Thursday, August 15, 2013

Heaven on Earth

There is the world you see with the eyes. Then there is a perception of what you see BEHIND the eyes. That's all your social conditioning, opinions, thoughts, and mental patterns from your past. Finally, there is the unseen, infinite, invisible, and beautiful world BEYOND the EYES. What you CAN NOT feel or see with your senses. It's what the mystics tap into, the geniuses flourish their creativity from, the artists manifest their masterpieces out of. It's the realm of infinite GOOD and divine possibilities. It's where unconditional LOVE resides, where instant healing happens. ABSOLUTE BLISS. It's where ONENESS dances with the sweet music of FREEDOM from the mind. That's where I want to spend most of my living MOMENTS in. That's what meditation allows you to bring into your daily life. To live in HEAVEN on EARTH
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance, success, health, wealth, healing, prosperity, joy, love, and absolute peace. All of my needs are MET. I AM IN JOY. "....have a spectacular day everyone.

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