Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Inner feelings 

Make peace with your inner feelings, yes, the one you've been thinking about and the one that's been sitting on your chest like an elephant. Make peace with it. You can do it right now as you continue to read this. Follow the path of your breath to your heart, slow it down, and notice where in your heart you've been holding on to the elephant's tail with both your hands. Look at his facial expression! You see the pain on his face as it wants to leave your energy field as well??? It can't stand your nagging and repeated story telling about your pain to the world as well anymore.. Smiling? yes, it's as silly as that. Make peace with the elephant's tail and let it go. As you make peace with your inner feelings, your thoughts will reflect the positive vibration of the new feelings you just created. Your soul will feel lighter. You'll beam out a beautiful vibe everywhere you go. We can't have peace in the world if we are holding on to our old baggage, getting chocked by pretending rather than allowing peace to take over our lives. It starts with you my friend......Namaste...Dr. Rod +1

Friday, January 18, 2019

My insights with life 

I’ve been wanting to write about my experience I had few nights ago at my fathers Dyalisis place for couple of days now. I have not had a chance. It’s been a tough road with my dad’s progressive kidney failure as many of you have seen my posts on Facebook. He is a very tough guy and is now at Hemo Dyalisis stage for the last year. Our routine is 3 times a week on even days for 4 hours a treatment session. The process is very distinct and sensitive. I want to give you a glimpse of what it takes to preserve life and what it takes for these patients and families who are right along these patients on their journey. 

" Our morning routine is to have him dressed and eat his breakfast. My caregiver helps out around 9 am. He loves walking outdoors so they go for a walk on the street with his walker. Remind you that he has Parkinson’s so he is a high risk patient for falls. Needs to be monitored 24/7 because even with medications he can lose his balance and fall. At 82, it’s easy to break anything. The Dyalisis center is about 10 min away from us. The place has about 24 stations. When you renter the building, the smell of formaldehyde is the first thing that hits your senses. The staff are friendly. I’ll describe the scene I walked into few nights ago when I was picking him up at 430pm. This is after he had been filtering his blood through a port coming from his chest hooked up to two lines into a Dyalisis machine. 

These machines are like recycling centers where they suck your blood into a sensitive filteration process and then they’ll return clean blood back into your veins. To patients who undergo this process, it feels like they have ran a marathon after a treatment. It’s exhausting. It’s arduous. It’s tiring and relentless action. It requires a lot a patience. Patience is one very powerful virtue that my father and my mom have developed. They are my spiritual masters who are teaching me this virtue because I don’t have any. 

I’m re-learning what’s important in life through my dad’s process. So, I walked in. My dad was in the second bed from right. On the first bed, there is a 92 year old Lebanese gentleman who now is being transported by medical care group because his caregiver can’t handle him anymore. He weighs about 85 pounds at most. There is only bones and skin left of him. No muscles, no skin turgidity, no collagen. His eyes are sunken and you can see them moving back and forth. Poor guy has sever dementia and is unable to move. When he sees me, he smiles. I know it is very temporary because his mind is not really processing the next step of communication. It’s more like a reflex. 

My heart goes out for this man who I call puppy ( puppy eyes). He has been on Dyalisis for 11 years and fighting through. Above his machine there was a sticker pad saying RRB. I was staring at it, staring at him, staring at my dad to his left who’s face was in great discomfort as well. The cold air in this center makes my bones shiver. I am a big dude with heavy clothes standing there after a full day of doing my work. Yet, here I am freezing. What about these fragile half alive half dead patients who’s blood have been suck out of their veins and laying still for 5 hours? 

That thought makes me shiver even more. I walk to go and get my dads wheelchair, and then I see my favorite character. There is an older Spanish lady who in my mind I call little duck. She’s really cute and fragile. She has an amazing smile. Each time I greet her, she gives me the biggest grin. My little duck was being craned out of her bed. Just like fishing fish with fishing net out of the ocean. 

When the body becomes olde, fragile, and immobile, there is a risk of moving it with hand. So, they use fishnet cranes. She was somewhere in between heaven and earth , up in the middle of the air and smiling when I walked by her. I knew she was enjoying this ride. I know it was taking her back to when she was probably 3 years old playing in the park jumping up and down. I smiled at little duck and she exchanged eye contact. Her limbs where motion less. So were her hands. Yet her eyes were full of fire.

 It amazes me how these patients hang on to dear life. I am completely in my own zone at this time and think about RRB sign. I got the message of "Return Return Baby". Perhaps this was Gods sending messages in my consciousness as I was simultaneously observing my surrounding and receiving insights. Return to me is what I got. Don’t be afraid. The body is just a worn out clothes but the soul is eternal. No matter what we do to preserve life, there is time for return movement. As the body disintegrates and I see it every day with my dad, there is a bigger part of us that ignites passion in our heart, gasps for the next breath in life, and adds value to the most difficult task in our experience. Return to your authentic self and change the meaning to your experience. As an observer , I had a difficulty seeing the patients suffer. From their perspective, Mr puppy is chilling to get his treatment done, little ducky is hanging in her fish net, and my dad is counting the seconds for me to pick him up and cheer him up in the car, riding back home and having our regular talk. 

It’s in the fragment moments of our life that our destinies are made. Who am I to give meaning to other people’s experiences? Who am I to judge what’s going on in their heads? For me, it’s just observing and allowing things to unfold. I’ve promised to work on my own return movement. To be anchored in my spiritual self so that I allow others to get elevated and find their own return path. Patiently off course. That’s all we can ask for in life. Patience and gratitude for what is! 


Dr Rod

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Go within

There is a spiritual solution to any man made problem specially when we are caught up in relationship issues. The way we grow is through our challenges. People who we attract in our lives have a blessing in disguise for us. Entanglements, energy condensations, pain, fear, suffering, control, and self sabotage are all areas in our own life that needs healing. Why? Because you manifest what at some subconscious level you are vibrating out to the universe. However, there is more forces involve in this creation process. There are universal laws in effect that when we don’t know what they are or we break them, causes us a lot of agony.

 If you are struggling at some level in any relationship, you can change it by changing yourself. Don’t blame anyone, don’t expect anyone to change, and don’t give your power to anyone to decide for you. Only you know what’s best for you, given the right guidance to tap in your higher Self and bring the best case scenario in your experience. Give yourself the gift of personal development. Instead of looking for reasons outside of you, look within. The answers are all in your own heart and soul. Finally, take charge of your own life! You only have one shot at it. Live happy, free, and on purpose! 


Dr Rod❤️

Spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839

Friday, January 4, 2019

Monitoring your thoughts 

Make sure to monitor your thoughts the second you wake up because the ego has a way of creeping in right away. It will drag you to the past and creates an excuse of why you should feel worthless. As soon as you feel worthless, it gives you another excuse to accept less than your highest best. It gives you the illusion that you deserve to feel like sh*t. It has all the tricks in its bag to make you fall for these lies. So, be smart and catch it for what it is. It’s an illusion that loves to derail you from the truth of who you are; a being of light and love. You have to stand guard at the door of your mind. Be resilient about this because I’m talking about experiencing this an hour ago. The time that took for me to realize my ego messing around was a split second. Even that, I got see a very dark side of reality it was painting in my consciousness. The split second felt like eternity. What saves me is my spiritual practices. Practice in order it becomes a habit so that you don’t have to think about it. Thinking will not help because your thoughts are already hijacked. Practice, practice, practice ! 


DrRod26.comπŸ’š spiritual life coaching

Affirmation: I am a being of light and love. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available to more abundance, health, wealth, peace and success than I have ever imagined before. I trust in faith and just allow it to be. And so it is. Amen. 

Have a spectacular day πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ€£

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 gratitude note 

Something I wrote before: "Right now I am overwhelmed by the energy of gratitude that is gushing through my veins. I'm dedicating these words to all the blessings I am experiencing and expressing in my life. Starting with the breath, the oxygen. My body, mind, and emotion. The motion of my thoughts appreciating the spirit of love governing the universe. The Sun energy that feeds my cells through the food I eat. The love I give and receive from my family. The smile on a friend's face who is blessed enough to own a device because of abundance and read these words, getting uplifted. My connection to you and the cosmos. Recognizing our oneness and our ability to be a positive change to the world. Blessings all around us in every second, I am grateful. My deepest appreciation to those who love me unconditionally and those who I love without any judgment. With each breath, I expand this consciousness and hold you in the high vibration of healing, peace, compassion with abundance of joy overflowing the bank of your present paradigm. For this , I am grateful. For you, I am grateful and I allow these words to expand around the globe. So be it. AmenπŸ’š+1"

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