Mistakes happen and it is part of human experience. That's why we are called human beings. Otherwise, we would have been called "perfect human doings". Now, when mistakes show up, what you do with the experience of it matters. Learn from it or let it go, it's up to you. Mistakes show up to give you a message for your soul's expansion. See what is behind the message and why you are faced with this challenge. Then, go into forgiveness process because there is a stagnant energy in your Karma that wants to transmute itself through overcoming this mistake and shape shifting it into a higher vibration. Remember, No mistake has ever made in God. Never! God doesn't make mistakes. The universe is perfect as Is. Trust in that and you will get closer to your Truth perfection: the oneness with God as who and what we Are.
Namaste 💚+1
Affirmation: " I am while, perfect, and complete. I am perfect within all my imperfections. I am love, I am compassion, I am peace. All of my needs are met. The universe is on my side. I am abundantly prosperous and blissfully expressing my beauty. In gratitude, I allow this to BE. And so it is. Amen "
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