To develop the compassion in you , you must tap into unconditional love. This love is seeing God within everything that's happening. It is putting on the prism of oneness so that your perception is lifted from the world of duality and shifted away from relativity into the world of absolute. The absolute is nothing but the unknown and the absolute only reveals itself as unconditional love when selfless action becomes more important than your own needs met. To strengthen selfless action you must be able to control your reactions. These reactions mostly are rooted in the ego for wanting to be right or wanting to judge your circumstances based on your limited point of view.
It's a common human struggle and the way to bypass it is to develop faith. This is the absolute substance of what your are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be seen. From faith , you will develop muscles for taping into unconditional love where you'll begin to see the oneness of that which IS. Taking this step will free you from judging the dis-ease that another being is experiencing because now you have compassion for what is occurring. No longer tangled with your ego, you become one with the situation and the experience becomes a spiritual practice for your soul's expansion and growth. Your vibration becomes the vortex of transformation for you , for the person suffering, and for the suffering itself because now you have given this situation a totally different meaning.
It's our capacity to give a different meaning for any given experience and doing so brings bliss into your life. Experience changes, suffering transforms into joy, and as a result you have grown into a more mature being of Love. This is the sole purpose of existence and our human relationships because each person has a grand lesson for you to develop into a better version of your Self.