Saturday, July 11, 2015

Heart Space

People will always remember you by the way you make them feel. It's our human nature to remember through our hearts and many times make our decisions based on how we feel. It's a great practice to stay centered and focused in yourSelf, being aware of how you making others feel in each moment. The easiest way is to jump in Self love as often as you can. Once you love yourSelf and are compassionate towards your own heart, you will radiate that inner glow without trying. Anywhere you go, you will light up that space with your grace. People will get attracted to you for no reason. Everything you need for evolving on your spiritual path will miraculously show up because you are being held kindly in the arms of a beautiful , friendly universe, cradling you towards your divine destiny ðŸ’š! How do you feel now? Take a deep breath, release the sound of Ohhmmmmm. All is well my friend. Namaste +1

Affirmation: "I am held in the arms of God. All of my needs are met. I trust and love myself. I am available to more miracles showing up in every aspect of my life. I am happy. I am peaceful. I am healthy. I am abundant and prosperous. I live with joy and exude my excellence freely in bliss and so it is. Amen". Have a spectacular weekend

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