The pain between the illusion of being and the manifestation of becoming can sometimes be great. What do I mean by this? I don't know, I just came out of a very deep meditation, was feeling pain in my heart that was traveling through out my emotional body and surfacing up to my spiritual body. I tuned into something very deep and beautiful. I visited my little nephew who is 9 month old yesterday. He is just a bubble of joy. When I get a chance to see him alone, I tap into my inner child. The little me inside the big me is a little fun baby who wants to express himself without inhibition, without worry of people's judgment, and without the fear of what may happen as a result. Usually, the little me comes up during meditation and teaches me a mastery lesson. As I was observing my nephew and tuning at his level, I realized how far advance little babies are than us, the adult Self who has been through the drama of human endeavor. The illusion of my Being was falling apart into the Reality of my Being, who is that innocent child, full of love and passion, full of inspiration for discovering new things, for being in the moment of creation, and for just being himself. I was getting breakthroughs left and right. I could hear my nephews soul laughing at me and telling me: "Uncle Rod, you thought you know what's happening at deeper levels, but buddy, I've got news for you, you don't know anything unless you let go of your surface EGO, the mask you've put on, and become one with your inner child, feel him, cherish him, embrace and love him, as I am just radiating that vibe to you now"....This was a message he was sending me. I was in awe. It showed up in my meditation to teach me to go beyond the illusion of my being, heal the pain that was sitting in my heart, and manifest becoming the real me. The spiritual path is a personal one. We come in each other's lives as beams of light, to hold each other's hands in the times of darkness. Lessons learned from our purest form of BEING ( little babies) must be cherished and hold sacred because their purity is the closest form of God condensed in human flesh. As you travel on your individual path, remember to remember who you are. Acknowledge your inner child with Self love daily and giggle your way on your journey. All is WELL my friend!
Dr. Rod..
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