Have you ever experience that part of you that knows, and it knows that it knows? Slow down right now and take a deep breath. Try to settle your mind from any previous held thought right now. Have you been looking for an answer from your over soul and been wondering how to become content? It's a great place to be because when you start asking yourself questions and wondering, it means that your higher Self is being activated. It means that you are being guided and then you run into a post like this or a message from a different channel that will directly talk to your heart. The experience of contentment can be achieved in every moment. Thoughts and feelings are transitory, they are never stationary. They come and go and each have a message for you. How you are in tune with both is your work of mastery. It's an art form of observation, found in the moment of your stillness, as you quiet your mind and become one with your awareness. Slow down more, take another deep breath. As you read this words right now look at the space between each word. Follow the gap between each word and focus your breath in between each space you are reading. This requires your focus, again slow down and feel the vibration of stillness that is connecting to you from this space. I am in complete stillness zone and the words that are coming on this screen are being formulated from this still, empty space. Contentment is birthed from gratitude. Being one with everything that passes by your awareness. Being in awe and appreciation of your blessings and releasing your need of wanting to have more of something. You live in a society that constantly tells you "you don't have enough", or "you are not enough". This lie and fear induced thought can not exist once you find your true identity, once you know that you are whole, perfect, and complete and made in the image and likeness of the absolute. As you become more conscious of this truth, fear becomes just an illusion. It transmutes itself from stealing your peace. The antidote for fear is faith. Having faith in yourself. Don't listen to anyone that says you "need to learn from me, or from this person, or that person". You are your greatest teacher and your own best student. As you accept yourself with this new paradigm, as sense of belonging overflows your heart, you feel like you are at "home' again. The gates of gratitude will open you to yourself. Once this gate is open, you'll discover your true meaning of contentment, a release of any thoughts of fear, absolute conviction of your faith in yourself, and over flowing of love coming directly from the center of your being. Did you feel that? This is where you are heading. It's a process of unfoldment and emergence of who you are into this time and space. Honor your worth and value yourself. You are here for a sacred purpose!
Thanks for reading this far, breath in: I am grateful. Breath out: I am content. Breath in: I am love. Breath out: I am one with the absolute.
Namaste. +1
Dr. Rod....
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