Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What would Love do now? 

"What would love do now?"... How many times have you fall down because of your Ego getting you trapped for comparing who you are, where you are, and what you've been up to with others as a result of getting stuck in your past and blaming yourself that you could have been somewhere else in life? Re-read this question and really think about it. It happens so often on a subconscious level because part of this whole process of re-creation of your Soul's journey is accepting who you are wholeheartedly in the moment. Yet, this task seems to be so difficult and the result of getting caught up in it is so painful. It's a path of self destruction and loosing hope for the future. One thing that helps me after many years of practicing and yet falling down for this very mechanism is to ask myself "What would love do now?" 

This is a very powerful question that shifts your attention from your past and all the scenarios your mind makes up to create an opening gap for re-connecting you back to the now. What would love do and chose in this very second? Asking this question personally from yourself shifts your mindset in a positive direction instantly in order to gain freedom from self sabotage. So, here is my question to you: What would love do now in order to accept, cherish, recognize, and completely be at one with your higher Self?.....Namaste +1 Dr. Rod....

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