Thursday, December 10, 2015

Growith & Experience

What's happening inside me? I'm sure you've asked yourself this question many times and searched for answer. Hope you are doing well wherever you are and this message finds you at a perfect timing. There is really no perfect timing because we are constantly in the present moment, the NOW. What's happening inside you is an amazing phenomenon that I call "Growth & Experience". Yes dear, you are growing as a result of experiences that you and only you are responsible for either creating or co-creating with another Soul. It's a beautiful capacity and gift we have. To be the creators of our own experience, be the cause of it, and then grow from it either through pain or pleasure. Sometimes, we seek pain on purpose because of our habitual addiction to it. You've done it. And believe me, you will do it again until you rise above the emotional pain and pleasure by releasing yourself from the attachments to your experiences. Spiritual growth is your Soul purpose, and the sole purpose of your existence and it plays you in different circumstances. As you become more aware of the messages life gives you, you'll see less resistance with what Is, rise above the experience, and yield in order to witness the growth. Expansion within your Self is a direct result of your enthusiasm for inviting the growth. Set your intention for it and remind yourself that you are not your experiences, thoughts, or emotions. You are the space behind and beyond where the experience and growth happening . Live life to the best of your capacity without having too much expectation from yourself. Why? because there is a divine timing for everything, specially for your blooming into that which is meant for your existence being revealed in every experience. You are the master of your world and the artist of your Soul out picturing the mind of universal intelligence as your life. Relax into the moment and love being who you are. Who you are is magnificence and beauty. Therefore, have a magnificent 'experience' and beautiful 'growth' process my friend. I'm right there with you.

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Sunday, December 6, 2015

This very moment

You are in this moment and time because the entire universe conspired on your behalf to be in this moment and time, exactly where you are and how you are feeling is where you are suppose to be. It's taken the entire eternity to show up as you here and now, experiencing it's own experience through your eyes. Your feelings are precious. Specially the deeper feelings of love and pain, joy and sadness, compassion and fear that you go through. Notice them, embrace them, learn what they are trying to teach about you. However, don't get caught up with them too much. Learn to ride the waves and on the journey, open up to learn about yourself. Every time you hit a bump, it is just fuel for the expansion of your Soul. As you contemplate in your inner work, the most important question you can as your higher Self is : What do I want?. Do this deliberately and establish an intention that is in alignment with your Purpose. Purpose is derived from your enthusiasm to walk towards the path of transcendence. You are on the journey towards light and this path requires you to shed the layers of your Ego behind. Think of your emotions as guiding angels who bring you to the doorstep of your Ego and then open your eyes to pass through the door, giving you courage to move along your purpose. Feel yourself in a relax state of mind right now. I don't know where you are and what you are experiencing this very moment. Take a deep breath and step back. Witness your life from a higher angle and through the prism of Self love, discovery, trans-formation, and embodiment of the divine as you. I'm right there with you and if you've connected with this writing, I solute you from there.....Namaste....+1

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Friday, December 4, 2015

Higher Self and Faith

Have you been in that situation where all you have to count on is your faith and connection to your higher Self? It's as if your ego is being stripped away of it's shell and you are becoming naked to your core by every moment. Your emotions flood your consciousness in very powerful waves. Sometimes, you don't even know why you are crying or why you are in a state of bliss, life just doesn't make sense. Maybe you can relate to this maybe not because when you open yourself up to spiritual work, this is part of the package it comes with. The un-foldment of the soul has a price, the price of letting go of attachments to formations, egoic identification with the material world, possessions, people, places, titles, and acquisitions. Our mind is so identified with these things that we forget our essence, who we really are and what our purpose is on the planet. The emotional turmoils, push and pulls are just reminders to take you out of this bondage and liberating you back to your authentic Self. It's as if you have a piece of gold that has dark matter around it. To get rid of the dark matter, you have to hold this piece of gold over intense fire, burning the impurities away in order to get to the purity form of it. Trans-formation, means breaking through and beyond the 'formation' of what your previous thoughts, feelings, and agreements have created in your experience. The price of trans-formation is surrendering to what IS and dis-identifying with the emotional turmoils knowing that they are transitory, though extremely painful. However, the gain is an opening into pure consciousness revealing itself as peace of God shining back it's reflection to you. Hang in there if you caught what just came though my Soul dear friend. You gonna be fine.....

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"Surrender, one could say, is the inner transition from resistance to acceptance, from "no" to "yes". When you surrender, your sense of self shifts from being identified with a reaction or mental judgment to being the SPACE around the reaction or judgment. It is a shift from identification with form----the thought or the emotion-----to being and recognizing yourself as that which has no form---spacious awareness"....Eckhart Tolle.
For spiritual life coaching and healing, please visit my site: and connect with me. Have a beautiful da

I would not give up

"I would not give up if I were you, no my friend, I wouldn't give up", is what I'm hearing from my higher Self. You ever listen to yourself and then wonder where this noise coming from? There is an observer that observes the noise, the thoughts that come and go on your field of consciousness. You are that field of awareness but you get confused and trapped in the thoughts so often that you forget this. I wouldn't give up being myself and overcoming the rough emotional waves of anger, pain, sadness, and frustration if I were you. Underneath the emotions is the real lesson for guidance, for finding what your real path is in this life. Recognize your greatness and connect to your
'Divine Relationship' first; that is, Who You truly are, then from that deeper space, you will get navigated with other Soul's supporting you on your path. "I wouldn't give up my friend", wise decision to make. The wisest of all decisions is to fall back in love with yourself and keep loving others unconditionally. Don't be afraid my friend and don't ever give up on your Self!!!
For spiritual life coaching, please visit and connect. Thank you

Feeling stressed?

Sometimes you feel the load of the entire on your shoulders, getting crushed underneath dense energies and thoughts that become obsessive. Relax, take a deep breath and observe yourself. You have different types of bodies, each having their own composition as how to transfer and transmit energy. You physical body, emotional body, mind body, astral body, and collective spirit body. You are more than what your eyes show you and what you perceive from the world of circumstance. When you feel out of balance and you are experiencing pain, there is for sure more than one of these bodies under severe stress. Stress is a root cause of dis-empowering you by pulling your attention away from your center. This center is the core aspect of your being, where by accessing it, you can stabilize each of these 'bodies' in harmony. As you go through the waves of human experience and emotions, know that you are more than what you are experiencing in the moment. You are the actual space, or the awareness where the moment is happening and the "I AM" presence observing the moment as IS. Nourish your physical body with good nutrients, hydrate, and exercise. Think positive and empowering thoughts. Let go of resentment, forgive, and love yourself for your emotional body to release it's hold on you. As you contemplate your life and travel within your Soul, ask for the spirit to open your spiritual eyes to all the miracles in and around you. When you ask, surrender with deep humility and gratitude, release your request to the universe, and allow the Suchness of life take over you. Take a moment in silence and let this sink. I'm sending all of us prayers of love, peace, compassion, and bliss. We are all part of each other and our collective energies together is and will change our world for the better.
Namaste +1
For spiritual life coaching and healing, please visit and connect. Thank you