Monday, July 27, 2015

Experiencing the experience

This is one of those pause moments in my life where I just want to stop everything and be in this very space as I am. Listening to meditation music, completely immersed in the moment. I'm feeling my breath going though my entire body, in another word, I am tuned in. You ever felt that you are an actor in this drama called life looking at your own act in different situations? When you watch yourself watching the outside world, it takes on a new shape. You get to see yourself from the eyes of others, from their experience of you watching them, watching you! Let me say it this way. I was teaching and guiding my friend in ICU to focus on his healing meditation. He was laying in bed, very fragile and tired. I was writing on the patient board where they put reminders for the nurses and doctors. As I was having this interaction, I saw myself being experienced through the experience of my friend. I became his field of energy and could connect to the damage areas in his heart. I felt the healing affirmations working in every dis-ease area because of the field that was created. Observing this was fascinating because I felt he was tuned in the same channel. I hope he gets to read this and like to get his feedback and see what he thinks. When we travel our soul journey, we encounter other beings on our path. We each have something to teach each other and like pieces of chain, we are entangled together. At a deeper level, we breath the same oxygen and same light is passing through the fiber of our existence. This field is unconditional love. It's the same energy that has caught your attention to this last word you are reading. This is a powerful potential that's being created right now as I'm expressing myself. I need to get this off of my chest. My heart feels lighter and emotions are centering a bit because my thoughts are floating into this post without any resistance. If you've read this far, I thank you and bring you in the full light of healing love that is exuding from my being to yours. Namaste...+1

Set your Navigation

To navigate out of the turmoil of your inner feelings you must keep your faith strong. Faith is the absolute substance of what you are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can not be seen. Every moment counts as a stage, a mountain peak to dive off into spaces of unknown for you to grow. This unknown is field of infinite possibilities that you get to play in for creating , manifesting, or allowing that which is yours in this lifetime to reveal itself. You have to become the vibratory match to that which you are intending to experience and then look for evidence of it. In challenging times, your best friend and ally is faith to pull you out from anything that is stopping you from spiritual growth. I don't know if I made sense but I had to say what came out from deep meditation. Namaste ðŸ’š+1

Friday, July 17, 2015

My wish for you

Right now I am overwhelmed by the energy of gratitude that is gushing through my veins. I'm dedicating these words to all the blessings I am experiencing and expressing in my life. Starting with the breath, the oxygen. My body, mind, and emotion. The motion of my thoughts appreciating the spirit of love governing the universe. The Sun energy that feeds my cells through the food I eat. The love I give and receive from my family. The smile on a friend's face who is blessed enough to own a device because of abundance and read these words, getting uplifted. My connection to you and the cosmos. Recognizing our oneness and our ability to be a positive change to the world. Blessings all around us in every second, I am grateful. My deepest appreciation to those who love me unconditionally and those who I love without any judgment. With each breath, I expand this consciousness and hold you in the high vibration of healing, peace, compassion with abundance of joy overflowing the bank of your present paradigm. For this , I am grateful. For you, I am grateful and I allow these words to expand around the globe. So be it, amen. Have a spectacular Friday ðŸ’š+1

Affirmation: I am grateful for no-thing that expresses into everything in my life. I appreciate my existence

Monday, July 13, 2015

It's meant to BE

You come to a point in your life where struggling with your mind no longer works. The old thoughts of lack, worry, and fear that you picked up from your surroundings can no longer control you. Why? Because you recognize you are a powerful spiritual being of light. You feel your vastness and oneness with the mind of God instead of your little Ego. Trust the voice of intuition and surrender to what Is. Let go of the struggle of wanting to take control over what has been created because of your Egoic control. Strengthen your spiritual practice of meditation and release all that no longer belongs to you into the nothingness of the universe in which it originally came from. You want to create space for manifestation of the new to show up that is aligned with the highest vision of the Spirit of LOVE for your life. With that, I hold you in the radiant glory, the infinite spaciousness, abundance and love with the blissful peace of your True Self. Amen. +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly and peaceful universe. I am supported. I let go of that which no longer belongs to me. I clear space for more abundance, joy, beauty, and prosperity to manifest in every area of my life. My bliss is an internal job and I recognize my wholeness with it. In gratitude, I allow these words to BE. And so it is. Amen" have a wonderful day

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Heart Space

People will always remember you by the way you make them feel. It's our human nature to remember through our hearts and many times make our decisions based on how we feel. It's a great practice to stay centered and focused in yourSelf, being aware of how you making others feel in each moment. The easiest way is to jump in Self love as often as you can. Once you love yourSelf and are compassionate towards your own heart, you will radiate that inner glow without trying. Anywhere you go, you will light up that space with your grace. People will get attracted to you for no reason. Everything you need for evolving on your spiritual path will miraculously show up because you are being held kindly in the arms of a beautiful , friendly universe, cradling you towards your divine destiny ðŸ’š! How do you feel now? Take a deep breath, release the sound of Ohhmmmmm. All is well my friend. Namaste +1

Affirmation: "I am held in the arms of God. All of my needs are met. I trust and love myself. I am available to more miracles showing up in every aspect of my life. I am happy. I am peaceful. I am healthy. I am abundant and prosperous. I live with joy and exude my excellence freely in bliss and so it is. Amen". Have a spectacular weekend

Monday, July 6, 2015

Only you can do it

Only you know what you want out of life from your higher Self through intuition and guidance. You are a generative being of light and cause on to your own life experience. Right now, pause. This is a new beginning where you can start all over. Take a deep breath. Allow the vibration of love, peace, compassion, and prosperity take you over. Let it wash over the fear of future you are feeling. The fear is not real. You have the power to shift the course of your life in this very moment. I'm talking to you from a deep meditative state as the voice of spirit is passing through me to give you what you need. I'm on the same journey. Between what is no longer and what is not yet to be is a gap. This gap is the eternal now moment that you are feeling and experiencing. You can count on it any time to support and guide you, to create possibilities where before seemed there is total blockage. You have the power to change your life for the better because you owe it to yourself. No one else can tell you what to do or how to BE! Remember your value and honor your worth. Now is a new set point and you are basking in it. Feel it, appreciate your blessings, release any attachment to future outcome and surrender to the God within your heart as it is making love to your Soul. Namaste breath in, hold, breath out the sound of Ohhhmmmmm. All is well my friend 

Affirmation: " I am a being of light of love. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports me. I am guided and inspired by the spirit of God. In Truth, my life takes on the shape and beauty of the perfection of the cosmos. I am available and receptive to more good than I've ever imagined or experienced before. I live with full on passion in my heart and have the courage to raise above my challenges. I am residing in gratitude and allowing it to be. and so it is, amen"..

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Inner conflicts

You are being guided and tested when going through the most challenging inner conflicts. When you are experiencing mixed emotions and deep pain, allow your feelings express themselves by going through the motions. Don't suppress yourself because energy suppressed will cause you emotional depression. Be a witness to what IS. What helps me is a firm conviction that " All of my needs are met. Everything is happening for my higher good. I live in a friendly universe that is always supporting me". Faith in this belief carries me through my inner turmoils, gives me wings to fly in the direction of the light in my heart that is always exuding, feeling, emanating, experiencing, and giving away LOVE ðŸ’š +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that allows me to express my feelings. I am passionate and compassionate. I am kind and giving. Wholeness is the order of my day. Wellness is my prayer. Healing is revealing through every cell of my body. I am aligned with the universal laws of nature, in tune with the melody of the cosmos, and free from my Egoic mis-representation. I re-present beauty and peace. I am available to more abundance, success, wealth, and health than I've ever experienced or manifested before. For this, I am in absolute gratitude and allow it to BE, and so it is, Amen".

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

No beginning, No end

There is a beginning to an end and end to any beginning , thus creating the cycle of life as we experience it in our human incarnation. What's eternal is LOVE. When you feel with your inner eyes and see the world with your heart, you remain in the field of absolute oneness where neither beginning or an end has any meaning anymore. I see you there !

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I surrender to the flow of life guiding me to my destiny. I live with an open heart full of pure expression of kindness peace, and joy. I am available to more abundance than I've ever manifested before. Miracles reveal themselves with ease and grace. I am grateful for just being alive and live on with full on potential, confidence, wisdom, courage, joy, and commitment to my highest expression to love......"....and so it is, amen,