Friday, December 30, 2016

Healing vibe

Did your eyes just capture the first few words of my writing? Are you wondering why there is a magnetic energy pulling you to read further? Here is why! Your eyes just picked up the frequency of light radiating from these words and sending these photons at the speed of light to your retina, then projection them to millions of cells into an intricate electro-chemical reaction, that then gets translated in your brain as words. You start giving these words meaning through your perception. However, there is a healing frequency behind these words that are stemming from my soul, a direct communication to your higher self. That's where the attraction is coming from. It is embraced in unconditional love and traveling faster than the speed of light. Spirit has the highest velocity and is most powerful. It knows that an area of your life is going through a dense energy or challenge. Take a deep breath and relax. The area of your life that seems to be a bump or a lump in the body is just a resistance to elevating you into higher consciousness. The soul sets reminders in the subconscious as the human experience becomes stagnant during spiritual expansion. It provides you with resistance to raise your awareness. This resistances shows up as physical illness or relationship pain. They Can be shifted by your awareness of reversing this co-creation through opening yourself to cosmic love. As you are in this vibration, breath into your heart and see a beautiful light expanding throughout your whole body. This light is traveling at the speed of spirit which is eternal, infinite, and originated from before the beginning. It is your divine nature communicating with your earthly presence, reassuring you that you are WELL. Your job is to visit this space as often as you can. Send out this intention: I am open and receptive to divine cosmic loving healing now. As you send out this intention, surrender and let it go. Open yourself up for receptivity with this question: what is the best case scenario for my life? As you formulate these steps, allow yourself to be basked into pure love. Your body is one with the totality of the universe. Your mind is the direct emanation of the mind of God. Right now, your vibration has been shifted through each breath. Your breath is the gateway between the love of God and the inner prayers of your soul. Just remember your breath and re-connect to this energy as you go about your day. Your life is changing, even now, with ease and grace. A miracle you have been waiting for is unfolding. Your body is healed. Your heart is clear. Please share this so that another soul picks up what's being transmitted here. And so it is. Amen 💚

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