Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A note to Self

A note to Self:


At times I miss you dearly because you get caught up in so many different paradigms. You move with such intensity and vigor through the dense energies of the world while keeping a calm composure at the inner sanctuary of your heart. You feel with immense compassion and you have such passion to live a life of significance. Anytime you want to express yourself, you go ahead with an attitude of "I am, therefore I have" consciousness. You don't really care about the opinion of others, because their judgment of you has no effect on you! Why? Because you don't judge them simply for the fact that you don't even see them as separate from you. You are well aware of the dark energies that want to cling on you with evil intentions, yet you bravely face them without worrying about anything. Faith and hope are your two swords in this battle while you use your spiritual practices as a shield to deflect these energies. You know you are guided, every step you take is being taken by the presence who leads you by an inner voice. The presence loves his beloved and as a being of love, you know that this is the ultimate state to be in. You radiate kindness when the world sees only darkness. Your eyes are trained to see the divinity within other souls who are trapped in their struggles and stuck in the maya, the illusion of what seems to be real, yet it's not. 

Dear Self, 

I love and appreciate you for what you do for me. I thank you for being closer to me than my neck veins. In total gratitude, I release you in the arms of almighty beauty who is caressing me even now as I am in such deep pain. I open my heart and am receptive to a miracle to shift this pain into absolute peace. A peace that passes human understanding and becomes one with its creator who gave rise to all that is and all that is not. 

Namaste. 💚

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