The world we perceive is the reflection of our own thoughts and actions. I usually do everything I can to be aware of the words I say and thoughts I think when I'm by myself or associating with other people. Try this when you go out next time: As you pass by someone you know or don't know, take a deep breath consciously and say in your mind quietly: "I am love, I am a blessing to the world. You and I are one in divine spirit. As I walk pass you, I hold you in joy, abundance, compassion, healing, and peaceful energy.".....Memorize or write it on a flashcard and carry it with you. PRACTICE IT!!!!! Specially to people you don't know. Specially to people you don't like. I promise you, if you start doing this, your life will change so drastically that you wont believe your eyes. Call me up and give me your testimonial. I'm challenging you to this. 818-317-0839
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