DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching
Sunday, August 26, 2018
All that is
Friday, August 17, 2018
Love story
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Abundance affirmation
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Self love
Connecting to your source is the Self love you are looking for that will heal all the pain from the past being carried in your heart. Pain is inevitable in our natural progression as human experience , however it is the story of the pain that we hold on in our memory that causes unnecessary suffering. Suffering is optional and in this very moment you have a choice to let go of the victim consciousness of suffering, opening your Self up to embracing the pain, and transmuting this energy into faith, love, and hope.
Life is ever expanding, evolving, and infinite. You being the re-presentation of the one life that ever existed, are full of pure potential. This potential needs your recognition and conscious realization to cultivate, activate, and then express more of itself as you. You are worthy being of light, a beautiful idea from the mind of universal consciousness. As you move along your spiritual path, come from the space of trusting yourSelf and appreciating the pain that has led you to know, and know that you know that your knowing is from divine guidance.
You conversation now is about possibility and potential, compassion and oneness, joy and happiness. Wake up baby, you are the Source and the Source is you. Take a deep breath, affirm: "All of my needs are met, everything happens for my higher good, I am living, moving , and having my being in God, in peace, in love. All is well". and so it is. Amen.
Namaste +1
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Your purpose
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
My sacred space
Monday, August 6, 2018
The void
At the same time, it can push you to discover more of what you are about. You can either use it for your growth or allow it to pull you into strong waves of sadness, anger, or heart break. When you feel this void, it will seem like a wave of heavy energy wanting to break you from inside. Instead of fighting it, dive deep underneath this wave. Submerge inside and see if you can embrace it. Be with it as I say and open your arms as if you want to give a warm hug to your lover. Make it welcome and know that this void is a part of you that is pulsating to feel love from the highest part of you. It seeks love from others but that love is transitory and for many is not real. It seeks your attention with an intention to uplift you as you recognize it.
In the moment of its deep recognition, the waves of the void turns into calm ocean of devotion to inner happiness. Peace rises up from the deep abyss of this darkness and fill through the void. It holds you and protects your heart by transforming this energy just by your realization that this void is your own soul extending her hand to guide you into eternity of inner joy. The process of unfoldment starts with seeing the voids in your heart and then surrendering yourself as you dive into pure love.
Feel your heart my friend. Notice the void has turned into light and expansion into purity of your Soul. Namaste. π
DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching
Sunday, August 5, 2018
First thing
This is the first thing that goes on in my mind before I even open my eyes every morning: " I am available to more good than I have ever imagined before. I am open and receptive to infinite blessings. I surrender to my guides and divine intelligence to bring forth my mission today. I surrender to the spirit of love and God to have their way with me. I am in great gratitude , appreciating all that there IS and manifesting from all that IS NOT. Thank you life, thank you love , thank you health, thank you wealth, thank you peace, thank you abundance, and thank you bliss. So be it !"
DrRod26.com ππ
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Your soul
I have the deepest compassion for the pain you've endured. I understand that you've been doing the best you know how to handle situations that come at you. Sometimes you get lost, sometimes you get caught into darkness. A blockage in your heart. You say something you don't mean and then you realize what you said have hurt the person you love most. You start hurting inside and feeling as if the entire world has become your worst enemy. It happens to the best of us. I realize the emotional ups and downs you go through.
I realize the fear of un-known that shows up in your mind, in those alone moments where you fall to your knees and ask for prayers of healing. I see and feel who and what you Are, for you are always becoming more and creating an extension of me through the experiences of your life. One thing I've discovered in you is that you are always trying to grow.
To go beyond the mental shackles of your EGO and break through your limited belief systems that you picked up from the world. I see how you try genuinely and I respect that in you. I see how you want to change for the better, on a moment by moment basis, and how you are committed to Be more than you are because you know deeply that you are more than who you are. I respect that in you, I SEE YOU, and I'm here for you to make that leap into the unknown with ease and grace. That's my promise to you and my word creates a world of significance as your life at the moment you yield to me through the portal of your heart and allow me to shine right through it. Trust me my friend, I've got your back, even at times it seems that we are so far apart. I'm right there within you, breathing through you, and cradling you in my arms. I love you unconditionally.
Your Soul.......(-Dr. Rod...)