There are times that you go back in your past and get caught up in the old feelings you had for a person or a situation. Old pains come up and your mind becomes very disturbed. Has that happen to you? The feeling becomes intense. You see your past Self in your memory and can not believe the journey you've taken to be where you are. Many years of struggle and triumph becomes just a glimpse. As you sit in this experience, your mind splits in the present and the pull of the past takes you down intensely. It's in this moment of splitting where awareness of who you have become and embracing yourself with love can help you pull out of your pain. You must acknowledge yourself with open heart and accept yourself otherwise your mind will make sure to tell you who you are is not good enough, that you are a failure, and where you are in life has been a mistake. Don't fall to this trap. It happens to all of us. When you are there, embrace your feelings. Don't reject the pain because rejection will cause more of the same experience to express instead of shifting it into a new experience. When I catch myself in this push and pull , I remember why I am here and anchor myself in my purpose in life. Knowing that I am always supported and everything had to happen the way it did in order for my life to be where it is. It takes total trust and faith in the universe to bypass dense energies in order to bring yourself back in alignment with the spirit of love again. I Am
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
There are no victims
In every relationship there are always two people who make their own decision and create an experience uniquely designed for them to learn from. There is what's called a co-creation happening consciously or at a deeper, sub conscious level. Know that there are NO victims in the universe. Each individual has their own sacred path in life where they come across thousands of other souls, co-creating, experiencing, learning, and moving on. Stop judging others for what they are growing through and how their lives unfold. When you are inside a circumstance, the feeling within is much different than the person standing outside of your circle, viewing things the way they want to see it. Remember, own your experience and move through it no matter how challenging sometimes it gets. No one else can walk your path and no one else has the right to take your experience away from you unless you allow them or ask for it. Ultimately, when you look at it from a deeper sense, as a collective human body we are all on a path towards transcendence and our individual path helps our collective consciousness to evolve. Remember, you are not alone!
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Please visit for spiritual life coaching and healing.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Meaning of your life
You get to decide what meaning you want to give to your life. That's powerful! Have you thought about that? The second you wake up, you can decide to live out of love or get in negative thoughts, invite fear, and look at your world with pessimism. It's really up to us. I understand how difficult it is sometimes. It happens to me where I can't accept being positive with all the atrocities happening outside. However, your choice of falling into that vibe will just create more of the same situation you don't want to see. Our only way to transcendent is eminent when we step out of what we think is real and tap into our faith. Ask yourself, how can I be a contributing agent of positive change? How can I bring peace into my world? This state of consciousness will pull you out from what you are trying to avoid. It changes your perception, thus the meaning you are seeing life through becomes what you already declaring it to BE! Remember : "If it's to BE, it's up to me" 💚
Please visit for spiritual life coaching and healing. Thank you +1
Please visit for spiritual life coaching and healing. Thank you +1
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Maybe this is the moment you've been thinking of for a very long time. Contemplating on your greatness and finding out that there is nothing else out there by your own perception, your own way of processing of how the world outside you is being experienced. Maybe this is the sign you've wanted to see. This could be the moment for your transformation. Going beyond the formation of your limited thoughts and tapping into your infinite nature. Follow the energy flow of these words coming from deepest spaces within my Soul. Accept yourSelf the way you are. Nothing less, nothing more. Know it, Own it, Bless it, and Be grateful for what Is. Then, call forth an new idea of what You want to manifest. The how of things doesn't matter because the universe will match your What, the idea that is being followed by your feelings. The highest feeling you can surround your WHAT with is the feeling of love. Love and gratitude will uplift your WHAT, then suddenly your HOW's will show up in the most intricate, magnificent way beyond your imagination. Your imagination is the stair step to get you to the inner doorway of what is Real. Absolute Reality is the vibration of love and from this Reality, All things are possible. The impossible will become I AM POSSIBLE....Yes, you are magnificent and in the process of unfoldment even NOW, God bless you ...Namaste
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Keep your boundaries strong
Think about wherever you are in your life. What I mean is your personal, inner growth. The stage of spiritual development. Look at the many dramas you are going through. Up and down. It never stops. You know exactly what I mean. Everyday, we are bombarded with thoughts from outside of us. The people who supposedly love us, friends, family, co-workers, on and on the list grows. Then you tune in the media and a storm of negative garbage flows right through your energy field. There are infinite distraction and if you allow yourself to fall victim to these distraction, you'll experience so much pain, don't even know where it is coming from. Take a deep breath, stop whatever you are thinking about and focus on these words that are emerging through me. They are meant to re-callibrate your vibration and lift your spirit up. That which you are looking for is residing inside. The higher choice is drawn from within. Your genius is begging you for a quiet space to emerge so that it guides you to the answers you are looking for. The answer is the presence which you are part of. The presence is never an absence, it is eternal, infinite, that we are all in it. Stop looking outside for your freedom and the change of your circumstances. Slow down my friend, stop the chase, stop the chatter, stop being affected by your own opinion, judgment, and putting yourself down because of your past. Stop allowing others to make decisions for you. They come with their own heavy baggage and spiritual astigmatism, meaning that their eyes are blind to the Reality of their own Truth and the fastest way to calm their own fears or anxieties is to dump all of it on you. You know exactly what I'm saying, you've had that experience. You have to guard your mind and close your boundaries from negativity. It's a must or you'll fall into their illusion of who and what you should be based on their opinion of you. That's called manipulation and control. That's called being imprisoned and giving up your own power. You are a powerful being of light. Everything you ever hope, dream, wish, and want is within you. You are whole, perfect, and complete as IS. There is nothing wrong with you, nothing to change, nothing for you to do or be other than BE- come your own partner with the creator of love. The one and only one that lives in and through you. Recognize this presence and lean on it. The presence is the answer and your oneness with it is all that you need. Take another deep breath, feel your vibration, if it has increased since the beginning of this note, write me a comment and share this note so others will benefit. Sending you major love and healing energy today and forever more, and so it is, amen. +1
spiritual life coaching, healing, meditation.
spiritual life coaching, healing, meditation.
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