Tuesday, January 17, 2017

alignment with source

I'm coming from a deep space of consciousness right now and opening myself up to express what is flowing through me. This is a beautiful space that I love to be in because I rise above the human drama, the pain, the suffering. If your eye is catching these words , know that there is a higher vibration coming from the spirit talking directly to your soul giving you an answer to this question : What is the best possible thing that could happen in my life today? This is a question I ask myself when I pray and meditate. I've been contemplating on it recently and through different sources I received this affirmation that I've shared with you : " I am aligned with my source in all of my thoughts, and with God, all things are possible ". The "I" and the source here are one and the same.  The I is the source. Your recognition moment by moment by the I within leads you to the source. Alignment is awareness disguised through the lens of the ego. Alignment takes active participation in order to break through the separation of illusion and rise above our limitations. These limitations are self induced and come from the negativity of the outside. When you pay attention to your thoughts, you re-align yourself to the Self by becoming aware. Awareness to what Is , Is the link back to your freedom because it anchors you in the now moment and heals you through the bondage of time. Time creates limitation and pain by distracting you to the past or the future.  I am aligning mySelf with my Self and Source is shining through my heart as the light I AM. With God , that which IS and that which Is Not, All things are possible. God Is who you are. Alignment with who you are invites possibilities to open up because you can not be who you are Not. The wave is not separated from the ocean. The light beam is not separated from the sun. You can not be separated from your Source, thus the best possible thing that can happen today is that you become aware of the love that you are. The peace that is expressing through the fiber of your being comes only from your Source. Today, I recognize you as grand and integral part of me. I embrace you in my heart and increase my own capacity to align mySelf with my source, who is ultimately all of Us. Take a deep breath. Read this again. I love you 💚
Namaste.  www.DrRod26.com

Saturday, January 7, 2017

meet your Self

One......Two...... breath in. One.....Two....breath out. Slow down your mind. Whatever you are doing at this very moment has brought you deeper to a dimension within yourself. Why? You" ll find out as you read on because a part of you is resonating with these words and wants to know that it knows already what is being said behind the vibration of these letters: " I live in your heart. I am housed within the flesh. It took me through eternity to find my way through your breath. Right now you can experience me as I am communicating with you through your breath. Pay attention to your chest rising and slowly going down. The chest cavity is the portal of my expression. It is the window through which I look outside from the world within to the world without. I see through your eyes. I see with the "I" behind the eyes. I feel with the "I" beyond the "l". I miss you sometimes because you are caught up behind the thick walls of your thoughts. I can't get through you. You forget about me while being so preoccupied by things that don't matter. You forget about me and become a stranger. I don't feel alone because I am present everywhere you go, through your experience, I reveal myself to you. When you look at the sun, I am that photon radiating back at your eyes. When you feel the breeze of the ocean, I am the essence of life touching on your skin. When you taste the sweet nectar of honey on your lips, I am the sweetness. I am who you are and you are all of me, but you have forgotten about me. Pay attention to your heart. You will find me through the next beat. Look inside the mirror and see the grand version of my creation looking back at you. Don't get the image of who you are mistaken with the reality of who you are. You are me, and I am You. Next time when you see a candle burning slowly through the dancing flame, notice me taking off my outer shell and exposing my core , becoming naked. Notice my vulnerabilities and the love I have for you. I sacrifice eternity and go beyond my own being to just be with you for a second. That second may take for the entire creation. It may never happen in this life time or the next, but as your devoted lover, I Am here for you. Listen within, take a deep breath, I am here for you. I forever love you! 💚"

Your Soul! 

