Your mind creates turbulence in order to function. It's job is to perceive between what is Real and your understanding of what is Real. Otherwise, known as perception. You can use meditation to go beyond your mind and change your perception of reality. It's a very cool space to be as you find out because I'm in that space right now, coming out of a deep meditation, and allowing my insights to come forth. I feel the going beyond the mind like traveling through layers of energy.These field of energy has time and space as one dimension and then there is the timeless, spaceless presence as the ultimate dimension. As I go deeper in consciousness, I feel the heaviness of my mind literally becoming lighter. The turbulence calming down. This is like observing a huge oceanic wave coming towards the shore with force. You've seen it! As it peaks, you feel its strength and power until it mellows down and breaks through its own layer of energy, then it gently kisses the sands and moves back to the source. That's how it feels when you breaking down the layers in your mind to finally reach that peaceful, blissful inner space, filled with grace, filled with love, filled with amazing insights turning into guidance for becoming one with yourself. They are all interconnected and as an observer you get to experience your experience here. You get to pay un-distractable attention to Reality, which is the definition of meditation. Namaste..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports me. I am lighted and guided by the presence of love, of peace, of joy. My heart is filled with passion and it guides me with compassion to navigate the course of my life. I am abundant, prosperous, and successful. I am available to more good than I've ever manifested before. Today, is going the be the best day of my life. This moment is a sacred moment in eternity. I am grateful for my existence, and allow it to be. and so it is, amen"...have a beautiful weekend
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