Saturday, August 31, 2013

Calming the Storm

Don't allow the storms of your life hold you back on your grand vision. You are bigger than your challenges, stronger than your worries, and more intelligent than anyone who tells you otherwise. Keep your Faith SOLID in yourself and Be willing to manifest Miracles in your life because YOU ARE ALREADY A MIRACLE IN ACTION. HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND.

Affirmation: "I allow complete peace and abundance flourish into my life. Divine healing is the order of my day."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cherish Them!!

There is nothing like loving someone so deeply and unconditionally. Once you are at that space, you don't see separation anymore. The individual which means 'un-divided', literally feels like and becomes like 'ONE' being. This happens at our soul level. There are people in your life that appear out of nowhere and all of the sudden you know you've known them forever. You know they've played a major role in your other lives. Cherish these angels that show up in your life. They've traveled light years, and many lifetimes to meet up with you again. If you know a person like that , you know what I'm talking about. I'm sending my love to all the loving soul's out there that are completing their sacred missions.

(These are the kissing Islands, in Greenland. How beautiful is this?)

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more LOVE than I can ever imagine. Life supports me. Abundance is the calling of my Day. Healing reigns supreme. I am blessed"....have a beautiful FRIDAY everyone

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A fresh IDEA!

Here is an idea: The more you focus on your own life and shift your attention AWAY from others, the more you will be empowered to build your dreams. Wasting time in contaminating your energy field with gossip, drama, and worrying about other people's lives is detrimental to your spiritual growth. You must help others while you have prioritized helping yourself into AWARENESS of your authentic BEING first. This way, your life will shine and grow ORGANICALLY....Are you ready to welcome BLISS into your life NOW?
Affirmation: "I respect myself and recognize the divine in others. As I grow on my spiritual path, I uplift and heal everyone with it. I am available and receptive to more GOOD, more MIRACLES, more ABUNDANCE, in my life than I can even imagine....Come what may!!"....have a peaceful day

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Be Available

Sending out major LOVE to the world....couldn't think of a better thing to pass around right now

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Healing your Soul

The healing of the body and the mind only follows after the healing of the Soul. What heals the soul is Love. Is being in tune with yourself at the deepest level, achieved through meditation and prayers. Communing with nature and surrounding yourself with people who are traveling the path with you. Become aware of your breathing right now. YES! Right now, inhale through your nose and hold your breath for couple of seconds. Imagine the best case scenario for your entire day. Say in your mind with deep conviction: "ALL OF MY LEGITIMATE NEEDS ARE MET AT EVERY LEVEL OF MY EXISTENCE". Breath out slowly through your mouth. Repeat this several times. Re-read what I wrote here throughout the day as a reminder of anchoring yourself in the MOMENT as we are traveling through eternity of time. As you expand your consciousness, you realize we are beyond time, beyond space. We are at the center of the universe with our circumferences BEING in absolutely NOWHERE, but we are NOW-HERE!!! Your point of focus and attention brings the entire universe to it's own self realization! HOW COOL IS THAT? ARE YOU GETTING ME? DO YOU REALIZE HOW POWERFUL AND SPECIAL YOU ARE? KEEP ON CHEWING ON THIS FOR A BIT.....have a beautiful journey friend
Affirmation:" I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. All of my needs are met. Life supports me. Abundance and healing is the order of my day.".....Cheers

Monday, August 26, 2013

Living in the Let Go!

Good morning life! there is a beautiful LIGHT within each one of us that is yearning to shine through the shadows of our challenges, issues, and seeming difficulties we each are GROWING through. KEY: DON"T GIVE UP! The way to surpass them all is going WITHIN yourself. Meditate as often as you can. Meditation makes you aligned with the highest vision for your life. It burns through the unwanted energies and untangles the condensed thought patterns, emotional burdens of the past, or unnecessary worries of the future. Key: LOVE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN! That begins with self love. You matter most. Until you learn how to appreciate and honor yourself, you will not be able to sustain desired relationships with others that eventually leads to success. KEY: FORGIVE AND LET GO! Clean up the pain inside. Letting go of these negative energies does miracles. As you forgive and let go, new creative space for unlimited possibilities opens up deep within your heart. Life flows. Awareness of your higher self navigates you towards your destiny. AND FINAL KEY: BE YOURSELF!!!!! I just felt like sharing these as a reminder to myself guys... Have a spectacular MONDAY....Love you :))
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my BEING in GOD. Life supports me. I forgive and let go, I let go and Let God handle my challenges. I am available and fully receptive to more GOOD than I can possibly imagine. I live in ABUNDANCE, in FLOW of the universal All GOOD of GOD. Come what May. " ......Namaste.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Let Go

I've been feeling under the weather and experiencing some dis-harmony in my body. I also know that being off balance has to do with your thoughts and stress coming from outside. So, I'm taking it easy today. Re-fueling for the week to come. Opening myself up to unconditional love and releasing any negative energy that does not belong to my physical body, emotional body, and higher soul body. Affirmation: "I AM WELL. LIFE HEALS AND SUPPORTS ME. I LET GO AND LET GOD." THANKS FOR SENDING YOUR POSITIVE ENERGY OVER HERE. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Your BEST Day

To make the best day of your life, you start with HERE and NOW. What you can do is asking yourself "What is the highest vision for my life today?" This question puts you in the vibration for creation. Anticipating the best case scenario in the NOW, aligns you with the natural flow of LIFE. The universal energy finds you as a conduit to express it's own qualities which are creativity, kindness, beauty, abundance, LOVE, joy, compassion, peace, receptivity, gratitude, and always GIVING. So, to make the best day of your life, begin with the VERY BREATH YOUR ARE TAKING AS YOU ARE READING MY MESSAGE. Inhale, hold your breath, feel into TRUST AND LOVE...... Exhale slowly. Repeat this Affirmation: "I am here. I exist. I am available for more GOOD than I can even IMAGINE. Come what may". Inhale, I AM HERE............. Exhale, I EXIST................ Put a smile on your face........... Inhale, I AM HERE................ Exhale, I EXIST.............. YOU JUST CO-CREATED THE BEST MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE, THUS IT WILL LEAD TO THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.

Affirmation: "I am Here.......I EXIST"..... LIFE IS MAGNIFICENT."....have a beautiful weekend everyone

Friday, August 23, 2013

To my beloved GRANDMA

I want to dedicate today's special post to my beloved Grandmother who made her transition into the spirit of unconditional love about 2 years ago. We are celebrating her eternal existence tonight with all of my family. Her name is Farangis, and I call her 'MAMANJOON', meaning "MY DEAR MOM". In her merit, I invite you to close your eyes after you read this post, send out a prayer of blessing, peace, love, joy, compassion, healing and absolute abundance for everyone you care about. Specially, think of those loved ones of yours who passed beyond the veil of physical illusion and are dancing with the angels right now. Think about their positive qualities and send out the same prayer of loving peace in their merit for everyone. I MISS YOU MAMANJOON AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH.  Feel free to share this post. (Rooohet Shod)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Best Case Scenario

How much of your waking hours do you waste on projecting the worst case scenarios in your life? If you pay attention, you notice that your mind thinks about all the fears, doubts, and worries of the future automatically because it gets filled up by negative energy bombarded towards you from the news and society. As you start your spiritual practice of meditation, prayer, and service to others, you begin to anchor yourself more in the PRESENT MOMENT. Feed your mind positive, inspirational thoughts hourly. Do it deliberately. Right now, think about the best case scenario that your life can BECOME. Make this as your set point. You must shift your ATTENTION TO POWERFUL INTENTION of activating your highest potential. YOU ARE THE LIVING BIOLOGY OF THE HIGHEST ACTIVATED POTENTIAL AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT. THE UNIVERSE IS AWAKENING to IT'S OWN CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH YOU. Give yourself some LOVE today for being AWESOME!!! WITH ME?
"I am living , moving, and having my being in LOVE. Life is Magnificent. I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can even IMAGINE possible. Come what may."....have a spectacular day everyone

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Remembering & Loving your Parents Day

GOOD MORNING LIFE...Here is my invitation for everyone today. I'm calling it REMEMBERING and LOVING your parents DAY. Please call up your moms & dads, tell them you LOVE them. If you can physically hug them, please do so. If either of your parents have left this world and transit into eternal light of love itself, please send them a prayer of LOVE. Remember their best quality and send them a prayer of gratitude. Perhaps, make an effort to go and visit their site. If you hate your parents, just STOP HATING for this day!!! Please share this post and lets make a huge impact TODAY. LOVE YOU GUYS :)
Affirmation: "I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. The universe supports me through my prayers of gratitude and opens infinite doors of possibilities to unfold my enthusiasm and zest for life. My soul is in JOY. I am LOVE.".....have a spectacular day everyone....Feel free to get in touch with me for Healing and Coaching

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Give From Your Heart

You can become an angel in someone's life at any moment. All it takes is to open your heart and ask this question from your higher self early in the morning: "What prayers can I answer today? How May I serve today?". Greatness is achieved by finding ways to serve the many. The purpose of LIVING is GIVING . Therefore, it's in the Giving that you align with the universe in order to ALLOW and receive all the blessings. BE A MIRACLE today by making someone HAPPY. Have a beautiful day everyone.
"I am available and receptive to more miracles, more abundance, more healing, more prosperity, and more LOVE than I can possibly imagine. Come what May. My life is full of JOY and PEACE.".....For one on one life coaching and healing, call me up for an appointment. 818-317-0839 Thanks

Monday, August 19, 2013

Heal your Pain

What is your highest vision for yourself this week? We are starting a new beginning. Are you ready to get down with yourself, change something for the better? Lets do it together. I need to shift some dis-empoweing habits that doesn't belong to me. Yet, they are embedded deep within my psyche. Behind any habit there is a thought that triggers some sort of pain. The pain needs to be healed. Only you can do it for yourself. So, I need to heal. There is a part of me that needs to FORGIVE something in my past, yet I can't point my finger at it. Lets dedicated this week to areas in our lives that needs self love and forgiveness in order to heal. Have an INCREDIBLE day :)

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go. I let go and let GOD. I LOVE and TRUST myself"

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Passion

I'm super excited about my meditation workshop later on this afternoon. Why? Because it's my PASSION and I feel on PURPOSE every time I'm speaking about it, practicing it, teaching someone about spiritual principles, and having a soulful conversation. I become inspired and harmonize with universal love. I love the transformation look on my friends faces. I truly enjoy being of service in shifting someone's energy from their pain into divine healing. Hope to see you guys there....Have a spectacular Sunday.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Get out of the Trap

No matter how much you think you are over your past, something can trigger the old memories and get you caught up in the unresolved emotions. I battle with that myself. It doesn't happen as often, but it does come up specially when I get caught up in my EGO. That is, to fall in the trap of comparison, or relating my true value on materialism, falling for opinion of others, or just being fed up with people around me. As this happens, I observe my mind, allow my emotions to pass through without judging them. I feel them deeply, not making myself wrong for experiencing pain. Then, I catch the thoughts that are provoking them. I gently look at the thoughts and remind myself that "I am not my feelings, I am not my thoughts, I am not my present circumstances. I AM SIMPLY ONE WITH GOD". I then, think about what I'm GRATEFUL for, immediately open my heart to energy of APPRECIATION in the PRESENT MOMENT. This opens the door to intense inner peace and love. I say this AFFIRMATION: "I FORGIVE AND LET GO, I LET GO AND LET GOD. I TRUST THE UNIVERSE." This affirmation is truly healing for me and enables me to overcome my intense pain, heart break, and emotional turmoil with ease. Right now I'm feeling that INNER PEACE. Sharing my thoughts helps me anchor this peace and move on. Thanks for listening

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can possibly imagine. Come What May."....have a beautiful weekend guys

Friday, August 16, 2013

Happy Soulmate Day

Good morning LIFE. I just feel like calling today "YOUR SOULMATE DAY"....Happy Soulmate Day to everyone. Remember, soulmate is not just a romantic phenomenon. These people can come at anytime in your life, in any circumstances, for whatever reason. They are hear to uplift your spirit and guide you through your evolutionary path into higher consciousness. They can be freinds, family, or even strangers that just show up. But, I really liked this image when I saw it.....Sending you tons of love and blessings. Have a SPECTACULAR FRIDAY...Remember, laugh it OFF,,,don't take your lives too seriously

Affirmation: " I am available and receptive to more miracles, abundance, health, wealth, love, joy, healing, inspiration, and peace in my life than I CAN EVEN IMAGINE. COME WHAT MAY!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Heaven on Earth

There is the world you see with the eyes. Then there is a perception of what you see BEHIND the eyes. That's all your social conditioning, opinions, thoughts, and mental patterns from your past. Finally, there is the unseen, infinite, invisible, and beautiful world BEYOND the EYES. What you CAN NOT feel or see with your senses. It's what the mystics tap into, the geniuses flourish their creativity from, the artists manifest their masterpieces out of. It's the realm of infinite GOOD and divine possibilities. It's where unconditional LOVE resides, where instant healing happens. ABSOLUTE BLISS. It's where ONENESS dances with the sweet music of FREEDOM from the mind. That's where I want to spend most of my living MOMENTS in. That's what meditation allows you to bring into your daily life. To live in HEAVEN on EARTH
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance, success, health, wealth, healing, prosperity, joy, love, and absolute peace. All of my needs are MET. I AM IN JOY. "....have a spectacular day everyone.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Who are YOU?

You are not your story, not your pain, not your sorrow. You are not other people's opinion, not your past circumstances, not a victim, and not ALONE. You are a piece of God, made up of the elements and atoms of the STARS in the COSMOS. You are pure LOVE, the energy that is present, not an absence. You are the center of the UNIVERSE reflecting and revealing the perfection of life itself. So, why bother with gossips, dramas, and negative energies that suck the living life from you? Why associate with people that only take from you without ever wanting to be responsible for themselves and give back? Know your worth, cherish your essence, connect to your SOUL, and be present with the DIVINE in YOU. AWAKEN TO YOUR POWER WITHIN!
Affirmation: "The universe ever gives of itself in lavish abundance. I receive it's generosity with a grateful heart."....have a beautiful day everyone...Stay on the GIVING side.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wind of Change

Good morning LIFE. Welcoming and Recognizing another beautiful day in the infinity of existence. Expand your mind to the fact that you can observe this amazing phenomenon called life and BE the main HERO in your own drama. Embrace the fact that you can co-create your DESTINY as you go along. As you center yourself more from the observer within, you'll notice the MIRACLES that are all around you, THE MOST IMPORTANT MIRACLE BEING YOU!! Believe in yourself, trust the universe, and have FAITH in the God within that's beating your heart and breathing life essence through you RIGHT NOW. Setting you up for a spectacular day, full of abundance, success, joy, health, prosperity, harmony and peace. Practice stating something you are GRATEFUL FOR every hour until later today. SMILE & LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE :)

Affirmation: "I am grateful and appreciative for every little thing in my life. I am available and receptive to more good, more miracles, more abundance, and more success in my life than I can ever imagine. Come what May...."....have a beautiful day everyone

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Path

The path to peace for humanity is through your own heart and it starts with LOVE. Are you willing?
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. I attract success and prosperity into my life because that's who I am. I trust the universe to support me, guide me, and meet all of my needs. Healing reign supreme. And so it is, amen."...have a beautiful Sunday everyone:)

Saturday, August 10, 2013


The world we perceive is the reflection of our own thoughts and actions. I usually do everything I can to be aware of the words I say and thoughts I think when I'm by myself or associating with other people. Try this when you go out next time: As you pass by someone you know or don't know, take a deep breath consciously and say in your mind quietly: "I am love, I am a blessing to the world. You and I are one in divine spirit. As I walk pass you, I hold you in joy, abundance, compassion, healing, and peaceful energy.".....Memorize or write it on a flashcard and carry it with you. PRACTICE IT!!!!! Specially to people you don't know. Specially to people you don't like. I promise you, if you start doing this, your life will change so drastically that you wont believe your eyes. Call me up and give me your testimonial. I'm challenging you to this.   818-317-0839

Friday, August 9, 2013

Love Yourself

It's truly an art of living to be able to sort out people who come in your life. I believe it all starts with yourself though. You need to be on your own side, your own admirer, true friend, and have an authentic relationship with yourself first. Self LOVE is so important. This is not an EGO statement at all. How can you express love, caring, and compassion to others if YOU CAN'T HAVE LOVE, CARING, COMPASSION towards yourself? When you act out without having the consideration for yourself, you live out of INTEGRITY with your SOUL. You get more deeply deviated from what and why you reincarnated for in this lifetime. So , do me a favor. If you read this before your morning routine, get in front of your mirrors and say: "I adore myself! I honor and care for the divine love within my heart. I am worthy and receptive of all the blessings in the world. I am grateful for everything that I have and everything that I am. I am living, moving, and having my BEINGENSS in the spirit of joy, peace, harmony, and infinite ABUNDANCE. I LIVE IN A FRIENDLY UNIVERSE. LIFE SUPPORTS ME, NOW!!!!".....and so it is ,,,,Amen.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Majestic Space Within

As you read this, take a deep breath, feel the majestic power of your own breath. Relax into the knowing that all of your immediate needs are met. The oxygen is fulfilling your need right now. Without any fear or worries, extend this feeling to your entire life. Imagine the best case scenario in your life. Choose the upcoming attraction of your life to be one of love, joy, abundance, success, prosperity, health, healing, caring, sharing, harmonizing divine relationships that are supportive and nourishing. Extend this peaceful thought to your family, friends, and out to the entire world. Breath out, smile. YOU ARE AWESOME! Have a beautiful day 

Affirmation: "I am connected to everything that would bring about prosperity. It is the source of LIFE.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Slow Down

Finding my center, going beyond the fears and worries that are related to circumstances. All the happenings, dramas, life phenomenon. I'm rising above them right now, connecting to higher vibrations. Listening to a beautiful music, it's really soothing my soul. It's Wednesday, I feel time is going by so fast. Already middle of the week. This is a moment I feel like to slow down and touch that GRATITUDE spot deep in my heart, slow down to feel my existence beyond time and space in this infinite universe. If you are reading this, I'm inviting you to SLOW DOWN. Take a deep breath and find your center deep within your beautiful , loving heart. Breath out a fresh breath of GRATITUDE. TRUST THE UNIVERSE BABY 

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE, joy, abundance, prosperity, and healing. Life supports me". Have a fantastic day

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Take off the Mask

No matter what society , parents, culture , religion, and dogma you are born with, the innocence and authenticity of the CHILD WITHIN you always shines. Smile , life is eternal, it's meant to be joyful. Laugh it off whenever you can and let loose, know that no matter where you are, you are being loved by the energy that brought you into existence.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having being in joy. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love , joy , and peace into my life than I can ever imagine possible. Life is magnificent."...Have a spectacular day everyone

Monday, August 5, 2013

Beyond who you ARE

Today, my mission is to help others see themselves better than who they are. A little more caring, lending them your kind words. Opening your heart and walking through their challenges together. Helping them become more than they think they can be. This is a powerful intention that can change our world. I invite you to join me as we walk this path, one step at a time. Have an abundant day and beautiful week ahead of you. Let's do this 

Affirmation: "I am committed to my words. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can Imagine. I love beyond boundaries and care beyond my imaginations. Life supports me, nourishes me, and helps to evolve my soul"

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I am available and receptive to more miracles than I can even imagine. Life supports me."

Friday, August 2, 2013

Come What May

Love this Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles, more abundance, success, health, wealth, healing, love, joy, prosperity and peace in MY LIFE than I can ever imagine. COME WHAT MAY"....Happy Friday everyone. Keep your heads UP no matter what.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Answered Prayer

Here are the two questions I ask myself the second I open my eyes in the morning: "What prayers can I answer today?", "How may I serve today?". When you become available to fulfill and serve other's prayers, your own prayers get answered. You become an 'ANSWER PRAYER' field of love energy walking this world without any fear of failure, any worry or doubt about who and what you are. YOU BECOME THE POINT OF ATTRACTION FOR ALL THE GOOD THAT IS ALREADY HERE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT (NOW) IN ORDER TO FULFILL YOUR NEXT LEAP INTO THE EVOLUTION OF YOUR SOUL'S CONSCIOUSNESS. IT IS IN THE GIVING TO OTHERS THAT YOU BEGIN TO RECEIVE. Let's start sharing our gifts and talents together. How about that?

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in pure love CONSCIOUSNESS. My heart is widely open to share, give, and serve my fellow human beings. I am available and receptive to more good, more abundance, more prosperity, more success and wealth than I can ever IMAGINE OR POSSIBLE in my life. COME WHAT MAY. BRING IT ON BABY  " have a spectacular day everyone.....stay on your purpose.