Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are You Available?

Since I've made myself available to the spirit of love wholeheartedly, I've changed as a human being. I've been more in touch with my soul and walked a very fulfilling path. I was always curious as a child about meditation and people who are deeply in touch with nature. Always wondered how they feel inside and what their view is collectively. Now, I've found myself to be that same person I dreamed about many years ago. At first it's kind of very strange, it's actually scary sometimes. It trips me out. You know what it is? It's just a deep sense of peace and appreciation for existence that makes me content. There is no need to reach somewhere, because I have a deepest sense that I've already arrived. That I took on this reincarnation to fulfill a destiny special to me. It shows up in my thoughts, it shows up in my acts. It shows up in how I show up first thing in the morning to myself. I catch myself with Egoic thoughts that I know are kicking me off my path and purpose. It's great when I catch them and feel the spaciousness within. Observing them gives me a sense of fulfillment. Just being with them, not judging them , not labeling myself as good or bad, not associating with them, because I know I'm not my thoughts, nor the labels I've been given by society, family , friends, and this world itself. Spiritual path is challenging. It requires commitment and persistence to your higher self. Knowing that it's always there to support you NO MATTER WHAT. It's also a bigger commitment to others. Commitment to your thoughts and actions, knowing that whatever you say or do effects everyone, every sentient being. So, there's a lot of responsibility that comes with it. You must constantly check your inner world, cleaning up your inner closet, keeping the energy balanced, and making sure you are not falling pray to your EGO, which you most certainly do at times. What matters most is are you willing to take responsibility for the times you do fall down and fall pray to it? or Are you going to play victim with life circumstances and opinions of people about you? It's a fine balancing act and one that you must be aware of. How do you keep this awareness fresh and continuous? Through meditation, prayers, giving, and service to others. Through releasing your gifts and talents that you were blessed with to the best of your capability. Through appreciation for what you have, never comparing yourself to what others have, and contentment. Through finding happiness in the small things, in the process of life, and in the fundamental order of universal laws. Through allowing yourself to be in the flow, and when you are not, to take a recess from the process. To go within and touch your authentic self and bringing forth your true self with others. First with yourself and then with others. Through humility and self worthiness, through love and gentleness. Through allowing your creativity blossom like a beautiful flower. Through patience and perseverance. Through divine right action and knowing that you are supported continuously day in and day out. I was holding a meditation group at my friends house yesterday and I had 10 beautiful souls under my wings to lift their spirit to higher level and healing them from dis-ease and dis-harmony. It is such an amazing feeling when I connect with others at a deep soul level. As I set my intention, I become a vessel for the spirit of love to take me over and do what it's suppose to do. I don't do anything, I don't take any credit for it. It's just being aware that life wants to create and reveal it's beauty through you. This incredible energy is available to all of us. It infinite, it's eternal, it's peaceful, and it's all within YOU. Open your heart to discover it within yourself and radiate it out to others. There are immense global changes happening at each moment. Human beings are becoming more aware, more in tune, more connected to each other, and more united. When there are enough people discovering their inner truth and seek out their destiny intentionally to bring heaven on earth, we are going to have Peace in our lifetime. I know we can, I know we are able, I know we are capable, and I know that's where we are heading. The key to it is to become AVAILABLE! So, you tell me, ARE YOU AVAILABLE?

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