I woke up with an intense spasm in both of my upper shoulders right beneath the neck line. Usually muscle spasm is coagulated thought energy that has surfaced up either consciously or subconsciously and is trying to leave the body temple. I just came out of a very deep meditation, so I will share the process of what I experienced, if at any level you are holding some sort of body pain, this will help you.
Read it once, and then couple of times as I take you on this journey. I know that you know there are thoughts you subjectively hold about yourself that is simply not true. That is a judgment about yourself either because of lack of self love or living in fear. It's a a myth you are holding about yourself from the past. A 'What If' statement that's been hunting you. What if my life wasn't like this? What if things would have been different? What if I didn't make that decision and I would have done something else? You know what I'm talking about. Comparing What Is to what Could have been is the biggest self sabotage and dis-empowering state of mind to be. Don't worry, you are not the only one, yours truly falls for this all the time.
I've been very conscious about my internal dialogue though. Through self healing and meditation, I transmute this thoughts and change them to new one. Even as they are happening, I become aware of them and still in the process of mastering my feelings around them. Yet, again and again I fall for my Ego and experience the pain it causes. So what, life is a process of creating and experiencing your experiences and learning from the past experiences. So, take a deep breath. You've read this far, therefore I know your mind is settled and is in tune.
As you read this, think about a time you've compared yourself with others and as a result you felt less than, unworthy, or not good enough. I give you a second......Now , take a deep breath around that thought and mental image of it. Whatever memory you have around this thought, take a snap shot of it and put both the thought and the mental image inside a sphere. Surround the sphere in red color. Deep bright red color. As you breath, notice where the spasms are or any other kind of pain around your body, or pain in your heart. A feeling of separation, sadness, or anger. Notice them, allow the feelings to surface up. Breath, and notice you are inhaling this red sphere, going inside your lungs and traveling to all the areas in your body that you are experiencing pain. As they arrive to these areas, imagine your physical body changing into field of light. Completely losing its physical form and becoming into field of light energy. Now you have the red spheres at their specific locations, with your entire body though changing into an intense blue light. As you focus on this intense blue light, imagine your heart re-shaping itself and becoming one with the ocean. So vast, so immense, so spacious, infinitely grand for increasing your capacity.
This increase in capacity is now happening at every area of your thoughts, past, present, and future. It's happening at a subconscious level to dissolve anything that doesn't belong to you. Specially what you have included in the red sphere. Now, with every beat of your heart, I want you to realize the waves of ocean washing away through the red spheres, re-shaping and changing it's red color to blue. Breath in, imagine your heart beat is the actual wave of the ocean sending this healing energy to every cell of your body.
The thoughts you've been holding on are dis-integrating inside the infinite capacity you are now making yourself available to. The judgments you've made about yourself are nothing but fear of accepting your greatness and who you really are. They are not real and will not inhibit your from manifesting your divine destiny. You are now intentionally activated in this healing energy of light, that is surrounding and connecting you to the universal source, the eternal light and love, with each breath, with each heart beat your life, your thoughts, and your actions are becoming new. New with the spirit, free from the grip of the Ego. At one with peace...Take a deep breath, hold it, now exhale with confidence. Namaste...Dr. Rod...