Monday, April 30, 2018

Price of letting go

Have you been in that situation where all you have to count on is your faith and connection to your higher Self? It's as if your ego is being stripped away of it's shell and you are becoming naked to your core by every moment. Your emotions flood your consciousness in very powerful waves. Sometimes, you don't even know why you are crying or why you are in a state of bliss, life just doesn't make sense. Maybe you can relate to this maybe not because when you open yourself up to spiritual work, this is part of the package it comes with. The un-foldment of the soul has a price, the price of letting go of attachments to formations, egoic identification with the material world, possessions, people, places, titles, and acquisitions. Our mind is so identified with these things that we forget our essence, who we really are and what our purpose is on the planet. The emotional turmoils, push and pulls are just reminders to take you out of this bondage and liberating you back to your authentic Self. It's as if you have a piece of gold that has dark matter around it. To get rid of the dark matter, you have to hold this piece of gold over intense fire, burning the impurities away in order to get to the purity form of it. Trans-formation, means breaking through and beyond the 'formation' of what your previous thoughts, feelings, and agreements have created in your experience. The price of trans-formation is surrendering to what IS and dis-identifying with the emotional turmoils knowing that they are transitory, though extremely painful. However, the gain is an opening into pure consciousness revealing itself as peace of God shining back it's reflection to you. Hang in there if you caught what just came though my Soul dear friend. You gonna be fine.....

Namaste...+1 💚

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Personal relationships 

So many of us struggle with personal relationships. At one point in your life, you thought you were in love with someone. I don't doubt that. Love is a state of being that is inherent in all of us. It's our natural state of being. On a spiritual journey, your definition of love starts to shift. As you grow and get to know yourself deeper, your tendency to be completely neutral in love expands. Many times, people who are in our lives don't catch up in this evolution. You take on a path of personal discovery and find deeper aspects of yourself, connect with your purpose in life, and become in tune on a vibration that is completely off tune with your partner's. If there is no spiritual partnership, growth, deep connection, support, and an aligned vision together, the relationship will dissolve and dis-integrate from each other. It will not continue. No one is to blame. This is the nature of our human beingness evolving on our course, meeting different angels in our lives that give us what we need at that specific time period. Pointing the finger of blame and judgment on your X-partner or one to be X soon is an immature way of looking at this phenomena. The message this has for you is to discover avenues for FORGIVENESS, discovering ways to expand and grow, discovering to be more LOVING and COMPASSIONATE as ever before, even if it has to do with LETTING GO of what NO LONGER SERVES you. You can Heal your LIFE, your Relationships, and other people once you open up to HEALING yourself and LOVING yourself first. Have Self Worth and Trust the Universal Source of LOVE to guide you to your DESTINY....-Dr. Rod....

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Growing through

I see love, beauty, divine intelligence, abundance, prosperity, kindness, creativity, compassion, integrity, wisdom, well being, healing, wholeness, happy, blissful, harmonizing good, a powerful person, and a divine destiny with all of your dreams coming through as a walking, breathing, living MIRACLE-- IN and AS YOU--, right here right now, sending you this blessing and positive, healing vibration to lift you up and above any challenges you are growing through.....-Dr. Rod..💚

Friday, April 27, 2018

Your sacred path 

Soul's of light travel towards the path of enlightenment together Some are vibrating on a higher frequency and play as a leader and some are waking up to the Truth of their higher Self, shaking off the debris they've picked up from the world of circumstance, and breath a fresh air for the first time. Where ever you are on your path, it is sacred. You are traveling on your journey and along your course, you will run in different souls as their vibration crosses yours. They have a message for you such as this note, it is not random, it is not insignificant. Each experience is magnificent on its own give the knowledge that you are present to the experience, out of your judgment, and really patient with your transformation. Transformation means Trans-going beyond and formation-condensed physical form. So, as you elevate beyond condensed formation of your worldly experiences, you step into a mystical field of energy where you are connected to the source. The challenges you are facing today were once non-physical ego based thoughts that originated from fear or sense of lack. These thoughts where given energy by 'YOU' and ultimately condensed and coagulated into physical experience. They are of the past. Whatever you are perceiving with your senses and experience in this moment, has it's origin in the past. The world of absolute, meta-physics is beyond time and space. You originate from this No-thing space and you can connect to it through meditation where you 'feel' your way into higher qualities of love, peace, compassion, and abundance. As you melt your way into this sublime space of bliss, you then welcome a shift on your thoughts, allowing the spirit to overcome the banks of your present paradigm, guiding you towards manifesting your divine energy. This week, I will be working on "Self Worth" in relationship to any habitual patterns we have that are dis-empowering: drugs, cigs, alcohol, negative thoughts, blame, shame, guilt, and whatever you think you've got that has been a monkey on your back. Please inbox me and tell me what it is. Follow my writings each day as I will transmute the lower energy from your energy field and help your healing process. I am going through my own healing through a dis-empowering habit and as I am raising my vibration, I feel that I am able to heal yours. Your intention will be: I NO LONGER HAVE THE DESIRE TO DO --------------------(your habit).....and let it be.....Hey Soul of Light, I am proud of you and I see you Tran-forming.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Thursday, April 26, 2018

14 key to happiness

*Harvard Course on Happiness*

Did you know that at Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, the most popular and successful course teaches you how to learn to be happier?

 The Positive Psychology class taught by Ben Shahar attracts 1400 students per semester and 20% of Harvard graduates take this elective course.

According to Ben Shahar, the class - which focuses on happiness, self-esteem and motivation - gives students the tools to succeed and face life with more joy._This 35-year-old teacher, considered by some to be "the happiness guru", highlights in his class 14 key tips for improving the quality of our personal status and contributing to a positive life:

🚩Tip 1. *Thank God for everything you have*: Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. Focus on the good things!

🚩Tip 2. *Practice physical activity* Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness and stress.

🚩Tip 3. *Breakfast:* Some people miss breakfast for lack of time or not to get fat. Studies show that breakfast gives you energy, helps you think and perform your activities successfully.

🚩Tip 4. *Be Assertive*: Ask what you want and say what you think. Being assertive helps improve your self-esteem. Being left and remaining silent creates sadness and hopelessness.

🚩Tip 5. *Spend your money on experiences*..a study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money in travel, courses and classes; While only the rest said they felt happier when buying things.

🚩Tip 6. *Face your challenges*: Studies show that the more you postpone something, the more anxiety and tension you generate. Write short weekly lists of tasks and complete them.

🚩Tip 7. *Put everywhere nice memories, phrases and photos of your loved ones*: Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room, YOUR LIFE of beautiful memories.

🚩Tip 8. *Always greet and be nice to other people*: More than 100 inquiries state that just smiling changes the mood.

🚩Tip 9. *Wear comfortable shoes*: If your feet hurt you, you become moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedics Association.

🚩Tip 10. *Take care of your posture*: Walk straight with your shoulders slightly backwards and the front view helps to maintain a good mood.

🚩Tip 11. *Listen to music* (Praise God): It is proven that listening to music awakens you to sing, this will make your life happy.

🚩Tip 12. *What you eat has an impact on your mood*:- Do not skip meals, eat lightly every 3 to 4 hours and keep glucose levels stable.- Avoid excess white flour and sugar.- Eat everything! Healthy- Vary your food.

🚩Tip 13. *Take care of yourself and feel attractive*:70% of people say they feel happier when they think they look good.

🚩Tip 14. *Fervently believe in God*: With him nothing is impossible! 

Happiness is like a remote control, we lose it every time, we go crazy looking for it and many times without knowing it, we are sitting on top of it ...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Power of love 

“There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.

This universal force is LOVE.

When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.

Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.

Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.

For love we live and die.

Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.

If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.

After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.

Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.

When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.

Albert Einstein

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Inner Child

I just took a sip of my coffee after coming out of meditation. I don't know how long I was in the zone of absolute peace. Probably for half an hour. My breathing is very deep and heavy and my eyes are squinting. I can barely see what I'm writing, but I'm not writing. I Am allowing my inner child to write. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about 'inner child' and contemplating what it was. You've heard the term. Here, I'll allow little Rod to come forth and have his perception from the deepest level of my soul, without the minds barrier, to express itself: " I am the extension of light. I reside within your heart and with every heart beat I rejuvenate as the energy of unconditional love feeds my being. I am connected to the source of all and always available to you, however, you are lost sometimes. You forget about me and ignore me. You get caught up with your pleasure seeking and wanting to satisfy your ego, forgetting that all the joy and happiness you are seeking is in my hands. I have and I'm not that kind of kid that holds on to his toys. I share with my love. I am actually waiting for you to tap into your inner power and I encourage you to do it with inspiration. When you decide to get inspire, or align yourSelf with the spirit of Love, I decide to open the doors to my sanctuary that happens to be your heart and allow all the mystical power of the universe to rush out, as it is doing right now,, to express itself in its own unique way through the prism of your BEING. You see, I'm the master and you are my servant, you think your adult self is in control, you are not. I am in control and when you are in touch with me, your life flows in peace. You are happy, exuberant, lively, and creativity operates through every fiber of your cells in order to manifest that which has always been your divine destiny for you. You just have to get out of my way and let me play. Allow me to express and have fun in this dimension. I'm here to love without any boundaries, to care with all my might, to share without hording, and to be my authentic self without having to worry about other's judgment. You sometimes shut me down and scorn me or hurt me. It does hurt me, but I'm forgiving. I am always For Giving you a blessing because I know you are messed up in the worldly society where negative energy is so rampant, where authenticity is destroyed and mediocrity is the way of life. However, I've got your back my dear stupid adult Self. Listen to me and you'll be free. Liberated from slavery within the ego and always in full expression through unconditional love. This is the message I have, your inner child, the voice within that is the carrier of light and your guardian angel in the times of your pain, your sorrow. I heal you from within, seek out to connect with me. I Am, God Is, and so it is to have you in my arms, cradling you one more time as we travel through this journey into eternity, together, forever.....I love you always".....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Monday, April 23, 2018


Affirmation: I am receptive to more love, peace, success, happiness, health, and wealth now. My life is a beautiful miracle in manifestation. This is going to be the best day because I intend it to BE. 

And so it is. Amen 😃💜

Sunday, April 22, 2018

True strength 

True strength is not flexing your arms, pushing your way through life, or hoarding to become rich and famous. True strength is in your mind. It's sharing your resources for the good of all people. It's in the act of giving even when you don't have the financial means because giving a smile away, a bit of compassion, and your love doesn't cost you a penny. True strength is found within your being. It shows itself in your confidence, passion, and enthusiasm. You will not achieve it by boosting up your ego, putting people down, talking behind their back, and holding on to your grudge. True strength is in letting go and letting God. It's in trusting and allowing. In opening your heart and becoming a peaceful warrior!

Visit for spiritual life coaching. Thank you. 💚

Saturday, April 21, 2018


In times of despair, I only see hope. I see a beautiful day. I know deep inside my heart that whatever is happening will serve my higher good. I trust the universe with all my soul. I allow my life to unfold by being connected to my source. Believing and having faith. There is a knowing inside all of us, that pulsating urge, passionate energy that rushes in your veins, intuitive voice that knows who you are, what you are here to do, to be, and to contribute. Listen to its whisper. Embrace it with love. Open your arms and cradle it to it's destiny........💚

Friday, April 20, 2018

My Sedona Experience 4/2015

I've gone through an incredible spiritual roller coaster for the past few weeks and specially for the past few day as I came back from Sedona last night. The theme of our retreat was "remembering and manifestation'. My journey began with setting an intention to 'surrender and be present, to connect with my divine relationship, and to be present in order to gain clarity'. I went through so many openings and so many emotional challenges. From pain to agitation, from deep love to self centeredness. From being absolutely present and feeling oneness like I've never felt before to being disconnected. I absolutely experienced the world of duality and dichotomy at the deepest level. Probably the most I've ever been present and witnessed my EGO at work and having my higher Self taming my Ego. It was a beautiful dance between these two phenomena and I was dancing through them with grace. I fell down so many times inside, feeling vulnerable, feeling lost in my mind. However, my heart and soul over powered and directed me to exactly where I needed to be. I felt and feel freedom like never before because I experienced the absolute by 'Re-membering' who and what I Really am. Who being the singular manifestation of the what and what being the invisible, yet indivisible presence of God. I aligned my mind, emotions, and physical body through the portal of my consciousness and was witnessing how incredible us as human beings are. We manifest our intentions on a a moment by moment basis. The more clear you are on what it is you want and what it is you don't want, the more access to your creative divine power and deliberate manifestation you have. I was dwelling in Self love and my ability to introspect. This is thinking about what I was or am thinking about. This is the key to raising your spiritual awareness and practicing it one moment at a time to feel and BE connected. It's all within you and all the answers you are looking for are eloquently written in your heart. Free yourself by letting go and forgiving that which no longer serves you. Open up to infinite possibilities because you are infinite, you are a divine being reflecting and revealing the glory of cosmos according to your unique gifts. I feel a shift of transformation within me and I'm holding it very sacred. I am grateful for my experiences as I know if will resonate out to the world, to you my friend, and anyone who happens to read this note. Know that you are in my prayers and unconditional love. Stay centered and be blessed! Namaste....Dr. Rod +1


A lot of confusion takes place when you don't know what you want out of life. What happens then, you fall into regret of your past which lowers your emotions into sadness or depression. You do this subconsciously in order to match the vibrational frequency of your confusion. When it's a match, now you feel good because you have concrete justification for your present disappointments. As you live with this attitude, you attract and create more of the same. Here is the cycle: Confusion, then focusing on past regret, matched up depression mood, feeling good about your confusion, attracting more of the same. This is a vicious cycle I see so many people caught up in which is ruining their lives, relationships, health, marriage, and their livelihood over it. If you relate or you know someone caught up in this, reach out and get guidance. It's easy to balance this energy and make your life work. Visit: DrRod26.comfor spiritual life coaching. Call me: 818-317-0839 Thank you

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Look within

Be the peace and love you want to see in others. You are greatness and an incredible manifester. Everything you are looking for is deep within your heart. Get in alignment with your mind, emotion, and physical body by whatever means that works for you. As you travel your beautiful journey, you will impact the entire universe because you matter! You are unique! You are here on purpose! Namaste -Dr Rod +1💚💜💚

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


"Peace is not the absence of violence. Peace is the dynamic of harmonizing good." Michael Bernard Beckwith

Focus your attention and intention on all the great things that are happening around the globe. You wont hear those act of kindness, compassion, sharing, and love on the news. You want to stand for peace rather than eliminating hate, war, or crime. You want to stand for love, rather than getting caught up in fear, doubt, and worry. Keep Love & Peace the center point of your attention & intention and allow your consciousness guide you through your divine path.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


After you are gone, the only legacy you'll leave behind is how much you cared for others, how much you LOVED, and your signature character. Your true essence is eternal. Build upon this inner truth with every choice you make and every word you utter in the moment. Fate is what life brings to you with every experience, while your destiny is what you do with these experiences and from what space of BEING you carry through. How you build upon each moment will one day be a testimonial whispered by others. And that my friend, IS PRICELESS. YOU ARE IN FACT, PRICELESS. -Dr. Rod...

Monday, April 16, 2018


Leadership is the ability to influence others. How you influence others is a direct relationship on how you are taking care of your own inner household. What thoughts you are allowing to navigate through your mind? How open is your heart to LOVE? Are you letting go of your past and processing out the pain you've been holding on to or you are masking a happy front with a broken heart behind it? You become an effective leader as you focus your attention to the deepest areas of your life with an intention to bring your highest potential as a gift to humanity. These are eternal, Soul qualities that are vibrating at higher frequencies from the mock of human experience domain. Compassion, Appreciation, Peace, Kindness, Sharing, Healing, Bliss, Beauty, Harmony, Abundance, Joy, Creativity. Are you really in integrity with your Soul or do you fall deep when you allow negativity effect your core BEING? Leadership is a lifelong process, a manifestation of your commitment to your highest Self and a practice of discipline in Being of Service to others. Here is the Awesome News: You have the ability to fulfill your creative Vision that is the direct emanation from the cosmos and can lead others to GREATNESS, because YOU ARE GREATNESS! -Dr. Rod...

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Stay strong

Sending out a prayer of love, peace, healing, and compassion to anyone who is going through personal challenges around the world. Hang in there, stay strong, let go of your fears, and strengthen your faith in yourself. Start asking yourself: "How can I change my life for the better and what spiritual idea is trying to manifest through the experience I'm experiencing? ". I'm holding you in the energy of unconditional love....Namaste.... Dr. Rod..+1

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Levels of awareness 

Have you ever been caught up in an emotional turmoil feeling intense pain and feeling your heart crush as you are going through a certain experience in your life? I'm sure you have in different ways. Each one of us does and each one of us has their own way of dealing with the pain. 

I've had this experience where I split into three fields of awareness. There is a human part of me that is totally experiencing my experience, feeling the pain, the love, the joy, the compassion, and the sadness. I am fully involved in it and feel every vibration or sensation at the deepest level. 

Then, there is the second field of energy, rising above the emotional experience. A field of non- physical that is observing the experience. It's not involve yet it's cradling the experience in her arms and trying to learn the lesson out of it. In this field, right or wrong doesn't really exist. It's pretty neutral but still has a tendency to get what we call wisdom or guidance involve in order to make some sense out of the madness. This part is free of judgment and is trying to see the wholeness of everything. 

The last part is the field of awareness that both the experience, the observer, the wisdom, and the intuition melt into. It's something beyond description. It also knows, and it knows that it knows. It's beyond sensory perception or figuring things out with logic. It's both alpha and omega, yin and the yang, beginning and the end, time and timeless, now and forever. 

This third level is an amazing place to tap into and draw what you need to learn from the first and the second part. It's the field of I Am with nothing else following. Have you been there? 💚

Friday, April 13, 2018

Be the miracle 

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with the presence of beauty. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that always supports me. I am available to more prosperity than I have ever manifested before. I attract abundance, success,health, wealth, happiness, peace, joy, and well being into my life because that's who I am. I am love. I am peace. I am abundance. And I am bliss." 

Practice this affirmation and visit for spiritual life coaching. 💚Tnx +1

Thursday, April 12, 2018




"I attract abundance and success into my life because that's who I am. I am available to more wealth, health, prosperity, love, and inner peace than I have ever manifested before. All of my needs are met." 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Conscious parenting

Parents have a lot of unreasonable expectations of their children. Sometimes, unnecessary comparison and pressure can damage the kid. When the kid grows up with multiple emotional issues, parents feel lost and think this happened over night. I always think that the best way to deal with this situation is educating yourself first and figuring yourself out before you blame everything on the kid. 

Learn to be more compassionate and listen to your kid rather than criticizing them. Most of our personal issues stem from our family dynamics. Off course , everything is relative and there are those few that become incredible human beings regardless of their damaging upbringing. I see this regularly and feel that our level of awareness can truly make either negative or positive effect on others.💚

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Habitual Complaining

Be aware of one habitual complain you have as a usual pattern in your mind today. There may be more than one, but only focus on the most nagging one. The second you capture that thought, take a deep breath and notice there is a part of you that needs to be acknowledged and loved. It's been somehow neglected or imprisoned behind your thoughts of worry, lack, guilt, I'm not good enough, or I need more to be happy. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Breath in, just be aware that these energies come an go within your energy field. By simply observing and acknowledging them through your awareness, these feeling will fade away and HEAL. The key is MEDITATION. Don't judge them, don't get upset when they show up. Always fall back to your spiritual power of discernment, choosing what is your inherent nature. I invite you choose Love, Peace, Compassion, Joy, and Laughter. Allow, embrace, and then give it all away to someone that needs YOU! -Dr. Rod....

Monday, April 9, 2018

Protective Angels

I wish I could convey perfectly in words what I'm experiencing energetically right now and the vibration I've tuned into in meditation. I'm right there and I'm gonna take you there. Take a deep breath. Slow down. Let go of whatever you are doing for the next 40-50 seconds. Read these words slowly because Rod is not writing them. The spirit of God in coming forth through me as a channel. My mind was very scattered right before meditation. As I tuned in, took couple of deep breath, and relaxed into my physical body, I tapped into my heart. An overflow of three energies started bubbling up. Take a deep breath right now and feel the energy of kindness. I felt it as a healing angel standing in front of me. Through the Angels heart, my heart was connected with a beautiful, radiant Red color. I felt that energy surrounding me and elevating my physical body away from the gravitational pull of mother earth. I felt the spaces between my muscles and cell releasing toxins of fear and getting washed away through my lymphatic system. As you are tuning into this writing slowly, know that you are unique, you are magnificent, you are beautiful. This is what God is expressing through me, to you. Slowly, I tapped into the energy of compassion. I felt me thoughts becoming more flexible like a yogi master in this frequency. I saw another Angel, or being of light who re=presented itself ans a shield above my head. Forming a beautiful purple light around my crown Chakra and connecting me into the universal consciousness. There is a harmonic tune in the universe that is asking you to tune in by surrendering and yielding beyond what your EGO is manipulating you into. It's asking you to take a step towards finding inner peace and walking towards light. Start finding your path in the direction of God Realization. I felt these awareness coming down from my spinal cord like drops of rain, slowly making their way into my emotional energy field. Are you with me? Take another deep breath and know that you are protected. Know that whatever you are growing through will work out for your higher best. You are supported. The final angel that showed up from me was hugging me from behind through my back solar plexus chakra radiating the energy of unconditional love. It formed a healing, protective shield around all of my chakras. I'm feeling it coming through my finger, to the keyboard, through the digital world, on the screen of your device, through the neurons of your eyes, in your brain, and forming intricate crystals in your DNA molecule. You are loved by the presence that is closer to you than your hands and feet and nearer to you than you thoughts, emotions, and even your Soul. It embodies all within itself. Let it go, trust it, and allow it to take your life over....take a deep breath,,,,breath out with the sound of OHHHMMMM......namaste....-Dr. Rod +1 ❤️spiritual life coaching 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Practice your intent 

Become an answered prayer to someone or some other being today.I was in a parking lot last night and just looking up at the sky. There were amazing cloud formations after the rain we had here yesterday. You could see the moon shining through the scattered, fluffy clouds, kind of shying out to present herself completely. I was flirting with the moon and talking to her through my vibration. As I was walking back and forth besides my car, I looked down and saw a baby snail crawling along the middle of the lot. I suddenly stopped and observed this little dude, in the middle of no where, going totally the wrong direction. He was going way off of his course. He was looking for sunset and driving East instead of West. Wow, I identified with this amazing being. My entire being became one with the snail. I saw myself at his eye level crawling on the asphalt, going the wrong direction, and totally being by myself, alone, in this immense universe full of nothingness. Yet, I was peaceful and didn't care a bit. I was being content with being me, even though lost at times, uncertain, and looking for answers. But then I told myself, this is the actual game of life you are playing. This is it! You keep on being you, though you may find yourself lost at times, but the universe will take care of you. How? By keeping your faith strong and being persistent. By practicing your intent and awakening to the Truth of your Higher Self. What happened next, I picked up the little snail and held him in my hands. I walked about 15 ft, that's how far he was away from the side shrubs and nearest tree. I planted him in the dirt and said farewell. I became the answered prayer to the snail. Immediately I went into my own prayer and surrendered to the universe, realizing that I'm here for a purpose. Whatever challenges I'm facing or we are facing will result in the transformation for our higher good. We are expanding and the human consciousness is fully Realizing itSelf at a higher rate. Hang on little snails, you will become and answered prayer and have your prayers answered. This is the promise ! Namaste....-Dr. Rod +1

Violet healing light

Here is a test to see if you actually read my posts all the way to the end. I'm curious and I have not written something like this for a while. All I know is that I've been experiencing immense heaviness in my heart and weight of humanity on my shoulders. It's been a personal challenge to go through these feelings, however, I know that I am not separated from you, thus, the collective human struggle is being felt by me. I am totally good with that because as a being of light, I've set my mission to uplift, inspire, heal, and transform whoever comes along my path. You , the reader are in this energy field right now. I am grateful for this opportunity because as I am breathing slowly, I feel your breath slowing down. I feel this unified field of love energy forming a beautiful sphere of golden light around us. Take a deep breath and slow down your thoughts. This is a moment of pure communion with the spirit of love. The only power that can heal a wounded heart; pain from the past, and whatever worry that comes in our mind because of the future. This moment is being transcribed in history as a great healing moment. These words will be released into eternity, you and I, together will have our Souls uplifted in order to generate positive energy and shift our inner world from darkness to light, sadness to joy, and fear to faith. With faith, all things all possible. Take another deep breath, visualize an area of your life structure that needs healing. You relationship with yourself, with a friend, family. Your financial life. You health, that part of your physical body that needs healing. Whatever it is that comes to your mind, wrap it around a beautiful violet colored, intense light. See the light actually burning through what you are imagining. As you hold this vision with the violet light around it, repeat and say this affirmation in your mind: "All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports, heals, and loves every atom in my body, every emotion in my heart, every thought in my mind, and every circumstance that will get created by my higher Self, now". As you go on through the day, hold on to this vision and affirmation. Know that I will support you on this path, and recognize your greatness. You are meant to serve you higher purpose on this journey. Trust and love yourself, no matter what challenges you'll be confronted with. God is all there is, and so it is......Take another breath and smile my friend....All is well....


Dr. Rod....

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Being Real

I don't know if you've ever had a chance to deeply go within your own heart and soul and find a gap between your emotions and intellect. Once you find that gap, you rise above both and watch them having conflicts with each other. You can tap into this space through meditation where your consciousness bypasses the world of phenomenon, the world of dichotomy, and touches a very sweet spot. What's amazing is observing your intense emotion pouring out as a result of your thoughts and as you calm down, your thoughts calm down. This intricate system of being and becoming is so magnificent, yet it's extremely sensitive. Sometimes, in order to get to the of neutrality, you have to pass through the pain. Pain of the past and attachments to so many things. Attachments are a three part ordeal: It begins at physical and material level. Then, it's attachments to your thoughts. Finally, the strongest are human emotions, specially love. Specially those memories from the past. I hope you are relating because I don't think I'm the only one floating in these spaces and having these experiences. Sometimes I feel that I've gone mad. That's at the mind level because my mind screams and fights to hold on while my heart surrenders to what Is. I've been trying to figure out 'Human Beings" through my own Being. It's been a very challenging yet rewarding journey. Always a new surprise because the more I'm finding out about myself, the more it amazes me how twisted and complicated our species are. So, here I am, pouring out my heart and thoughts on open forum. If you've identified with my energy here, go ahead, pour out your heart and allow other people to open up. We are all going through this thing we call "life" together. My purpose is to enlighten you as I go through my path of enlightenment. It's gutsy, It's painful at times, It takes courage to be Real, and it's rewarding to feel you smile right now as I know you are :) Namaste.....-Dr. Rod +1

Friday, April 6, 2018

You are the miracle

Here is the miracle you've been waiting for. Look at it. Can you see it? Can you feel it? You are it. The miracle is you. I'm going to change the script of my life story in this very moment. I got inspired and am overflowing with this thought: I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful to have another day, another chance, another moment in eternity in order to serve my purpose and feel all of these incredible human emotions that are teaching me so much about my authentic Self. I am the miracle. Today is going to be the best day of my life. This week is going to be the best week of my life. This month is going to be the best month of my life. This is the best year of my existence. I am living, moving, and having my being in complete surrender to the magnificence of the cosmos. I am love. I am peace. I am a divine field of infinite energy blessed with kindness, compassion, and radiant beauty. I am co-creating my destiny and healing my way through the pain of the past and the worry of the future. As I go along my path, I'm taking you with me, whoever you are, whatever you do, we are connected. We are part of a whole being, and whole part of our own being, connected in spirit from infinity into eternity. Take a deep breath my friend, it's all gonna be all right. We don't know what the future holds, but we do know what holds the FUTURE. What holds the future is the presence of God, and that is enough to relax into the moment, strengthen your faith, and hold your head up to live a purposeful life with passion.......Namaste....-Dr. Rod...+1

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Affirmation: " the sacred presence of Spirit expresses in, through, and as me. New ideas flow through me! Insights unfold within me! My relationships form around the power of my loving heart! 💚 the source and substance of my supply is limitless! God is great and I AM grateful! And so it is, Amen"- agape 

Have a beautiful day everyone +1💜

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Path of loving souls 

When a soul comes in your life, for whatever brief moment the experience, you may be lucky enough to experience what our limited human emotions calls it "love". It's not describable and it's not to be taken for granted. It's to be kept sacred, for as long as you live, even when that soul finds another nest and flies away on a separate path. Acceptance and openness to what IS, expand you as an evolved being. Love always has the upper hand and no matter what, it"ll make you come to your knees, to Just BE! 💚

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

In between what IS

There is a space between what is no longer and what is not yet to be where I've been more than ever yielding to and surrendering. What do I mean by that? The world you create in your life is based on previous held thoughts and conversation about the thoughts you had.This becomes your current circumstance, but the current circumstance in no really formed in the present moment. Therefore, to change what appears to be real, you step into what is no longer. Meaning that you go within, touch Reality through meditation, and snap away from the challenges you have. For a moment, you let go of worry, fear, doubt of the future, and let go of the pain, suffering, constant reminders of the past. As you break away, you find yourself in a timeless, space less field of potentiality. You draw Soulful insights from this space that has not yet become your manifestation. You reside in it, letting go of any outcome, and trusting the universe that what is best for you will show up, will become an open doorway where you can take your next step to move on along your journey expanding your consciousness. I've experienced extreme emotions of fear and love in life and I'm more certain than ever about what it feels like to be uncertain. I'm clear about being unclear. Many of you have found yourself in this space. It's a great place to be. Relax, sit in meditation, and open yourself up for more light to channel through you. If you are in a spiritual path, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. As we are passing through our challenges, passing-over,,,since tonight is Jewish Passover, I hold you in the highest vibration of love, well being and inner peace. Humanity is exiting through the exile of our own EGO. Unity is becoming more apparent, and we are beginning to see LOVE as the only thing that exists.......The Pharoh within each of us is yielding to the freedom of our hearts and Soul......God bless you, 

Happy Passover 

Namaste,,,,,,,Dr. Rod +1

Sunday, April 1, 2018

You matter 

You matter, your thoughts matter, your words matter. Your Being in this eternal universe matters most because through YOU, Life is becoming Aware of itself. A recognition beyond the physical reality, it's an intuitive state of Peace, Harmony, and Joy. Where you see the face of infinity in anything you encounter. A shift in perception, loosing the mind's state of fragmentation and BECOMING your True sense of WHOLENESS. This is where LOVE abides, it is connection, rather than separation. It Heals, rather than destruction. It cradles, rather than evoking chaos. You matter, your thoughts matter, your words matter. Your beautiful LIGHT within matters to those who live in Darkness. Even though Darkness doesn't exist! It's just the LACK of LIGHT. YOU are that LIGHT and You are the next generation for Transformation of this Darkness into the LIGHT---Dr. Rod... Spiritual life coaching