Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Close your eyes & SEE

Spirit of love guide me to see what can not be seen and hear what can not be heard beyond my senses. Have you noticed that you can see better with your physical eyes when your eyes are close? An interesting paradox right? Think about it. Your eyes can not see themselves when they are open and looking at the outside world. They can see everything else as an observer and give everything in the outside world a meaning. However, they can't see themselves. Just like when you see the world outside from your perception and give it your judgment, your eyes sees only what's in front of them and misses what is within. To truly SEE your interior, you must close your physical eyes and open your spiritual eye to go within and See yourSelf as a Soul being for the first time. Your eyes will pick up the light of your being and See themselves as they let go of the judgment from outside world and embrace the true essence of Who you Are....Close your eyes my friend and SEE for the first time. Life beyond Life, infinity dancing with eternity as you get to SEE absolute Reality, in the NOW.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation :" I am light and love Seeing mySelf for the first time. All is well within me.".....and so it is, Amen..


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