Monday, June 24, 2013

Healing your Heart

I would like to paint a beautiful picture for those of us who have witnessed transformation of someone so special and dear to us from our physical world into the world of spirit. I invite you to take a deep breath as you are reading this. While you are contemplating their memory, I invite you to pick an occasion when you felt complete ONENESS with them. As you embrace them in your arm and imagining their smell, touch, look, and how they sound like, I invite you to feel their BEING inside the breath you just took. Imagine the oxygen molecules that are feeding your entire body, are essence of your loved one. Imagine the energy going through your cells, inside your DNA, has been wrapped around by your loved one through eternity and captured in this instance, sending you a message of love, patience, healing, compassion, joy, and peace that passes human understanding. They are right within your heart and the healing energy I'm sending you is matching their healing energy to strengthen your SOUL.
Breath out, relax, ALL IS WELL. Have a peaceful Monday.

 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance and success, health and healing, inspiration and enthusiasm. I cherish the memories of my loved one and embrace their LOVE to honor their SOUL.".....have a spectacular day. 

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