Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
There is an evolutionary shift happening in
our community. I am witnessing more people interested in meditation,
spirituality, and opening up to their higher self. It's beautiful to be
part of it and lead people to their purpose in life. Remember, there is
no one way, there is infinite way to WAKE up to your INNER BEING and
start where ever you are in life. That's your destiny :)
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being IN LOVE because I AM LOVE so is GOD."....have a beautiful Monday.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being IN LOVE because I AM LOVE so is GOD."....have a beautiful Monday.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Trust the Universe
"I let Go and let God"...trusting your higher
self to guide you on your purpose is the most important aspect of self
realization. Take a deep breath, relax, leg go , trust, allow, and joy
this magnificent journey.

Friday, April 26, 2013
A message 4 U
out a compassionate loving energy out in the world. May it land to both
open and closed hearts, those that are receptive and those that 'think'
they are receptive. At the end of the day, we are all ONE!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Pumping You Up!
Good Morning Life; Sending everyone major Love
right now, middle of the week, Wednesday Morning, pumping you up,
inspiring you to your Calling, and lighting up that pure power within
the core of your BEING. Here is an AFFIRMATION: "I am living, moving,
and having my being in abundance, healing, success, joy, prosperity,
love, kindness, and absolute peace that is REAL" have a spectacular day
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
What you Intend to create in your life and
ultimately in the world has to begin from inside of you. Pay attention
to your intuition and inspiring thoughts. When your heart resides in
LOVE, you'll know you are living a life on purpose and success.
Affirmation: " I am available to more Good than I could ever imagine. Come what may. I am open and receptive, loving and caring, giving and grateful for everything in my life NOW."......Have a spectacular day everyone.
Affirmation: " I am available to more Good than I could ever imagine. Come what may. I am open and receptive, loving and caring, giving and grateful for everything in my life NOW."......Have a spectacular day everyone.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Good Morning Life
Good morning Life, good morning love, good morning joy, good morning abundance and success, compassion and kindness, health and vitality, healing and forgiveness, and above all good morning PEACE. Opening my heart before meditation, setting forth an intention to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundant for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. Today at 430-730pm pacific time, I'll be having Seminar/Meditation on "Forgiveness-Catalyst To Transformation". I invite everyone around the world to tune into ONENESS and in powerful prayer of SPIRIT OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Our world needs major healing, our collective human species is going through unprecedented changes, awakening, and rapid shift into higher consciousness. My intention is to hold a space for LOVE, space for PEACE, and allow healing of painful experiences of the collective human EGO take it's natural course through our space this afternoon. Please send your positive vibes to us from where ever you are, hold us in meditation and prayers. I WILL HAVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IN MY INTENTION AND MEDITATION. This is going to be an INCREDIBLE JOURNEY, I FEEL IT, I SEE IT, I KNOW IT. IT IS ALREADY DONE!!! AND SO IT IS, AMEN. See you guys soon :)
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Peace & Love
"Peace is not the absence of violence. Peace is the dynamic of harmonizing good." Michael Bernard Beckwith
Focus your attention and intention on all the great things that are happening around the globe. You wont hear those act of kindness, compassion, sharing, and love on the news. You want to stand for peace rather than eliminating hate, war, or crime. You want to stand for love, rather than getting caught up in fear, doubt, and worry. Keep Love & Peace the center point of your attention & intention and allow your consciousness guide your through your path.
Focus your attention and intention on all the great things that are happening around the globe. You wont hear those act of kindness, compassion, sharing, and love on the news. You want to stand for peace rather than eliminating hate, war, or crime. You want to stand for love, rather than getting caught up in fear, doubt, and worry. Keep Love & Peace the center point of your attention & intention and allow your consciousness guide your through your path.
" I am living, moving, and having my being in Peace & Love for
these are the essential energy units for my existence."....have a
fantastic day everyone
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
My Seminar/Meditation
Generating a powerful field of love energy
this morning and creating a prayer field of healing, openness,
prosperity, compassion, joy, creativity, and unlimited abundance.
Holding everyone in total peace and open hearts. From this state of
mind, I'm inviting you to join my Seminar/Meditation on April 21st. This
experience will transform your life through the Power of
Forgiveness!!!! This event will sell out. Please purchase your Tickets
online ASAP. Much love & respects.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Witness, Namaste!
"We are the Witness, the Observer of our
lives, which is another way of describing the I Am presence within us
which always remains aware of itself even when we are not. When we
activate our I AM-ness, we begin to consciously observe our personality,
ego, motivations, choices, actions, reactions, intentions- the whole
package. This acute awareness motivates us into living our highest
potential, which is to become self-realized."

Monday, April 15, 2013
Can you Allow?
Can you Allow others to be themselves and LOVE
them unconditionally? This quote is very powerful. It takes real
Courage to do so.
"I am living, moving, and having my being in energy of unconditional
LOVE. My being resonates with all the qualities that love manifests in
www.livewithpassion.meFriday, April 12, 2013
You can conquer anyone's heart through
'Compassion' which means Com=with and Passion=deep feeling. Rising above
any ordain thinking is accomplished through being compassionate and
loving. Deeply feeling yourself and others, recognizing the divine
within them as one and the same with the divine within you. At that
instant moment, you have reached the mountain top of your TRUTH. Today,
lets be more compassionate, more loving, more caring, and more OURSELVES
for we are the only one that can truly CHANGE the WORLD.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in Divine love, compassion, caring, abundance, success, healing, and peace. Armed with my TRUTH and my heart wide open, I STAND for the CHANGE I WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD" ...Have a peaceful day everyone
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in Divine love, compassion, caring, abundance, success, healing, and peace. Armed with my TRUTH and my heart wide open, I STAND for the CHANGE I WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD" ...Have a peaceful day everyone
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dear Self:
Dear Self:
I have a dream to make this world a better place. I know sometimes you fall off your path and get caught up in your world. However, I'm here for you. With your heart wide open, I accept you just the way you are. I know when you are hurting, and I know when your heart is open to allow love gush through it's beautiful doorway. You and I are partners for eternity. I nourish you, guide you, protect you, and am always available to lift you out of your pain.
I love you,
Your Soul
Affirmation: "I am available to more good, more possibilities, more abundance, more healing, more love, more joy in my life than I could ever ever imagine. Come what may! I am receptive, I am WILLING"
I have a dream to make this world a better place. I know sometimes you fall off your path and get caught up in your world. However, I'm here for you. With your heart wide open, I accept you just the way you are. I know when you are hurting, and I know when your heart is open to allow love gush through it's beautiful doorway. You and I are partners for eternity. I nourish you, guide you, protect you, and am always available to lift you out of your pain.
I love you,
Your Soul
Affirmation: "I am available to more good, more possibilities, more abundance, more healing, more love, more joy in my life than I could ever ever imagine. Come what may! I am receptive, I am WILLING"
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Your Last Day
What if today was the last day of your life?
How would you act, feel, be, and play this game with yourself and
others? What would be your priority? What is the most important feeling
you'd like to experience before you say goodbye to your loved
ones and leave this place? Act as IF TODAY is the last day of your life
and feel the thoughts, feelings, pains, resentments, appreciations,
gratitude, and true sentiments that rise up in your experience for the
rest of the day!
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Knowing that my life is eternal and I'm one with the infinite, I welcome everything in my experience. Trusting the co-creative power of the universe in all my activities, I give my life to the presence of the spirit within me. I don't hold back on my heart's desires and pure intentions. I share my love, my joy, my caring, my compassion, my creativity, and play this beautiful gift ALL OUT on the field of infinite possibilities. For this, I'm so grateful and thankful and I recognize my divinity. And so it is,,,,Amen."....Have a blessed day everyone
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Knowing that my life is eternal and I'm one with the infinite, I welcome everything in my experience. Trusting the co-creative power of the universe in all my activities, I give my life to the presence of the spirit within me. I don't hold back on my heart's desires and pure intentions. I share my love, my joy, my caring, my compassion, my creativity, and play this beautiful gift ALL OUT on the field of infinite possibilities. For this, I'm so grateful and thankful and I recognize my divinity. And so it is,,,,Amen."....Have a blessed day everyone
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
I see YOU
I see you even if you don't see yourself. I
recognize the love in your heart. I feel your soul. No matter where you
are, I know you have the same needs as I do. I know you want a happy
life, food on your table, shelter, good future for your
family and kids. You need love, healing, compassion, peace, and healthy
friendships. See, You are me, and I am YOU. There is no separation.
Even as I'm writing this, I feel your breath, heart beat, even the
thoughts in your head. We are connected as I'm connected to myself.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. Life supports me."...have a spectacular day everyone...please go to my link and purchase your online tickets for my upcoming seminar on April 21st....Much love
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. Life supports me."...have a spectacular day everyone...please go to my link and purchase your online tickets for my upcoming seminar on April 21st....Much love
Monday, April 8, 2013
Reality is not what your eyes can only see
and what your other senses tell you to be true. Cultivate these eternal
soul qualities in your heart such as love, compassion, peace, abundance,
creativity and joy. Sing to their song, talk about them,
feel them as you walk, and share them with others. You will realize
that your life shapes around these vibrations and your authentic self
shines through. You become the REAL YOU.
Affirmation: "I walk through the truth of my Real Being. I share my love, give my compassion, care with all my heart, inspire, and heal my way through life." Have a magnificent week ahead of you
Affirmation: "I walk through the truth of my Real Being. I share my love, give my compassion, care with all my heart, inspire, and heal my way through life." Have a magnificent week ahead of you
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Thoughts Matter
What do you think of your life? The way you
describe your experiences will eventually create more of the same
experience. As you center yourself and meditate, you bring harmony into
your life. Your connection to the universe is the key to resolve
the challenges you are facing. Change your thoughts about who you are,
what you are, where you are, and why you are here on this planet! Your
life Will CHANGE! Open your heart, trust, and allow!
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to more good that I can ever imagine. I allow life to direct me to my destiny. I trust in the power that created me, that loves me, and that knows the answers to my prayers"...have a peaceful day everyone
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to more good that I can ever imagine. I allow life to direct me to my destiny. I trust in the power that created me, that loves me, and that knows the answers to my prayers"...have a peaceful day everyone
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Wisdom of the Ages
"Patience is a measure of your kindness with
your true self. This allows your wisdom to reign supreme over anything
else. Wisdom is Power".
Affirmation: "I am lovingly aware of my surroundings and open my heart to miracles of life showing up in my experience" Have a beautiful day everyone.
Affirmation: "I am lovingly aware of my surroundings and open my heart to miracles of life showing up in my experience" Have a beautiful day everyone.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Forgiveness-Catalyst to Transformation (Seminar/Meditation)
Dear Friends and Family,
Please join me on an incredible journey to the inner path of transformation through the healing power of FORGIVENESS. In this Seminar and Guided Chakra Healing Meditation, you will re-congize the mechanism of forgiveness, release your past coagulated thought energy that have caused resistance in your current paradigm, and unravel the secrets to complete peace.
Looking forward to see you in person. For online registration please follow our event link:
Please join me on an incredible journey to the inner path of transformation through the healing power of FORGIVENESS. In this Seminar and Guided Chakra Healing Meditation, you will re-congize the mechanism of forgiveness, release your past coagulated thought energy that have caused resistance in your current paradigm, and unravel the secrets to complete peace.
Looking forward to see you in person. For online registration please follow our event link:
Do you find yourself asking the deeper
questions about life and existence more often? or perhaps waking up from
a dream like state and realize that there is more to what you can
physically experience? These are signs of spiritual awakening.
The thoughts that guide you towards higher state of consciousness and
the feelings that connect you to everyone are your soul communicating
with you. Boundaries and separation dissolve, a sense of immense peace
and unconditional love takes over your entire being. Am I speaking to
you? If so, you are becoming aware of your true state of luminosity; a
BEING of pure LIGHT. Timeless, space less being who resides in infinite
state of pure bliss. Connected to your purpose in life, armed with
courage and compassion, you find yourself manifesting and co-creating
your divine destiny knowing that the universe is handling everything for
you. Am I talking to you? I know who YOU ARE :) Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am pure love. Life supports me through all of my challenges. I open my heart and bow down to the infinite beauty of the entire cosmos."....have a beautiful day
Affirmation: "I am pure love. Life supports me through all of my challenges. I open my heart and bow down to the infinite beauty of the entire cosmos."....have a beautiful day
Monday, April 1, 2013
Your Birth Certificate
Love and Happiness are not age dependent,
circumstance dependent, financial dependent, nor have anything to do
with your social economic status. They are states of your inner BEING.
When you touch someone's heart, you create happiness in them. When you
are free of your EGO driven mind, you open up to LOVE. When you GIVE and
SHARE, you reside in both LOVE & HAPPINESS. BE them, practice them,
and you attract more of them as you become more of YOUR ORIGINAL
self. Search for them outside, and the
illusion of the materialistic world will blind you. As you meditate more
often, you will realize that YOU ARE LOVE ITSELF. NO SEPARATION. Your
Birth Certificate will say: Description: A beautiful Child of the
Universe.... First Name: LOVE.... Last Name: HAPPINESS.... Birth Date:
INFINITY..... Place of Birth: ETERNITY OF THE COSMOS. Have a beautiful
week ahead of you everyone.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE & HAPPINESS. The universe supports me with infinite abundance and success, healing and health, wealth and prosperity into my life.....and so it is....amen" ...Peace
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE & HAPPINESS. The universe supports me with infinite abundance and success, healing and health, wealth and prosperity into my life.....and so it is....amen" ...Peace
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