Monday, August 26, 2013

Living in the Let Go!

Good morning life! there is a beautiful LIGHT within each one of us that is yearning to shine through the shadows of our challenges, issues, and seeming difficulties we each are GROWING through. KEY: DON"T GIVE UP! The way to surpass them all is going WITHIN yourself. Meditate as often as you can. Meditation makes you aligned with the highest vision for your life. It burns through the unwanted energies and untangles the condensed thought patterns, emotional burdens of the past, or unnecessary worries of the future. Key: LOVE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN! That begins with self love. You matter most. Until you learn how to appreciate and honor yourself, you will not be able to sustain desired relationships with others that eventually leads to success. KEY: FORGIVE AND LET GO! Clean up the pain inside. Letting go of these negative energies does miracles. As you forgive and let go, new creative space for unlimited possibilities opens up deep within your heart. Life flows. Awareness of your higher self navigates you towards your destiny. AND FINAL KEY: BE YOURSELF!!!!! I just felt like sharing these as a reminder to myself guys... Have a spectacular MONDAY....Love you :))
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my BEING in GOD. Life supports me. I forgive and let go, I let go and Let God handle my challenges. I am available and fully receptive to more GOOD than I can possibly imagine. I live in ABUNDANCE, in FLOW of the universal All GOOD of GOD. Come what May. " ......Namaste.

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