Friday Lovely Souls. I know you all worked hard this week and looking
forward to the weekend. Some had great successes, some struggled with
immense challenges, some fumbled around not knowing what you are doing,
some were just gliding through life like an eagle in the skies. You know
what? IT'S ALL GOOD! Whatever category you find yourself is exactly
where you should be. Our challenges are there
to make us overcome our fears and insecurities, become more of who we
Awakening to this Self Realization is your Soul's purpose for creating
those challenges. Giving you the impetus and inspiration so that you can
glide through LIFE. Prepare to fly like an eagle, be free spirited like
a hummingbird, strong and intuitive like a Jaguar, and in tune with
your instincts as Serpents are. COURAGEOUS BEING is your game in life.
The RULES are infinite POSSIBILITIES! Your life is Divine. Don't forget
that for even one second my FRIEND:)
"I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance, success,
health, wealth, happiness, joy, creativity, and absolute peace of mind.
Life supports me. I AM FREE".....have a peaceful day
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Smile at LIFE
Good morning WORLD: Smile at LIFE and LIFE will Smile right back at you . Sending you tons of blessings of love, compassion, joy, abundance, peace, prosperity, and an amazing day ahead of YOU!!!!
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in absolute trust of the universe, knowing that all of my needs are met, that life supports me, and possibilities are all around me ready to manifest themselves for my higher good. LIFE is SPECTACULAR"....have a lovely day
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in absolute trust of the universe, knowing that all of my needs are met, that life supports me, and possibilities are all around me ready to manifest themselves for my higher good. LIFE is SPECTACULAR"....have a lovely day
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Inner Space
I had one of my most intense and emotional
group meditation last night. As I was going on my journey, I got to a
point where I had every soul present with me form a chain around our
planet by holding each others hand. Then we visualized the entire planet
being showered by a beautiful white/Gold color. These included all of
YOU , all the animals, plants, minerals, oceans, mountains, and
everything you can imagine into prayer of healing, love, abundance, joy,
prosperity, and peace. I then
specifically included the Orphan kids we visited on Sunday and had them
in highest level of consciousness. I don't quite cry during meditation,
but this time I did. To Be honest with you, I'm so humbled and in
dis-belief that I get to be a vortex for accomplishing this. I'm humbled
to have my dream from childhood manifested as I'm doing: To be an agent
for meditation and healing. Who would have thought I'd find my path
this way. I don't have words to describe what I felt last night.
Gratitude with immense unconditional love is the closest I can get. Have
a spectacular Wednesday everyone. Today is the BEST day you'll ever
have. Remember , IT'S ALL GOOD!!!!
Affirmation: "I am love in action. I am available and receptive to more good than I can even imagine. I live a purposeful life with full abundance, success, and PASSION."
Affirmation: "I am love in action. I am available and receptive to more good than I can even imagine. I live a purposeful life with full abundance, success, and PASSION."
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Being LOVED up!
I find myself in a timeless , space-less zone a
lot. Flowing effortlessly from eternity and swimming into infinity of
life with total gratitude. It's an amazing place to be because I measure
my existence solely based on how much love I'm able to give, how can I
share, what prayers am I able to answer, how can I be a beneficial
presence on our planet, how may I serve others, and what can I do in
order to shift the collective cosmic consciousness to it's highest
level. With these INTENTIONs in mind, I allow my soul to guide me and
heal me through this beautiful journey. I send out a loving prayer right
now to your heart and uplift your spirit so that WE can go through our
next stage in our Soul's evolution together. Take a deep breath. You are
being loved up
Affirmation: "This very moment is a miracle, as is everything around me!"....by Dr. Wayne Dyer.....Have a spectacular day everyone....Today is a very special day.
Affirmation: "This very moment is a miracle, as is everything around me!"....by Dr. Wayne Dyer.....Have a spectacular day everyone....Today is a very special day.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Healing your Heart
would like to paint a beautiful picture for those of us who have
witnessed transformation of someone so special and dear to us from our
physical world into the world of spirit. I invite you to take a deep
breath as you are reading this. While you are contemplating their
memory, I invite you to pick an occasion when you felt complete ONENESS
with them. As you embrace them in your arm and imagining
their smell, touch, look, and how they sound like, I invite you to feel
their BEING inside the breath you just took. Imagine the oxygen
molecules that are feeding your entire body, are essence of your loved
one. Imagine the energy going through your cells, inside your DNA, has
been wrapped around by your loved one through eternity and captured in
this instance, sending you a message of love, patience, healing,
compassion, joy, and peace that passes human understanding. They are
right within your heart and the healing energy I'm sending you is
matching their healing energy to strengthen your SOUL.
Breath out, relax, ALL IS WELL. Have a peaceful Monday.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance and success, health and healing, inspiration and enthusiasm. I cherish the memories of my loved one and embrace their LOVE to honor their SOUL.".....have a spectacular day.
Breath out, relax, ALL IS WELL. Have a peaceful Monday.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance and success, health and healing, inspiration and enthusiasm. I cherish the memories of my loved one and embrace their LOVE to honor their SOUL.".....have a spectacular day.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
There is something very magical about the
earliest moments in the morning. Like right now, I feel so calm and my
creativity is at it's peak. Feeling so grateful for where the spirit of
LOVE is taking my life. How the universe is orchestrating the little
details to unfold my destiny. It's pretty incredible when you surrender
to your higher self and allow life carry you through. I'm excited for
what's coming. Even though I have no clue what's coming. I am open and
receptive to more GOOD in my life than I
can ever imagine. I sincerely have this prayer for YOU also. I send you
this blessing to have your heart open, your soul's inspired with
passion! I see you prosperous, wealthy, healthy, abundant, divinely
guided, and peaceful. I see you soaring and spiritually uplifted, happy
and constantly joyous, beautiful and absolutely FREE with your desires
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in love and compassion. Today is the BEST day of my life with all of my NEEDS met. I accept what's best for my highest evolution and gratefully call it forth in my life."...have a spectacular Sunday
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in love and compassion. Today is the BEST day of my life with all of my NEEDS met. I accept what's best for my highest evolution and gratefully call it forth in my life."...have a spectacular Sunday
Friday, June 21, 2013
For people who are in service with others and
practice meditation, visioning, or other spiritual methodology, you may
have began to feel intense divine energy flowing through your body as
you are becoming more AWAKE and AWARE. These may show up as physical
pain or emotional cycles of ups and downs. Hang on, nothing to worry
about. You are breaking out of the lower energies into higher ones. Rest
your bodies, hydrate with lots of water, go green with your food, stay
away from red meet, and increase your silence meditation. Our collective
consciousness vibrational energy of the planet is rising and more
AWAKENINGS happening at rapid rate. Be kind and gentle to yourself and
others. Surrender to your higher self and ALLOW life force to pass
through your without any resistance. Have a spectacular FRIDAY.
Affirmation: " I forgive and let go. I let go and let God to handle every detail of my life. I live in a friendly, kind, joyous, and totally abundant universe that supports ALL OF MY NEEDS at any MOMENT OF MY EXISTENCE in ETERNITY."......BE WELL MY FRIENDS
Affirmation: " I forgive and let go. I let go and let God to handle every detail of my life. I live in a friendly, kind, joyous, and totally abundant universe that supports ALL OF MY NEEDS at any MOMENT OF MY EXISTENCE in ETERNITY."......BE WELL MY FRIENDS
Thursday, June 20, 2013
It's All Good

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance, healing, prosperity, inspiration, and complete peace. Life supports me in everything I do , say, think, and intend to manifest for the good of ALL" ...have a spectacular day
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Have the COURAGE
Have the COURAGE to step out of your current
circumstances that chain you down in lower energies of pain, depression,
fear, anxiety, and shame. It all starts with a thought in your mind and
DREAMING your freedom to BE YOURSELF into reality.
You are more POWERFUL than you think you are. The entire COSMOS
conspired you into existence. Your body is made from the elements of the
STARS. You are made up of water, oxygen, carbon, and billions of astral
molecules into this magnificent conscious BEING. Giving in to people's
idea of you, what they think you should be, or having anyone CONTROLLING
you is un-acceptable. You are LOVE in manifestation with each BREATH.
Do you get what I'm saying? I don't really care who you programmed to
think you are and what your relationship is to me!!! BUT I do care at
what level of AWARENESS you are operating from because my entire mission
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in complete AWARENESS of my authentic self. I live for myself knowing that divine love of universe guides me in every step of my life. Bring it ON BABY"......have a spectacular day
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in complete AWARENESS of my authentic self. I live for myself knowing that divine love of universe guides me in every step of my life. Bring it ON BABY"......have a spectacular day
Saturday, June 15, 2013
The art of Crying
There is a magical mystery in the art of
crying. The idea is knowing that your true identity is not the emotions,
feelings, and any pain that is passing through. Be aware of not
identifying yourself with what the mind and physical body is experiencing.
Your awareness of being the experiencer that is experiencing allow you
to witness yourself pass through all the turmoil while you are anchored
in the realm of spirit. The emotions flow through, body cleanses, heart
opens up, you entire nervous system relaxes. After you relax through the
experience, your body becomes numb, your chest feels light, the
tightening in your shoulder muscles and neck loosen up. There is a
subtle euphoria that follow this process. It's just a very sacred
atmosphere. I don't know if anyone reading this has had the similar
experience from this point of view. If not, keep on meditating until you
get here........Namaste.
Lysefjorden, Norway
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace and harmony. I let go and let God handle every movement in my life. My destiny is a great destiny. All is well. " have a peaceful weekend everyone
Lysefjorden, Norway
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace and harmony. I let go and let God handle every movement in my life. My destiny is a great destiny. All is well. " have a peaceful weekend everyone
Friday, June 14, 2013
Understanding Compassion
"Compassion is understanding of the lack of
understanding". How often do you have thoughts of fear, doubt, and
worry? I invite you to embrace the energy of LOVE and COMPASSION to
yourself first! From this space engage your circumstances and notice how
your life moves smoother. Our ability to be aware of our own
consciousness will eventually bring about the PEACE we so willingly are
looking to create in our WORLD! We can do it! Have a fantastic FRIDAY
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in harmonizing prosperity. I intend to heal and be healed right now as I take my next breath into eternity. Life supports me."
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in harmonizing prosperity. I intend to heal and be healed right now as I take my next breath into eternity. Life supports me."
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Heart's Struggles
Do you ever find yourself caught in the battle
between the HEART and the MIND? Where one tells you something and the
other something esle? What do you do? I allow my heart to expand around
what it's yearning to express. I open my heart so whatever
action comes from it is expressed through pure LOVE. My mind however
wonders how I get that done! The creative genius of my MIND becomes the
perfect vehicle to direct and guide my heart's unlimited passion. So , a
balance is created between the heart and the mind. The key to it for
Affirmation: "I am worthy of my heart's desires and the truth of my mind harmonizing my actions into divine manifestations".
Affirmation: "I am worthy of my heart's desires and the truth of my mind harmonizing my actions into divine manifestations".
Monday, June 10, 2013
me ask you this: Is your Soul on Fire? Do you have a burning desire in
the morning to wake up and unleash the power within you? Are you living
in the moment and give it all you have for just TODAY making it the best
day in your life? I feel like you are searching for an answer. I feel
like you've been contemplating these questions long enough to be open
and receptive to this message you are reading.
I feel like all you need is a bit of FAITH, a little bit of
INSPIRATION, and a HELPING hand to guide you on your PATH. If you are
that person READY and AVAILABLE to AWAKEN, I'm talking to you!!! Some
may read this post and the energy behind it may go right over their
head. (that's fine). However, I'm speaking to your over SOUL. I'm
speaking to that intuition deep within your heart to AWAKEN....Let the
burning desire reveal itself. Let yourself be Authentic and Powerful,
Joyous and Grateful, Passionate and Cheerful, creative and absolutely
Affirmation: " I am giving myself permission to be ME. I am connected and grateful to be the Real me. All is WELL.".....have a spectacular week guys
Affirmation: " I am giving myself permission to be ME. I am connected and grateful to be the Real me. All is WELL.".....have a spectacular week guys
Sunday, June 9, 2013
What are you tuning into?
What are you tuning into? is the question that
is being asked in my head. Deep within my psyche, there is a yearning
for direction. I feel my soul is asking me this question to direct me to
my higher purpose in life. Sometimes, as you get caught
up in daily activities, you may fall off of your path. Spiritual
practices such as meditation, prayers, visioning, and service are there
to guide you right back on your higher path. What am I tuning into?
Right now, I'm tuning into serving others, helping them to connect back
to their inner being. I'm tuning into LOVE and Abundance. I know that by
building a strong friendship, I can uplift someone's spirit from near
or far. Doesn't matter to me if I know you in person or not. I know we
are connected on a deeper level and my messages may touch your heart one
way or another. What am I tuning into? I'm singing the song of PEACE
& Harmony. Honestly, at the end of the day, all I care for is world
Peace. I intend to be flying amongst the angels. This is only achieved
through the reflection of our own inner Peace. So, Lets tune in that
Affirmation: "I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.
Dalai Lama"
Affirmation: "I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.
Dalai Lama"
Friday, June 7, 2013
Life is Simple
The earliest, few minutes of your waking hour is the most important time of your day in order to set your mind for a spectacular day. The second I open my eyes, I start saying affirmations of Gratitude: I AM GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL,,,I say it as many times, and as fast as I can. I get into the FEELING tone of WHAT IT IS TO BE GRATEFUL. Then, I ask the UNIVERSE: WHAT PRAYERS CAN I ANSWER TODAY? HOW MAY I SERVE TODAY? As I get into the feeling tone of service to others, I come behind my computer and write my Facebook Daily uplifting message like this one. I write with the INTENTION to uplift your spirit. To give you something of Value, to put a Esmile :) on your face, and to shift your focus from anxiety to hope, depression to joy, fear to FAITH, chaos to peace, and above all activate the Unconditional LOVE that resides within your heart already. I do it for the love of it and know right now this energy is uplifting your beautiful Soul as it is uplifting mine. Have a fantastic Friday. Set yourself up for EXCELLENCE right now as you finish reading this....
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Here is something I invite you to realize. The
only certainty in life is 'change'. When you truly understand this and
release yourself from the 'fear of unknown', your life takes on a
peaceful vibration. You are not constantly under threat of 'what is
going to happen?'. You inherently know and accept 'change' as a natural
phenomena. Open your heart to this and release yourself from the burden
of always 'BEING in CONTROL'. The universe is in 'FLOW' and changing
every second as it expands. You also as a Spiritual being having a
temporary human incarnation are on a voyage into constant changes. Allow
life to carry you through by being flexible, adoptable, and teachable.
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to more goods than I can ever imagine. I allow changes in life to carry me to my destiny. I trust the universe and my soul to guide me, support me, nourish me, and protect me in my journey. Life is deliciously WONDERFUL
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to more goods than I can ever imagine. I allow changes in life to carry me to my destiny. I trust the universe and my soul to guide me, support me, nourish me, and protect me in my journey. Life is deliciously WONDERFUL
Monday, June 3, 2013
Good morning life. I love Mondays! It
challenges me to set myself up for a new beginnings. Now, Today is also
start of a new month of JUNE.....In my language, 'JOON' means 'LIFE'. We
use this noun in different ways as well: 'LIFE' (JOONAM BALA OOMAD)
---> (AKH JOOOOOOOON) and many more
...Well for my Farsi speaking fans and English speakers who have been
Persianized by me for a while now, I really LOVE your Jooons (FADAYE
JOONETOON). For all of us now, lets make the month of JUNE be the best
month of our lives. Lets transform ourselves from within, pick up better
habits, shift our thoughts from negative to positive, share our
resources to help others with kindness and compassion. WE CAN DO THIS
TOGETHER. I'm doing many projects this month...PLEASE inquire and
join us!!!! I have a free seminar coming on JUNE 16th in LA, our
Orphanage Charity Group (LACCG) has it's first public meeting on June
11th. Also, I have online coaching group starting JUNE 9th. Every
Tuesday nights, I have Chakra Healing Group Meditation in ENCINO, that's
4 in this JOOON..... LOOK , JUNE is the month to love, to share, to
inspire, to heal, and to give to our WORLD TOGETHER and raise the
collective cosmic consciousness. Will you JOIN ME???? Ghorbooneh
Joooonetoooon. Have a great day!
"I am open and receptive to my transformation into LIGHT and LOVE. Life
supports me. I attract abundance and success into my life because
that's who I AM"....have a spectacular week
Sunday, June 2, 2013
The 4 M's in my life
Few nights ago my gorgeous little sister Shaili Pezeshki Solomon, my lovely beautiful niece, Ava Broukhim, and handsome kind nephew, Aaron Broukhim
were all analyzing my multiple personalities! The best feedback in our
lives are from the people we love most. What I learned from them (I
already knew) was a deeper clarification in most elegant yet simple way
of truth. I have the 4 M's : Monk, Monkey, Monican, and a Monster. I
have a higher self personality as a Monk, the spiritual
being floating in a human incarnation, living, moving, and having his
being in God. The Monkey side is truly visible when I bounce around,
make fun of myself, am free spirited in my element, and truly am having
fun in the present moment as I was with them that night. Monican is a
new term my sister made. That's when I'm concentrating to do a task.
Being a male specie, I am completely disabled into doing one task at a
time. I CAN NOT MULTI- TASK FOR THE LIFE OF ME. The funny thing is
people think I'm ignoring them or I'm not attentive to them. Well, I
can ONLY be focused on one train of thought at a time. My face becomes
expressionless, I look like I'm on another planet. Lost in Mars. Totally
anti-social and rather mean looking. Last is my EGOIC Monster that I've
been challenged with throughout all my life. The Monster is the
personality I try to tame with every breath through meditation, intense
hiking, prayers, affirmations! YOU NAME IT. It has been a lifetime
challenge. Sometimes the Monster does show up and gives me Red Light to
get more discipline on myself. More loving towards others, and know that
at the moment the Monster comes out, My true MONK and MONKEY selves are
in PAIN.....They Need Major TLC and Loving...........I love you Shaili,
Ava, Aaron, and here is a shout out to Avita Hannah joonam as well.....
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being as close to a Monkey's spirit as possible today"....Life is full of Joy ,,,have a great Sunday.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being as close to a Monkey's spirit as possible today"....Life is full of Joy ,,,have a great Sunday.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Returning to Authenticity
fell for my EGO's expectation of wanting something in return, or a
payback, or fulfilling an inner need from an individual. As I was
speaking, my conversation took the tonality of defensiveness. The
interesting part is that I became aware of entering the lower, negative
energy of the person I was speaking to right away, however, I could not
maneuver myself out of the drag. When you have turmoil within
yourself, it's a perfect fertile land for your EGO to strengthen itself
and push you out of integrity with your SOUL. One of the EGO's major
needs is 'trying to prove your point'. This can waste a lot of good
energy from you and the other person in any relationship. Through my
awareness, I went back to my strong friendship bridge, a mutual love
between us, expressing my sentiments, and learning from my experience. I
also re-connected back to our mutual INTENTIONS. Lesson learned.
Affirmation: "I am living , moving, and having my being in strong faith. I know my life is supported by the good of the universe." have a beautiful weekend.
Affirmation: "I am living , moving, and having my being in strong faith. I know my life is supported by the good of the universe." have a beautiful weekend.
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