You are being guided and tested when going through the most challenging inner conflicts. When you are experiencing mixed emotions and deep pain, allow your feelings express themselves by going through the motions. Don't suppress yourself because energy suppressed will cause you emotional depression. Be a witness to what IS. What helps me is a firm conviction that " All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my higher good. I live in a friendly universe that is always supporting me". Faith in this belief carries me through my inner turmoils, gives me wings to fly in the direction of the light in my heart that is always exuding, feeling, emanating, experiencing, and giving away LOVE 💚 +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that allows me to express my feelings. I am passionate and compassionate. I am kind and giving. Wholeness is the order of my day. Wellness is my prayer. Healing is revealing through every cell of my body. I am aligned with the universal laws of nature, in tune with the melody of the cosmos, and free from my Egoic mis-representation. I re-present beauty and peace. I am available to more abundance, success, wealth, and health than I've ever experienced or manifested before. For this, I am in absolute gratitude and allow it to BE, and so it is, Amen".
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