Saturday, April 25, 2015

Process of Un-foldment

"Life is a process of un-foldment." This is the statement that is echoing from my soul in my awareness during meditation a few moments ago. I am processing my emotions so tears of joy and bliss are coming down my face. There is also residues of sadness in the midst of them but only a small percentage of it. It's like you've got to let the lower energy of sadness to get out until you touch the higher energy of bliss. In the process of surrendering, you go underneath the wave of ego and diffuse the thoughts of lack, limitation, scarcity, or fear. I'm so aware of it that is funny. I catch myself as I am falling and see my energy level drop or shift the second a dis-empowering thought crawls into my awareness without my permission. You've got to give yourSelf permission for your excellence to come forth. The process of un-foldment is to be aware that first and for most you are a spiritual light being. This light being is having a temporary human experience. It's always been and always will be. The fear of separation and fragmentation is an illusion that makes you forget Who you Are while it wants to survive. What you need to do is just be aware, don't do anything. In the moment of awareness and stillness, your field of awareness dissolves the illusion and shifts the energy back to your higher Self. This take practice and persistent, never giving up when you fall out of integrity with your soul. Meaning that the whole process of un-foldment is ongoing falling out of integrity and falling right back into it. As you are reading this, your field of energy is coming into alignment. Feel your breath getting deeper and your body relaxing into the moment. Your awareness is becoming laser sharp focused into the moment, bypassing your false beliefs about your self, getting you back in touch with your heart, allowing the unconditional love energy within you re-ignite. These are all happening right now in our field of consciousness because I am intending it for all of us. We are connected and my awareness is help raise yours. Your energy is helping me fulfill my purpose and the circle continues, the process of un-foldment beams out to millions of Souls around the world who are awakening to the Truth of who the Are......Welcome to a new paradigm shift my friend. Your Being in this process is recognized and appreciated from an old Soul holding you in a prayer of peace, healing, joy, and bliss. This process is in progress and our un-foldment is happening as this next word flows through me on my note......Namaste....Dr. Rod +1 

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am in the field of over flow of abundance and prosperity. I am over flowing with love and I allow it express itself through the wisdom of my Soul. My life is divine. My mission is in alignment with my vision. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Peace reveals itself within the cosmos and manifests with every breath I take. I am joy, I am grateful, I am kind, I am beautiful, and I am free. I am in flow with the universal love energy and allow it to Be.....and so it is, Amen..."....have a spectacular da

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