Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Re-writing your life 

It's important not to give up on your dreams. It's important to stay focus on your cause, because you deserve to be happy in your life. Ya, listen to me my friend. I've been in the dark where I could not see two feet ahead of me. I felt depressed and hopeless. It was the most challenging time of my life. You know how it feels like if you ever been an em-path and had your feeling hurt. It can happen to any one of us. Specially if you are spiritually in tune with higher orders, but not balanced on this realm. Usually sensitive people get hit the hardest, and I come the closest to being sensitive as it gets. Why am I sharing this? Because I have not really written for a while. It's been many months since I've shared my deepest part of my soul on my page....I've been writing little posts here and there, or shared my old posts form years of writing on this platform. I've gone very deep inside and this past year and a half, I've been contemplating on so many different principles. Instead of writing them, I've been living them. I've been extremely in tune with what's been happening in my soul. I felt like sharing it would cut me off from the flow. My vortex shifted from writing, to talking it out on my live videos, and then just getting in experience with them in my meditations. Words are limited for me and describing my feelings have been more challenging. However, one of my biggest passions and talents in life is to write what I'm feeling and express what my soul wants to shout out. Like now, I have to be in a special place where the gap between my thoughts expand and the impulses of my ego slow down. So that I get in a trans like space and allow the spirit of love to express itself. Yes, you are in this field of energy and if you have read this far, you'll notice that your heart rate is decreasing slowly, a beautiful smile is coming on your face, and energy of love goes up and down your spine because I'm visioning you in this field. My intention is to start writing more and get deep in my soul to bring forth what the spirit of love has to share in public. I'm open and receptive to this intention as it calms the beating of my heart and synchronizes my consciousness to the reader of this note. Just know that you are being prayed up and that one thing you've been contemplating or worry about, will resolve. I see it and underneath what I feel as doubt in you, is the presence of God. Therefore, it's already gone from you energy field back to the no-thing that it came from, never to return again, allowing you to prosper and expand........

I feel good now....Look for my writings and each time you run into them, make a wish before you read it. See how you'll manifest your desire in no time...


Dr Rod. spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A note to Self

A note to Self:


At times I miss you dearly because you get caught up in so many different paradigms. You move with such intensity and vigor through the dense energies of the world while keeping a calm composure at the inner sanctuary of your heart. You feel with immense compassion and you have such passion to live a life of significance. Anytime you want to express yourself, you go ahead with an attitude of "I am, therefore I have" consciousness. You don't really care about the opinion of others, because their judgment of you has no effect on you! Why? Because you don't judge them simply for the fact that you don't even see them as separate from you. You are well aware of the dark energies that want to cling on you with evil intentions, yet you bravely face them without worrying about anything. Faith and hope are your two swords in this battle while you use your spiritual practices as a shield to deflect these energies. You know you are guided, every step you take is being taken by the presence who leads you by an inner voice. The presence loves his beloved and as a being of love, you know that this is the ultimate state to be in. You radiate kindness when the world sees only darkness. Your eyes are trained to see the divinity within other souls who are trapped in their struggles and stuck in the maya, the illusion of what seems to be real, yet it's not. 

Dear Self, 

I love and appreciate you for what you do for me. I thank you for being closer to me than my neck veins. In total gratitude, I release you in the arms of almighty beauty who is caressing me even now as I am in such deep pain. I open my heart and am receptive to a miracle to shift this pain into absolute peace. A peace that passes human understanding and becomes one with its creator who gave rise to all that is and all that is not. 

Namaste. πŸ’š call 818-317-0839 to book a free life coaching session 

Monday, September 23, 2019

The best to give 

The best thing to give:

Your enemy is forgiveness;

To an opponent, tolerance;

To a friend; your heart;

To your child; a good example;

To your father; deference;

To your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you;

To your Self, respect;

To all human beings, charityπŸ’š -Swami Sivananda 818-317-0839 call for a free life coaching session 

Life Coaching/Meditation/Healing.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Apache blessing

Good morning: this is my prayer for you today πŸ˜ƒπŸ’š;

May the sun,

Bring you new energy by day

May the moon,

Soulfully restore you by night

May the rain,

Wash away your worries

May the breeze,

Blow new strength into your being

May you walk,

Gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life. spiritual life coaching πŸ¦‹πŸ™818-317-839

~Apache Blessing

Climbing the ladder

Life is full of surprises. You don't know when or where they will come at you. Imagine climbing a ladder made of ropes. As you go up and reach with your hands, you alternate with the opposite leg, hoping that it wont swing around. There are times though that the ladder starts shaking. There are times that the bottom rope may tear and fall apart. There are times that your hands may get tired and slip away. Life is full of unknown factors that come into your experience and swing the ladder you are climbing. However, the moments of uncertainties carry a deeper potential for getting to know an aspect of yourself requiring a strong pull to overcome your fears and find your inner strength, your faith within. Just hang on. Long sentence, I know, it's hard for me to express this. Have you faced a situation like that? Where you are caught in corner and there is nothing you can hold on to but the inner knowing of surrendering to higher orders of life itself? If you feel being in that corner, close your eyes and open your inner eyes. As I gaze in your inner eyes with an eye full of love, I want to tell you that "YOU"LL BE OK, and This Too Shall Pass". No matter where you are and what challenge you are facing, I feel the presence of God right there with you and hold you in the best possible outcome. Namaste. +1 ....Dr. Rod... call 828-317-0839 for a free lifecoaching session 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Positive affirmation 

Read this affirmation daily with high vibe and energy; 

“ I am open & receptive to miracles of love, peace, abundance, & bliss flowing through my highest potential. I for-give any karmic energy I’ve created & transform my inner resistances to joy. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of God within my heart. All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my higher good. I am open for the grace of God to shower my life with every blessings I’m worthy of. 

I am aligned with my source in all of my thoughts. I consciously manifest more health, wealth, abundance, money, success with happiness, and allow infinite miracles to show up in my existence. In gratitude, I am willing to share my gifts with the world in service to humanity. I allow this to just be, 

and so it is, Amen. πŸ˜ƒπŸ’š spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839 Call for a Free life coaching session 

Have a beautiful dayπŸ™πŸŒ·