I don't know if you've ever had a chance to deeply go within your own heart and soul and find a gap between your emotions and intellect. Once you find that gap, you rise above both and watch them having conflicts with each other. You can tap into this space through meditation where your consciousness bypasses the world of phenomenon, the world of dichotomy, and touches a very sweet spot. What's amazing is observing your intense emotion pouring out as a result of your thoughts and as you calm down, your thoughts calm down. This intricate system of being and becoming is so magnificent, yet it's extremely sensitive. Sometimes, in order to get to the of neutrality, you have to pass through the pain. Pain of the past and attachments to so many things. Attachments are a three part ordeal: It begins at physical and material level. Then, it's attachments to your thoughts. Finally, the strongest are human emotions, specially love. Specially those memories from the past. I hope you are relating because I don't think I'm the only one floating in these spaces and having these experiences. Sometimes I feel that I've gone mad. That's at the mind level because my mind screams and fights to hold on while my heart surrenders to what Is. I've been trying to figure out 'Human Beings" through my own Being. It's been a very challenging yet rewarding journey. Always a new surprise because the more I'm finding out about myself, the more it amazes me how twisted and complicated our species are. So, here I am, pouring out my heart and thoughts on open forum. If you've identified with my energy here, go ahead, pour out your heart and allow other people to open up. We are all going through this thing we call "life" together. My purpose is to enlighten you as I go through my path of enlightenment. It's gutsy, It's painful at times, It takes courage to be Real, and it's rewarding to feel you smile right now as I know you are smile emoticon Namaste.....-Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly and supportive universe. My heart is open to express itself. My mind is calm to touch the deepest spaces through my Soul. I am love, I am peace, I am one with divine presence of bliss. I am available for more abundance, prosperity, success, happiness, and healing than I've ever imagined possible. My life is divine and I let it shine with courage. I am inspired to heal the world. I am enthusiastic to grow. I am grateful for my life, for my experiences, and for my inner pains. I release, and let God. I let go and let God. ....have a peaceful day everyone
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