Friday, October 30, 2015

my Hope & Faith

There is not a single person I meet who is not struggling at least in one area of their lives. This seems to be a characteristic of us human beings. Some of us have become human 'doings'. Lost in our material world without any purpose in life. I want to introduce you to two of my best friends; Hope & Faith. In the time of my deepest struggles, I call upon either of these two and ask them for assistance. Faith has an amazing power. She has this magnetism, like an energetic pull that drags me out of the negative circumstances I've created for myself. These negative circumstances are usually a reflection of my inner thoughts. Faith has a way to change my thoughts and cultivate hope in my heart. When hope shows up, the dark side of my Soul starts lightening up. It's as if a candle gets lid in the midst of an abyss of unknown, uncertainty, fear, doubt, and worry. Hope warms my body, flowing energy of inspiration and passion in my blood stream. I always ask hope what is your secret? She says, it's the fact that everything is in motion, specially your emotions: Energy in Motion. As you tap into your energy in motion, you become empowered to pull yourself up from the pull of negativity and change everything around. Hope is the constant fuel to my energy in motion. Even if I don't know how I'll get to where I want to get, I know hope will direct me. The strongest asset you have in life is your deep relationship with faith. As you travel through life, you' will get hit by storms and will fall out of integrity with your Soul. These are the times when you can rely on faith taking your hands, lifting you up, giving you a sense of trust that you'll be all right. That you will make it no matter what. That today, your life begins anew. That you are supported by a friendly universe that will hold you in her arms, caressing you with unconditional love, and guide you on a beautiful destiny. Hope & Faith, my two beautiful best friends. Always reliable, always a shoulder to cry on, always there to lift my spirit when I'm down......


WOMAN: Willingness On Manifesting Abundance Now
Every man and woman loves to have a WOMAN in their life. What do I mean by this? I don't know yet but as I continue to write, the spirit of love will write through me and send its message to you. Woman and Abundance are synonymous to me. Their characteristics are the same. Abundance is reached only through state of love. The way to abundance is having a willingness to Self love and having a sense of absolute knowing that your thoughts are pure energy, once focused on with enthusiasm, will materialize in form. Women have the most sense of compassion than men. This is inherently true because they are the vortex of life to next generation. They know what it takes to care for and caress a new being arriving in this world. They know there has to be a specific condition, or environment for the baby to thrive. Any thought of lack or limitation will inhibit the growth of the baby. Lack of love will cause failure to thrive. Abundance is the same. You have to have the conditions set in motion for raising your vibration in order to feel good and be abundant first. Then, the manifestation of abundance will show up in your life according to your unique expression of your gifts. Your body is your temple of energy exchange where you'll need to take care of in order for abundance to have way of expression and reception. It's this beautiful cycle that creates, manifests, express, and circulates. Once you are in expression, you'll avoid any kind of depression. Depression of the body, mind, and Soul shows up because there is lack of expression. Have the Willingness On Manifesting Abundance Now. A woman is soft and able to nourish beyond her own needs. A woman is always giving and protective of her child in time of need. This is how abundance is. Become sensitive, willing, and openly loving to the feminine energy within you. Once you match this vibration, you become Abundance itself, and your life will never be the same.
Namaste +1

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The silent butterfly

Every time I connect with a new soul who comes into my experience to seek help, I get a butterfly. This happens usually with my first sessions. It's an exciting space for me. It is the field of unknown, of incredible sacredness that I'm invited to. I am taken over by humility of this unique experience. I ask myself; How have I ended up here? How is it that I once was at the other side of the conversation, seeking help, seeking therapy, and caught in total EGO, and now being an agent of changing lives? I remember exactly how my mind was going mad with frustration, anger, and pain of identifying with my life. I could not accept the present moment as it was, because I was living an illusion of wanting something that was not here yet. Immersed in fantasy, caught in a world of materialism, and lost in my sorrow of becoming someone who I was not. It's been years since my awakening into high consciousness. I am aware of how silence in the moment, accepting it as it is, and releasing myself underneath the noise of the outside world, allows me to tap into my being. It allows me to be creative and having a sense of knowing that I am one with the universe. This space is sacred and I practice being in this space as much as I can. As I am in this very moment, and as before I talk or meet with someone seeking help from me. My whole mission in life is to connect people to this space. Awakening in the moment, where the mind looses its control over you. You get out of your mind and tap into your insights. You change your life by slowing down the madness that's going around your thoughts. A presence and an infinite intelligence lifts you up. Like laying on a cloud and having it lifting you in the sky. Bypassing the force of gravity. You feel formless and space less. The spaciousness of your Soul reveals its love to you. Behind the actions you do, is your words. Behind your words, are thoughts. Thoughts are unit of mental energy that are driven by the vibrations floating in consciousness. Consciousness is experienced through awareness. Your awareness is found through silence that will rise to stillness. Stillness is the language of God who reveals itself by unconditional love beholding your entire life in it's arms.Trust yourself my friend. Take a deep breath, allow yourself to be immersed in the bliss of who you are. I feel my butterfly has gone and ready to face my day with bliss shining from my heart.....

Monday, October 19, 2015


Have you ever experience that part of you that knows, and it knows that it knows? Slow down right now and take a deep breath. Try to settle your mind from any previous held thought right now. Have you been looking for an answer from your over soul and been wondering how to become content? It's a great place to be because when you start asking yourself questions and wondering, it means that your higher Self is being activated. It means that you are being guided and then you run into a post like this or a message from a different channel that will directly talk to your heart. The experience of contentment can be achieved in every moment. Thoughts and feelings are transitory, they are never stationary. They come and go and each have a message for you. How you are in tune with both is your work of mastery. It's an art form of observation, found in the moment of your stillness, as you quiet your mind and become one with your awareness. Slow down more, take another deep breath. As you read this words right now look at the space between each word. Follow the gap between each word and focus your breath in between each space you are reading. This requires your focus, again slow down and feel the vibration of stillness that is connecting to you from this space. I am in complete stillness zone and the words that are coming on this screen are being formulated from this still, empty space. Contentment is birthed from gratitude. Being one with everything that passes by your awareness. Being in awe and appreciation of your blessings and releasing your need of wanting to have more of something. You live in a society that constantly tells you "you don't have enough", or "you are not enough". This lie and fear induced thought can not exist once you find your true identity, once you know that you are whole, perfect, and complete and made in the image and likeness of the absolute. As you become more conscious of this truth, fear becomes just an illusion. It transmutes itself from stealing your peace. The antidote for fear is faith. Having faith in yourself. Don't listen to anyone that says you "need to learn from me, or from this person, or that person". You are your greatest teacher and your own best student. As you accept yourself with this new paradigm, as sense of belonging overflows your heart, you feel like you are at "home' again. The gates of gratitude will open you to yourself. Once this gate is open, you'll discover your true meaning of contentment, a release of any thoughts of fear, absolute conviction of your faith in yourself, and over flowing of love coming directly from the center of your being. Did you feel that? This is where you are heading. It's a process of unfoldment and emergence of who you are into this time and space. Honor your worth and value yourself. You are here for a sacred purpose!
Thanks for reading this far, breath in: I am grateful. Breath out: I am content. Breath in: I am love. Breath out: I am one with the absolute. 
Namaste. +1
Dr. Rod....

Thursday, October 15, 2015

There is a reason

There is a reason you've just connected to my writing in this very precise moment of your life. This very second is a sacred pause into eternity of life. A moment where you can jump out of your mind and re-mind yourSelf of the truth of your being. I'm in a very deep trans zone. Just went through an amazing meditation. In this zone, I allow myself to flow with what the spirit of love has to say. It uses me as a channel to express itself. There is no wrong and right my friend. The pain you have been enduring is nothing more than a signal for your life to change the course of your intention. Set an intention for your excellence. It's as if you are radiating a beam of light from your heart to the end of eternity. Where your beginning and ending is. Send it out to the end of eternity and let it be. Relax in the moment. Recognize your pain as an impetus for you in order to move beyond the inertia you've been stuck on. Right now, take a deep breath at the level of your abdomen. Go ahead, you've read so far, thus allow me to walk you through the dense energy you've been struggling with and release it once and for all. Take that deep breath, hold it at the level of your stomach. Tighten your heart space and slowly breath out following the path of your spine up in the chest area. Focus, do it again. Slowly, breath in, expand your abdomen, tighten your heart area and breath out through the top of your head realizing the vibration of your breath. As you are focused in this zone, know that you are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. You've condensed from the world of spirit into lower vibration of physical form. You are constantly creating and forming from your state of BEING, then into Becoming. Allow yourself time to step out of your mind regularly by focusing on your breath. Pain in our lives is inevitable. You can recognize it for what it is, once you do, let go of the story surrounding the pain or the judgment you have about it's origin. Feel yourself as an extension of your field of awareness. In this field, all things are possible. Miracles of healing and revealing the best case scenario for your life simply shows up when you connect to it. Yes, breath in, you are in this field of high vibrational awareness. I am holding you and lifting you up in this space, allowing your Soul to take a new breath of aliveness, freshness, inspiration, excitement, joyful bliss, and an inner peace that passes your human mind understanding. Relax, let go, allow, trust, and be willing to go beyond the threshold of your inertia and into the flow of life that is on your side. The universe , all of it, is celebrating your life because the only way it knows to experience itself is through YOU. Therefore, YOU and ALL of LIFE, All OF what God Is, Is ONE and the same. Wake up to this truth and awaken to the awesomeness of who YOU ARE........If you've read this far, there must be a smile on your face, a change of energy in your auric field, a relaxation of your thoughts, and an overflow of love emanating from your heart. Be with this love and feel it with each breath your take. Embrace and cherish your awareness because there is nothing you can't be, do, or have. Nothing....
Namaste +1 
i AM love

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Deep Connection

I just took a sip of my coffee after a deep meditation while listening to my favorite melody. I was appreciating to cool wind coming into me room from the window, the smell of rain mixed with soil, and just the space I'm in. Before getting into my connection I felt a heavy pressure on my chest and shoulders. I sat and took deep breath, allowing my entire physical body to relax. Then, my imagination started going wild. I saw myself out in an open field, with my arms wide open looking at the sky. My vision became very acute where I could see every droplet of rain coming down from the heaven. I started feeling myself riding on each droplet of rain and feeling the speed at which they were traveling. I took a deeper breath and became one with the soil opening her arms to the rain. As it started drinking from the rain, I traveled deep within the planet earth. Going through the minerals, I felt their eternal age. They've been there forever, trillions of them, cooperating with each other. A beautiful sense of peace and harmony took over my physical body. All of the sudden, I heard a heart beat. It sounded like my own heart beat but wasn't mine. It drew my attention. I invited the source and it belonged to the planet. She was aching and crying for help. Asking for more kindness, love, and compassionate vibration from us. I felt her pain in my own heart and gave her the biggest hug I could give. Promised to send her message out. Then I found myself being pulled up by a root of a tree. It was amazing because I felt the root as my own nervous system. My spinal cord felt at ease and I saw a beautiful light going up from my sacrum to my heart area. The tree was assisting me to let go of the dense energy I was hold on to. Very softly and with care, it showed me the way out from with myself.. As I traveled up, I felt myself on one of it's leaf. There was a drop of rain sitting there, so I dove into it. As I swam in it, I felt the oceans. All of the inhabitants of the ocean greeted and welcomed me. They thanked me for taking their message of oneness, joy, and exuberance to the humanity. Asking us to accept our mistakes and don't hold on to grudge. Asking us to appreciate our differences and co-exist in harmony. As I arrived on the shore, I met with the sands. I felt the entire cosmos, universe, and all the other planets reflecting in one grain of sand. I picked it up and kissed the sand as a gesture of friendship. Pretty amazing! It was quite a ride into my being and then becoming one with the essence of everything I felt. It was love. God manifested everything through love. You are love and so is everyone else. Today , as you go out on your business, look at everything through the prism of love and see how you transform your life in that very moment. Thanks for reading this far if you have. Take a deep breath, notice the light of love I'm sending you that's shining within every cell of your body reflecting the entire cosmos inside your being, clearing out any pain or negative energy out way from you. Breath out,,,,have a beautiful journey. 

The Illusion of Being

The pain between the illusion of being and the manifestation of becoming can sometimes be great. What do I mean by this? I don't know, I just came out of a very deep meditation, was feeling pain in my heart that was traveling through out my emotional body and surfacing up to my spiritual body. I tuned into something very deep and beautiful. I visited my little nephew who is 9 month old yesterday. He is just a bubble of joy. When I get a chance to see him alone, I tap into my inner child. The little me inside the big me is a little fun baby who wants to express himself without inhibition, without worry of people's judgment, and without the fear of what may happen as a result. Usually, the little me comes up during meditation and teaches me a mastery lesson. As I was observing my nephew and tuning at his level, I realized how far advance little babies are than us, the adult Self who has been through the drama of human endeavor. The illusion of my Being was falling apart into the Reality of my Being, who is that innocent child, full of love and passion, full of inspiration for discovering new things, for being in the moment of creation, and for just being himself. I was getting breakthroughs left and right. I could hear my nephews soul laughing at me and telling me: "Uncle Rod, you thought you know what's happening at deeper levels, but buddy, I've got news for you, you don't know anything unless you let go of your surface EGO, the mask you've put on, and become one with your inner child, feel him, cherish him, embrace and love him, as I am just radiating that vibe to you now"....This was a message he was sending me. I was in awe. It showed up in my meditation to teach me to go beyond the illusion of my being, heal the pain that was sitting in my heart, and manifest becoming the real me. The spiritual path is a personal one. We come in each other's lives as beams of light, to hold each other's hands in the times of darkness. Lessons learned from our purest form of BEING ( little babies) must be cherished and hold sacred because their purity is the closest form of God condensed in human flesh. As you travel on your individual path, remember to remember who you are. Acknowledge your inner child with Self love daily and giggle your way on your journey. All is WELL my friend!
Dr. Rod..

Facing Crisis

What happens when you face a crisis in your life? How do you live with it? It's important to know how to handle your feelings in order to overcome your crisis right? Not that easy, specially if you are an outsider looking at some one who is struggling with their challenge. It's easy for me to say when I am not going through what you are going through, and vise versa. Yet, we all share the same essence, the same source, the same connecting force to the spirit which is guiding us. So, take this on. Practice silence. Specially when you are caught in the storm of your life. Silence is your resource for settling your mind and allowing a new thought taking over the old. Be kind to yourself. That's a great advice. Usually when you are going through crisis, you tend to pick up other people's negative energy. In a negative state of being, you are more prone to accumulate negative energy from outside. By being kind to yourself, you'll deviate the negative energy from outside and pull your own resources into the center of your Self. Remember, crisis in life is a chance for a new opportunity. Changing your perception about how you see the circumstances of where you are can help you significantly. You are always on a crossroad between "Choice" and "Decision". This is our human nature. Everything happening outside of you is a direct reflection of your inner thoughts, agreements, and your conversation about your agreements. Changing your thoughts to more positive, agreeing on your excellence, and holding on to a new conversation empowers you to be more aware on your cross road. In this state, you'll be more aware to chose a higher "choice" that will lead you to making a "Decision" which will serve your Soul's evolution. So, my message is: Center yourself, meditate, change your perception, uplift your spirit and vibration so that you can chose, decide, and act upon what serves the creative vision of your soul. A direction that has already been manifested in eternity. You just have to be willing and open yourself up to it...
Dr. Rod..