluence 

I am wealthy, effluence. 

As I’m writing this, I’m in the middle of the mountains , hiking while typing so I don’t eat up bugs. Anyways, I was zoned out yesterday in my car while listening to Michael beckwidth and completely in another dimension with my eyes close! I suddenly hear a loud, screeching noise from the hood of my car. I thought a tree fell on it. I also thought there was another Los Angeles earthquake, so I had adrenaline gushing through my body. As I opened my eyes, I say a huge white seagull staring at me dead on in my eyes with a piece of raw fish hanging in her mouth. She gave me this dumb ass look that I can never forget. There are large trash cans behind the yoga studio for the restaurants. So, it is heaven for birds, nocturnal animals , and other live beings to feed off of our waste. 

The seagull had this message; 

“ you humans are so retarded. You live in an abundance universe which is always providing. You are simply blind to the good of God happening at every moment. The oxygen you breath, the food you eat, the sunshine that is shining always, the blessings are all around you. However, you have a myopic point of view. You are selfish and don’t have a clue about oneness. My prayer for you is to expand your awareness, start counting your blessings, don’t take anything for granted , and preserve our ecosystem. Other species are suffering because of your ignorance. As a spiritual master seagull, I now bless you to share this message on your social media and ask that whoever comes to this energy, to be blessed with infinite abundance , health, wealth, and much more expanded awareness for the good of all. Amen

Peace & blessing, universe talking as the mighty seagull “ πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒ

So, I just sent you what the master seagull had to say. She stayed on my hood for a few second. As soon as I wanted to take a picture of her, she gave me her middle finger and took off. So, this is just a random picture from the net. Please share this message with care πŸ˜˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ’šπŸ™

Dr Rod

How to monitor your thoughts 

Monitor your thoughts today and stop any negativity that may creep there. Doesn't matter what has happened up to this point because every moment is a new new beginning to start fresh. Hold your head up high. Remember who you are, a spiritual being having a human experience which you get to chose. You are infinite and powerful, confident and strong, loving and kind, peaceful and blissful, healthy and wealthy, abundance and pure success. The presence of God is in , around, and through you at any moment. It is YOU! Look within your heart, connect to it, tap in your potential, change your fears into faith, and yield to the great power of universe that wants to express through as your life. πŸ’š+1

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

How to deal with others 

See the greatness within your heart. Stay calm in the midst of chaos around you. It's a practice and a mental exercise. Anyone can do it. There is a reservoir of infinite goodness and beauty in you. It's always there. You just happen to get distracted by the drama of your mind. Don't mind others, they are all dealing with their own problems one way or another. 

Some will attempt to drag you in it. Stay centered and focused when you recognize it coming towards you. If you can help, go for it. If you see you are about to get manipulated, be flexible to deflect that negative energy away from you and continue your own path. Bless them goodbye. Don't get caught up in the emotions of others. Deal with them by dealing with your own emotions first in silence. Meditate. Then, nothing and no one can disturb your inner peace. πŸ’šNamaste. +1  spiritual life coaching 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Don’t settle for less

You know exactly when you had enough of something and you no longer settling for less than you are worth or deserve! When you hit this spot in your life, the decision you make in that very instance will change the trajectory of your life to something very different. If you know what I'm talking about, you've been there and knew that you can have it all, be happy, content, successful, and live life on your terms, not making other people happy by giving up on your dreams. 

If you relate to this, you know that you've only got one chance to this game we call life, that you need to go full on, give out your excellence and let go of your little ego in order for your divine Self to shine through all the BS you've been bought into. Surrender to life and the universe will shock you. If you feel me on this and something within your soul is shaking, a gush of inspired energy is running through your spine, and your heart is pumping faster, then congratulations! Get up and act upon a goal or a dream you have been waiting for to achieve or conceive in your consciousness. Yes? πŸ’š spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Best case scenario

"What is the best case scenario for my life?" is the question that is coming in my thoughts during meditation. 

I'm in a state of pure flow and right now the words expressing through me are being channeled. It's intended for both of us because in Reality there is only ONE of us, one life, one God, one love. I was holding my hands very close together without having them touch each other. 

Go ahead, as you are continue reading this, put the palms of your hand close to each other. Feel the heat energy, the chi energy flowing in between. It's a subtle distinction but when you focus on it, it will expand. Breath in love, breath out trust. Breath in healing, breath out gratitude. 

The best case scenario of your life is already scripted in the mind of God. The universal love intelligence that is allowing me to tap into this energy right now and allowing you to pick up this vibration, expanding our awareness and leading us to a point of equilibrium where judgment fades away, needing something vanishes, and all you experience is a direct Beingness of your own divine Self. 

The manifestation of your best case scenario is beyond your mind. As you let go of the past and think of it in terms of possibilities you empower yourself. The next step is to bracket the worry of the future. This happens through Trust. We don't know what the future holds for us, but we do know what holds the future; the presence of God and love holds the future. 

Faith into this knowing releases your attachment to outcome and directly attracts the best case scenario that is beyond your imagination. It is in the real of invisible and what is invisible is indivisible from your heart and Soul. Undivided, you are unified with it. 

As you give yourSelf permission to expand in this very moment, the words expressing through me is lifting your spirit through compassion and love. Stand guard at the door of your mind. Let yourself be guided to the best case scenario and hold your space in excellence by remaining strong, yet flexible. I hear an Ohm vibration coming through the spaces of our hearts. Take a deep breath and gently release the Ohm sound my friend.....NamasteπŸ’š spiritual life coaching

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Ask for assistance 

No matter what you have going in your life, there are parts of it that are struggling with some aspect of your experience. Know that you are not alone. Dive into your spiritual practice where you get to contact the presence of God. Ask for assistance from the higher Self. From the field of No-thing, you can tap in the vibrations of health, happiness, abundance, prosperity & peace, & gratitude. This way you get to BE more of you. 

Affirm: “I want to be more of me. Let me set it free!” 

Freedom of the bondage from circumstances is within you waiting to be released. Take a deep breath right now. Know that all of your needs are met in this very second. You just entered field of infinite possibilities for more of your beautiful you become apparent in your life. Have faith and walk with confidence today, tomorrow, and forever more. Amen πŸ’šπŸ€—+1 spiritual life coacinging 818-317-0839

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Having Expectations

Having too much expectation from yourself can lead to feeling of failure and disappointment if you don't measure up to those expectations. It's great to have high standards and solid values that are aligned with spiritual principals. However, be careful not to fall for your EGO's constant judgement and comparison to values that others set out for you, or what the society requires of you to be happy. The only person you need to compete with is your previous SELF. As you grow and unfold spiritually, you'll realize that by doing your best and being in the PRESENT moment in everything you do, you'll get infinite opportunities to release your gifts, talents , and your Soul's highest potentials such as LOVE, PEACE, BEAUTY, and JOY as an expression of your unique character. These are inherently embedded in your DNA and don't need a LAW or MEDICAL degree with an expensive house in Beverly Hills or a Bentley to bring forth in order to manifest a masterpiece. By simply coming from your highest SELF, meditating, and affirming your Truth, you'll go through life with dignity and create conditions or pathways for thousands of people to follow your example. As within, so without. You have a Divine Destiny that is seeking to be expressed through you as you open your HEART to live a life of significations through healing and inspiring others, thus creating positive change in OUR WORLD....-Dr.Rod...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The butterfly effect

I had an amazing time hiking today with millions of butterflies migrating throughout souther California. I felt the abundance and power of our creator who was running the show. It made me feel like so insignificance. There is a much bigger plan for our existence and how life is unfolding. As such, my little inner nagging and upsets have absolutely no importance other than inhibiting me from being connected to this magnificence. Lesson learned, stop the voice in the head, observe how things are being done without my interference, trust God that all is well, and stay in gratitude for being able to even contemplate this. 

Affirmation: I am whole , perfect, and completes as I was created. I let God be God as my life. I am worth of infinite blessings showing up with ease and grace". So be it. Amen. πŸ¦‹πŸ€—πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹❤️ spiritual life coaching 

Freedom from within

No matter what you have going in your life, there are parts of it that are struggling with some aspect of your experience. Know that you are not alone. Dive into your spiritual practice where you get to contact the presence of God. Ask for assistance from the higher Self. From the field of No-thing, you can tap in the vibrations of health, happiness, abundance, prosperity & peace, & gratitude. This way you get to BE more of you. 

Affirm: “I want to be more of me. Let me set it free!” 

Freedom of the bondage from circumstances is within you waiting to be released. Take a deep breath right now. Know that all of your needs are met in this very second. You just entered field of infinite possibilities for more of your beautiful you become apparent in your life. Have faith and walk with confidence today, tomorrow, and forever more. Amen πŸ’šπŸ€—+1 spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

New Years resolution 

Go back to New Year’s Eve & think about your resolutions. Have you been successful at manifesting them? Be dirt honest with yourself! Do you want to radically change whatever it is in your life & take your life experience to the next level which you deserve? Contact us! This is an amazing 5 session affordable program we offer that will change your life forever. πŸ˜ƒ❤️



Monday, March 11, 2019

Transform your life NOW

If you are not experiencing inner peace , self love, feeling of abundance, career success, & meaningful relationships, you are not living your full potential. Connect & explore spiritual life coaching. Just the initial free conversation will change your life radically. My Special 5 sessions program follow up will completely transforms your experience & change your life forever call: 818-317-0839. Dr Rod Pezeshki ❤️

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dear Heart 

"I feel like I'm holding you in my arms because I know you need it. It's been a long time since I've commune with you, paying attention to what is happening inside your being. Before that, I want to appreciate your existence because without you , I wouldn't exist. I like to appreciate your dedication and unconditional love towards me for always being by my side, working relentlessly for me day and night. You don't even expect anything in return but my attention from time to time as to see how you are feeling. Sometimes, I get caught up with my mind and I forget about you. I shut myself out so to not face you or hear you. I pay the price for that. I know you want the best for me because only you can help me ascend to deeper spiritual realms. Only you can heal the world of all the pain and suffering. Only you can feed my broken body and enable me to live. Only you can break away the barriers of the ego and break through bigotry. I am sorry for neglecting you at times and pushing you away. When I allow myself to get into fear, I detach myself from your true nature which is love. You are so powerful when you are using that which you only know , the energy of love." Dear "Heart": All I want to say is thank you for accepting my for who I am unconditionally. For allowing me to feel love and compassion. For enabling me to see without the cloud of prejudice because you direct me to my soul. I want to appreciate your everlasting service to my body, feeding it blood and making yourself my companion, my best friend. I love and appreciate you. I embrace you with all my deep compassion and set you free to touch another heart as they read these words to heal! πŸ’š


I love you 

Dr Rod.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Inner feelings 

Make peace with your inner feelings, yes, the one you've been thinking about and the one that's been sitting on your chest like an elephant. Make peace with it. You can do it right now as you continue to read this. Follow the path of your breath to your heart, slow it down, and notice where in your heart you've been holding on to the elephant's tail with both your hands. Look at his facial expression! You see the pain on his face as it wants to leave your energy field as well??? It can't stand your nagging and repeated story telling about your pain to the world as well anymore.. Smiling? yes, it's as silly as that. Make peace with the elephant's tail and let it go. As you make peace with your inner feelings, your thoughts will reflect the positive vibration of the new feelings you just created. Your soul will feel lighter. You'll beam out a beautiful vibe everywhere you go. We can't have peace in the world if we are holding on to our old baggage, getting chocked by pretending rather than allowing peace to take over our lives. It starts with you my friend......Namaste...Dr. Rod +1

Friday, January 18, 2019

My insights with life 

I’ve been wanting to write about my experience I had few nights ago at my fathers Dyalisis place for couple of days now. I have not had a chance. It’s been a tough road with my dad’s progressive kidney failure as many of you have seen my posts on Facebook. He is a very tough guy and is now at Hemo Dyalisis stage for the last year. Our routine is 3 times a week on even days for 4 hours a treatment session. The process is very distinct and sensitive. I want to give you a glimpse of what it takes to preserve life and what it takes for these patients and families who are right along these patients on their journey. 

" Our morning routine is to have him dressed and eat his breakfast. My caregiver helps out around 9 am. He loves walking outdoors so they go for a walk on the street with his walker. Remind you that he has Parkinson’s so he is a high risk patient for falls. Needs to be monitored 24/7 because even with medications he can lose his balance and fall. At 82, it’s easy to break anything. The Dyalisis center is about 10 min away from us. The place has about 24 stations. When you renter the building, the smell of formaldehyde is the first thing that hits your senses. The staff are friendly. I’ll describe the scene I walked into few nights ago when I was picking him up at 430pm. This is after he had been filtering his blood through a port coming from his chest hooked up to two lines into a Dyalisis machine. 

These machines are like recycling centers where they suck your blood into a sensitive filteration process and then they’ll return clean blood back into your veins. To patients who undergo this process, it feels like they have ran a marathon after a treatment. It’s exhausting. It’s arduous. It’s tiring and relentless action. It requires a lot a patience. Patience is one very powerful virtue that my father and my mom have developed. They are my spiritual masters who are teaching me this virtue because I don’t have any. 

I’m re-learning what’s important in life through my dad’s process. So, I walked in. My dad was in the second bed from right. On the first bed, there is a 92 year old Lebanese gentleman who now is being transported by medical care group because his caregiver can’t handle him anymore. He weighs about 85 pounds at most. There is only bones and skin left of him. No muscles, no skin turgidity, no collagen. His eyes are sunken and you can see them moving back and forth. Poor guy has sever dementia and is unable to move. When he sees me, he smiles. I know it is very temporary because his mind is not really processing the next step of communication. It’s more like a reflex. 

My heart goes out for this man who I call puppy ( puppy eyes). He has been on Dyalisis for 11 years and fighting through. Above his machine there was a sticker pad saying RRB. I was staring at it, staring at him, staring at my dad to his left who’s face was in great discomfort as well. The cold air in this center makes my bones shiver. I am a big dude with heavy clothes standing there after a full day of doing my work. Yet, here I am freezing. What about these fragile half alive half dead patients who’s blood have been suck out of their veins and laying still for 5 hours? 

That thought makes me shiver even more. I walk to go and get my dads wheelchair, and then I see my favorite character. There is an older Spanish lady who in my mind I call little duck. She’s really cute and fragile. She has an amazing smile. Each time I greet her, she gives me the biggest grin. My little duck was being craned out of her bed. Just like fishing fish with fishing net out of the ocean. 

When the body becomes olde, fragile, and immobile, there is a risk of moving it with hand. So, they use fishnet cranes. She was somewhere in between heaven and earth , up in the middle of the air and smiling when I walked by her. I knew she was enjoying this ride. I know it was taking her back to when she was probably 3 years old playing in the park jumping up and down. I smiled at little duck and she exchanged eye contact. Her limbs where motion less. So were her hands. Yet her eyes were full of fire.

 It amazes me how these patients hang on to dear life. I am completely in my own zone at this time and think about RRB sign. I got the message of "Return Return Baby". Perhaps this was Gods sending messages in my consciousness as I was simultaneously observing my surrounding and receiving insights. Return to me is what I got. Don’t be afraid. The body is just a worn out clothes but the soul is eternal. No matter what we do to preserve life, there is time for return movement. As the body disintegrates and I see it every day with my dad, there is a bigger part of us that ignites passion in our heart, gasps for the next breath in life, and adds value to the most difficult task in our experience. Return to your authentic self and change the meaning to your experience. As an observer , I had a difficulty seeing the patients suffer. From their perspective, Mr puppy is chilling to get his treatment done, little ducky is hanging in her fish net, and my dad is counting the seconds for me to pick him up and cheer him up in the car, riding back home and having our regular talk. 

It’s in the fragment moments of our life that our destinies are made. Who am I to give meaning to other people’s experiences? Who am I to judge what’s going on in their heads? For me, it’s just observing and allowing things to unfold. I’ve promised to work on my own return movement. To be anchored in my spiritual self so that I allow others to get elevated and find their own return path. Patiently off course. That’s all we can ask for in life. Patience and gratitude for what is! 


Dr Rod

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Go within

There is a spiritual solution to any man made problem specially when we are caught up in relationship issues. The way we grow is through our challenges. People who we attract in our lives have a blessing in disguise for us. Entanglements, energy condensations, pain, fear, suffering, control, and self sabotage are all areas in our own life that needs healing. Why? Because you manifest what at some subconscious level you are vibrating out to the universe. However, there is more forces involve in this creation process. There are universal laws in effect that when we don’t know what they are or we break them, causes us a lot of agony.

 If you are struggling at some level in any relationship, you can change it by changing yourself. Don’t blame anyone, don’t expect anyone to change, and don’t give your power to anyone to decide for you. Only you know what’s best for you, given the right guidance to tap in your higher Self and bring the best case scenario in your experience. Give yourself the gift of personal development. Instead of looking for reasons outside of you, look within. The answers are all in your own heart and soul. Finally, take charge of your own life! You only have one shot at it. Live happy, free, and on purpose! 


Dr Rod❤️

Spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Friday, January 4, 2019

Monitoring your thoughts 

Make sure to monitor your thoughts the second you wake up because the ego has a way of creeping in right away. It will drag you to the past and creates an excuse of why you should feel worthless. As soon as you feel worthless, it gives you another excuse to accept less than your highest best. It gives you the illusion that you deserve to feel like sh*t. It has all the tricks in its bag to make you fall for these lies. So, be smart and catch it for what it is. It’s an illusion that loves to derail you from the truth of who you are; a being of light and love. You have to stand guard at the door of your mind. Be resilient about this because I’m talking about experiencing this an hour ago. The time that took for me to realize my ego messing around was a split second. Even that, I got see a very dark side of reality it was painting in my consciousness. The split second felt like eternity. What saves me is my spiritual practices. Practice in order it becomes a habit so that you don’t have to think about it. Thinking will not help because your thoughts are already hijacked. Practice, practice, practice ! 


DrRod26.comπŸ’š spiritual life coaching

Affirmation: I am a being of light and love. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available to more abundance, health, wealth, peace and success than I have ever imagined before. I trust in faith and just allow it to be. And so it is. Amen. 

Have a spectacular day πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ€£

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 gratitude note 

Something I wrote before: "Right now I am overwhelmed by the energy of gratitude that is gushing through my veins. I'm dedicating these words to all the blessings I am experiencing and expressing in my life. Starting with the breath, the oxygen. My body, mind, and emotion. The motion of my thoughts appreciating the spirit of love governing the universe. The Sun energy that feeds my cells through the food I eat. The love I give and receive from my family. The smile on a friend's face who is blessed enough to own a device because of abundance and read these words, getting uplifted. My connection to you and the cosmos. Recognizing our oneness and our ability to be a positive change to the world. Blessings all around us in every second, I am grateful. My deepest appreciation to those who love me unconditionally and those who I love without any judgment. With each breath, I expand this consciousness and hold you in the high vibration of healing, peace, compassion with abundance of joy overflowing the bank of your present paradigm. For this , I am grateful. For you, I am grateful and I allow these words to expand around the globe. So be it. AmenπŸ’š+1"

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