Thursday, August 22, 2013

Best Case Scenario

How much of your waking hours do you waste on projecting the worst case scenarios in your life? If you pay attention, you notice that your mind thinks about all the fears, doubts, and worries of the future automatically because it gets filled up by negative energy bombarded towards you from the news and society. As you start your spiritual practice of meditation, prayer, and service to others, you begin to anchor yourself more in the PRESENT MOMENT. Feed your mind positive, inspirational thoughts hourly. Do it deliberately. Right now, think about the best case scenario that your life can BECOME. Make this as your set point. You must shift your ATTENTION TO POWERFUL INTENTION of activating your highest potential. YOU ARE THE LIVING BIOLOGY OF THE HIGHEST ACTIVATED POTENTIAL AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT. THE UNIVERSE IS AWAKENING to IT'S OWN CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH YOU. Give yourself some LOVE today for being AWESOME!!! WITH ME?
"I am living , moving, and having my being in LOVE. Life is Magnificent. I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can even IMAGINE possible. Come what may."....have a spectacular day everyone

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