Friday, April 3, 2015

What's no longer & what's not yet

There is a space between what is no longer and what is not yet to be where I've been more than ever yielding to and surrendering. What do I mean by that? The world you create in your life is based on previous held thoughts and conversation about the thoughts you had.This becomes your current circumstance, but the current circumstance in no really formed in the present moment. Therefore, to change what appears to be real, you step into what is no longer. Meaning that you go within, touch Reality through meditation, and snap away from the challenges you have. For a moment, you let go of worry, fear, doubt of the future, and let go of the pain, suffering, constant reminders of the past. As you break away, you find yourself in a timeless, space less field of potentiality. You draw Soulful insights from this space that has not yet become your manifestation. You reside in it, letting go of any outcome, and trusting the universe that what is best for you will show up, will become an open doorway where you can take your next step to move on along your journey expanding your consciousness. I've experienced extreme emotions of fear and love in life and I'm more certain than ever about what it feels like to be uncertain. I'm clear about being unclear. Many of you have found yourself in this space. It's a great place to be. Relax, sit in meditation, and open yourself up for more light to channel through you. If you are in a spiritual path, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. As we are passing through our challenges, passing-over,,,since tonight is Jewish Passover, I hold you in the highest vibration of love, well being and inner peace. Humanity is exiting through the exile of our own EGO. Unity is becoming more apparent, and we are beginning to see LOVE as the only thing that exists.......The Pharoh within each of us is yielding to the freedom of our hearts and Soul......God bless you, Namaste,,,,,,,Dr. Rod +1....Happy Passover...

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God....All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports and loves me. I am available and receptive to more insights, more awareness, more love, more abundance, and more healing than I've ever experienced before. My life is an extension of the only life that exists, the life of God. I am residing in the space between what is no longer and what is not yet to be. I yield and surrender to what my divine destiny is emerging through me. I am open, I am receptive, I am welcoming it through every cells of my being. I am peace, I am joy, I am ever expanding good of the cosmos manifested as ME......I am , God Is,,,and so it is,,,amen

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