Monday, July 13, 2020



Now more than ever, I need to focus on my breath. To Breath means to Being Ready , Expanding Astronomically, Through the Heart.

 YES! This is my mandate. Being is the state of acknowledging your present moment in the nowness of life. Being is the only state when the presence of God is felt through your spine. Being is felt through a conscious breath when the love of God is inhaled through the oxygen molecules. 

The love you can count on because it is eternal and constant. As you inhale, heavenly bodies enter your body temple and nourish every cell to consciousness of life. Take a deep breath right now and feel that love. 

To be Ready is a state of alertness. To be awake from the sleep patterns of the egoic mind. Readiness is a willingness that’s accomplished through your intentions. Being Ready to set yourself up for new becomings. 

Each becoming preceded a state of readiness and openness for flow of life to enter your body temple, and cloth your soul with insights. Be Ready to expand and take a stand for excellence in your life. 

This Expansion happens Astronomically. You move from the state of your being in the moment by going deep within microscopically at a level of one atom while it extracts the electrons from an oxygen molecule, to expanding and exploring the secretes of the cosmos macroscopically. 

Breath my friend. The unity between the self and outside of the self is bridged together by a simple conscious breath. Exhale with confidence, know that you are loved and you are love Itself by the presence of God , grounding you in the womb of Mother Earth, nourishing your soul Through the Heart. 

Being Ready , Expanding Astronomically Through the Heart; (BREATH) and know that your heart is the space that houses your soul. The heart has an amazing intelligence that communicates with life more than your brain does. 

The Heart is pliable. It is open to feel any emotion while in motion. The Heart laughs with every story of triamph and cries with every story of suffering. The heart knows what the mind has difficulty to understand. 

Your breath is the rainbow through the storms of life that brings light to the darkness and warms the heart. As a result, the love in your heart makes passionate love with your soul. 

Your desires are fueled by a conscious breath. They are funded with this blessing. Therefore , breath. Pay attention to the next breath that leads you into “Being Ready, Expanding Astronomically, Through the Heart“- in order to reveal the secret of life and unfold the goodness of life, within the isness and the nowness of life! 

Breath my friend. 

Namaste ❤️🌷

Dr Rod 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I believe 

Affirmation: “I believe, I receive, & I am grateful!”

What a beautiful thought to believe in yourself and the power of the universe. Belief is powerful when it is targeted with your intention of setting positive energy in motion. Believe in your well being and healthy mind/body/ spirit. Believe in the power of now, this very moment defines and re-defines your future. Believe in love. Do you believe in the power of love? It can heal the heart and every other madness happening on our planet. Believe in your innate connection to your source and acknowledge your greatness. Yes, you are greatness! Take it in. Believe it!✌️πŸ˜ƒ 

Receiving is a gift. Ability to receive enables you to give. When you give you circulate, when you circulate, you generate, and as you generate you illustrate God in action. Generate the power of peace, circulate the power of kindness, and illustrate your compassion everywhere you go. This is what the world needs so desperately now for spiritual man & women of high conscious to tap into and exude with their vibration. Be the change you want to see in the world as my buddy Gohndi once said. πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‹

Appreciate and be grateful. Take on the attitude of gratitude and rise above into this altitude because you can, because you must. We don’t have even one second to waste anymore. Any resentment held, un-forgiveness not healed, gossip sent out, divisions created based on race, religion, and socio-economic status will keep us in lower altitudes. We can NOT afford that any longer. Greed and envy can’t hold up anymore. Fear and anxiety no longer has any room in our consciousness. Our planet is shaking things up!!! Are you awakening? Are you up leveling your game and rising in gratitude? Who are you going to become as we travel through this pandemic together and how do you want to be remembered? 

I’ll leave you with that! 

I believe , I receive, and I am grateful! πŸ€™πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Let this be the greatest day of our lives. 

And so it is. Amen ❤️πŸ™πŸ‘ŠSHARE this away. 

Dr Rod🌷

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Corona virus peace treaty

A treaty of peace !

Dear coronavirus 

As an enlightened being of light and a representative of collective human consciousness, we politely ask you to chill down and relax. We are unified in love and we know that the human spirit is strong because we are the emanation of the living God. We also know that since you have risen from nature and nature comes from source itself, then by logic you also represent an extension of source itself. 

Therefore, that makes us friends, not enemies. That makes us same frequency in consciousness and by the power of love , we can de-structure your DNA to a point where by residing in our cells, you’ll turn into vitamins & minerals instead of dis-ease or dis-harmony. 

We now mandate for you to slow down and meditate on your replication, rate of infection, and slow down your course of action throughout our planet. We are living side by side and we request to live in peace next to each other. 

If you decide to take residence in anyone’s body right now or in the future, please be very polite, curtious, gentle, have good manners, and live without causing any harm or damage. Be a silent guest who’s welcome, but is more welcome to leave peacefully and quickly. 

You can go dance in the stars or drink beer & bathe in coconut oil as far as the human race is concerned. As long as we are both living at peace, we are cool with each other. 

So, I hope you hear my message because I’m sending you a healing prayer to go your own peaceful way and not ever come back into existence. 

Please share this message and raise the frequency of positive energy around our collective consciousness responsibly. 

With love, 

Global human family πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ¦‹

Ps; Dr Rod ❤️🌷
