Friday, August 2, 2019

Getting out of sadness

The way out of your sadness is giving of yourself to others by being in service. This means you go beyond your own needs and meet the needs of another being without any expectation in return. There is a pull and push of negativity that is always a constant. It's like gravity. You don't have to seek it out. It is part of what we are experiencing in the bipolar universe. A universe that is made of both a negative and positive network. When you are aware of this, you need to set your intention to actively bring positive charge in your life. This translates into feelings. Your feelings are the indicators of how much positive or negative energy you are dealing with. Love is the only quality that bypasses both energies. Love is absolute. It's not a relative. It's the fabric of which the universe is made up of. It is your essence and your inherent nature. Be aware of this quality and intend it to take over your life because it is the one and only way to transcendence. Remember, you are the main character, director, and the producer of this movie called "your life". First of all, don't take yourself too seriously. For every problem you are facing, there are people having it a lot worse. Second of all, shift your focus on what is great in your life or what you have with gratitude rather than constantly nagging of what is missing and what you wished you had. Vision what is possible and let go of the impossible. The only impossible is impossible. The way out of where your are stuck is going in. The moment you let go and surrender to your higher self, answers will reveal themselves to guide you and open new doors for your unfoldment. Today, focus on what is the best case scenario for your life, reside in love, extend act of kindness to others, and close your mouth if anything other than a blessing is coming out of it! 💚

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