Monday, June 29, 2015

Articulating your Insight

Articulating your insights and feelings into words sometimes is not an easy task. How do you describe a feeling of expansion you get deep inside your meditation? How do you describe feeling oneness with it all as you go within and feel every atom of your body in tune with the universal song of love? Take a deep breath and allow the nowness of this very moment to take over your life. Stopping the chatter of the mind, in this very second our field of energy is connecting with each other. You are reading what's emerging from my being after meditation. A field of loving intention and awakening to your Truth was set before I jumped into meditation. As I was getting centered and traveled into silence, more of what It Is showed up. I got to a point where I could feel my mind blocking me. Take another deep breath, hold that breath for a second. Allow it to flow in your physical body. The way I bypassed my mind came through this statement: "I trust myself and allow the process of life to take me over. I surrender and let go to the goodness emanating through my heart". These words showed up as an image of a nurturing mother embracing and holding her child in her arms. I felt a deep sense of security and peace. The energy was moving through every fiber of my being and supporting me. As you move on through your day, remember to trust your intuition that is guiding you through creating a life full of joy, full of beauty, full of compassion, and laughter. Trust that which is in-audible and that which can not be seen with your eyes. It's in that moment of full on Trust where doors for possibilities reveal themselves and carry you down the river of life with ease and grace. You are supported my friend and I am holding that space for you.....Namaste...-Dr. Rod....+1

Affirmation: "I trust the fundamental order and beauty of life. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports me. I sing my verse with full on vigor, passion, and absolute joy. I am aligned with the melody of peace, the harmony of compassion, and the drum beat of bliss. I am available to more abundance, success, prosperity, and health than I've ever imagined possible for me. Life is in cooperation with my heart and I am grateful for it. In enthusiasm, I release these words into eternity, and allow it to BE. And so it is, Amen..".

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Seek your own path

"Instead of believing that you know what's best for others, trust that they know what's best for themselves. "- Tao te Ching ๐Ÿ’œLet go of wanting to control others. Seek your own path and get to know yourself rather than manipulating people !

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What is LOVE?

Love is the most desired human emotion, however, it does not belong to us. As you grow and expand spiritually, you will realize that you are just a portal to have the capacity and to be in perfect alignment for the passage of this most incredible essence that runs the universe. Love belongs to God. We are suppose to be keepers and protectors of it. Once you experience deep love and are clear channel to transmit it, the superficial world made by human Ego and fear loses meaning. You will maintain your reverence in the most challenging situations and realize that love heals, it prevails, and it is the only Real thing that truly exist. Sending you my love where ever you are and what ever you are growing through. ๐Ÿ’š Namaste +1

Affirmation: I AM LOVE

Monday, June 22, 2015

All about Character

Don't worry so much about your reputation. Why? Because your reputation is in the hands of others. What others think and say about you is non of your business. The only thing we have control over is our character. Know your essence and connect to that. Self confidence shines from your true character who is one with love, one with God, one with divine intelligence that runs the universe. Hold on to that and see how your life changes around for the better ๐Ÿ’šNamaste. -Dr Rod +1

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Healing your Grudge

I'm taking a deep breath in and out. My focus and attention is on my breath as I just came out of an amazing meditation. My intention was nothing, I decided to search for the unknown. In the midst of exploring the unknown, I felt the vastness of the universe within me. I was led to seeing different light bodies within my own body. It was giving me cues to work on old residues of pain and unwanted energies within. One of these energies is holding a grudge. It's pretty dense. I don't know where it came from but apparently it was sitting somewhere in my subconscious and it bubbled up. I felt my physical body clinching and tensing up. Go ahead and take a deep breath right now. You are being set up to let go of any energy of grudge you may have somewhere within your emotional body. I don't know where you are. Try to sit down and focus on your breath. This is great to read over and follow the light pattern. Notice the area in your left upper shoulder. Close to your vertebral column in between your shoulder blades is a dense energy stuck. As your attention goes on the intention of letting go, feel an energy field of white light body penetrating that area, going deep within the cells that are contracting, and then relaxing it. Now pay attention to your upper chest area. You know when you feel like crying? You know that heaviness that sits on top of your lungs and gets trapped in your throat? Take a deep breath and imagine a beautiful blue light energy surrounding that area and engulfing the lower frequency energy in it's arms. It' feel like your inner light hugging you and embracing you from within. Washing away dense energies of grudge, pain from resentment, un-forgiveness, and anger from whomever you are holding on to from the past. This process is breaking your emotional tie that has been holding you hostage from expressing your Authentic Self. The lack of expression leads to depression. Depression is nothing more than these coagulated thought energies being trapped in your emotional body. Take another deep breath and see yourself floating in a vast ocean. Without an agenda, without proving yourself to anyone. without wanting to be someone you are not. Let go of your worries in the oceanic love energy found in the depth of your being and allow the love intelligence that governs the entire universe take over your life. It's doing it now, to me and to you. WE ARE ONE.....deep breath, hold, release the sound of OHMMMMM....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1


I am Worthy

"I am worthy. I won't give up. I am worthy. I wont give up" an affirmation echoing in my meditation. The madness of the external world sometimes gets you off your track. So much going on. Take a look at inside your heart my friend. As you read this, notice all the stories you've been telling yourself. Many of them were just ways of your perception to protect yourself from harm of other's judgment. From wanting to belong to something that has no true values. A desire to Be someone you are not gets you in a dark space and makes you wear a mask to fit in. We do that all the time and expect our lives to get better. However, it wont work like that. Realizing your true Self is the first step to move freely in this world. Recognizing that there is a diamond housed at the center of your physical Self, in your heart. Diamonds are made from billion years of pressurized carbon elements, patience, never giving up, and acknowledging their worth. When they are discovered, they may be cluttered with dirt. However, as they let go of their outer shell, their brilliance starts to shine. They never loose their value and their worth is universal. I am worthy. I will never give up. I will survive the clutters laying on my physical, emotional, and spiritual body driven from outside. let them go and open up to shine from inside. Know your worth, cherish your unique characteristics. Let go of the mask and forget about others. They are all struggling with figuring themselves out anyways......Namaste....Dr. Rod. +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am worthy. I am serene. I am an optimist. I live freely in the world shining my light with a great attitude. My life is a direct emanation of the only life that exist, the life of God. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, health, and success than I've ever manifested before. I live in peace and harmony. My intentions are fulfilled. For this, I am truly grateful and allow it to be. and so it is, amen".

Monday, June 8, 2015

I AM worth my LIFE

"Is my life worth it?"...Here is a question echoing in my mind during meditation. The sounds of it vibrates throughout my entire body, gushing through my arteries and veins, with each pulse from my heart. Is my life worth the fear, worries, and anxiety thoughts that I pick up from the outside world and then get distracted from my path? Is my life worth spending it on things that don't matter and people who don't matter? Have you asked yourself these questions? The best way to get deep awareness from your higher Self is to ask a quality question. The answers will show up in a way that you would understand. They may show up as feelings, as a vision, or as information through other people. How many people do you know of that passed away within the last year? I know at least of 2 close people to me who moved on and that took a piece of my heart with them. Look, tomorrow is not guaranteed to be here. If you are experiencing pain and suffering, let them go. Let the worry go because you will not get a second chance. The miracle you are looking for is your LIFE in this very moment. Your presence here, now, reading this note is a miracle itself. When you get stuck on the things that don't matter, ask yourself: Is my life worth this? Once you shift your way out of that situation, ask yourSelf: What is worth my life? These two questions will help you maneuver through things that don't matter and higher quality energies that do matter. Love matters, Peace matters, your happiness, health, and your joy matters. Everything else is a waste of your precious time. Know your worth, embrace yourself as an intelligent being of light that can decide which direction to lead your life where it matters! -Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I am worth it. I am worth my life. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. God wants to know itself as my life. I am one with this intelligent beauty. I am peace and joy. I am compassion and kindness gushing through the world with full confidence. My life matters. My decisions matters. My words matter. My walk matters. I am receptive to more prosperity, success, health, and wealth than ever before. I matter. My life matters. My heart matters. My Soul matters. For this, I am grateful and allow it to be, and so it is, amen"..

Thursday, June 4, 2015

A beautiful rose that changes lives

I'm giving away this rose to whomever gets to read this. I don't know where you are or what you are thinking. I like to tell you where this rose came from and what it means to me. I just finished a very deep meditation and am in the theta space. I am fully awake in my awareness. Yet, I am in deep space of contemplation. I had two different stones in my hand from the beginning. One was a rock from Sedona, and the other from Zuma beach. The condensed energies in them are very different. The rock from Sedona has a earthly configuration. It has the energy of the planet earth condensed in it. As I held it during meditation, I felt my entire body becoming a root of a rose bush. I was inside the ground, and growing down in the soil , finding my way to my root. I was enjoying the darkness and quiet space. Feelings of deep sense of peace and compassion was taking over my emotional body. My spiritual body was expanding and traveling beyond my physical space. I held on to this energy and felt intense heat traveling up my hand, through my nerves, into my heart. In my left hand, I was holding a smooth rock from the ocean. It has the energy of the water and sun light trapped in it. I felt the flexibility of the water and the strength of the ocean all held within the spaces of my cells. My body started to move in circular motion in a wave pattern. I felt the breeze of the ocean and the warmth of the sunlight as it shines and brightens the water. A cool wave of temperature went up from my left hand, through my nerves into my heart. The magic happened in my heart. The sun, the water, the light, and the earth combined to give rise to a single rose. This rose signifies optimism and positive outlook towards a world that's been caught up in hate and bigotry. We've created hate from lack of awareness and mis-connection to our Real essence. Our collective consciousness is rising in vibration and at this point of human history , we get to make and change history only through working on ourselves, inviting unconditional love energy, forgiveness, peace, compassion, and gratitude in the activity of our thoughts. A shift in our perception is and will create a better world where we can sit back and say: Yes , we did it! I am an optimist and have a vision for peace that passes human understanding. So, accept this rose from my Soul and allow its root to take strength within your Soul. Allow your being to become one with the cosmos and allow love with all of its beauty to take over your life, thus changing our world together....Namaste......OHHHHMMMMMMM ......Dr. Rod +1 

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports me. I am an optimist. My vision is aligned with the universal principals of love, joy, beauty, compassion, peace, and prosperity. I am enthusiastic about making changes that last forever. I see a bright future for humanity and hold healing vibration of love for it to manifest. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined possible for my life. For this vision, I am grateful and thankful. I am , God Is, and so it is,,,,amen"..

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Affirmation: "I love and respect myself. I am grateful for all of my blessings. I am peace. I am joy. I am harmonizing prosperity in divine expression "

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Close your eyes & SEE

Spirit of love guide me to see what can not be seen and hear what can not be heard beyond my senses. Have you noticed that you can see better with your physical eyes when your eyes are close? An interesting paradox right? Think about it. Your eyes can not see themselves when they are open and looking at the outside world. They can see everything else as an observer and give everything in the outside world a meaning. However, they can't see themselves. Just like when you see the world outside from your perception and give it your judgment, your eyes sees only what's in front of them and misses what is within. To truly SEE your interior, you must close your physical eyes and open your spiritual eye to go within and See yourSelf as a Soul being for the first time. Your eyes will pick up the light of your being and See themselves as they let go of the judgment from outside world and embrace the true essence of Who you Are....Close your eyes my friend and SEE for the first time. Life beyond Life, infinity dancing with eternity as you get to SEE absolute Reality, in the NOW.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation :" I am light and love Seeing mySelf for the first time. All is well within me.".....and so it is, Amen..