Saturday, March 30, 2013

Travel within

Where ever you are in life is divine. The question is; can you trust yourself and trust the source that created you in it's own perfection? Life is here and now, you are one with it. The more you look within your heart, the less you'll be looking for your answers from what lies outside of you.
 Affirmation: " I am perfect with all of my imperfections. The universe supports me, guides me, and opens up new possibilities to bring out the best of me in each moment of my existence. Love is the only answer to it all.".....have a beautiful weekend 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It really DOES!

Your life changes for the better as You look deep within your Soul and do the necessary Inside work. The most important tool to shift through your challenges is MEDITATION. 
 Affirmation: "I let Go and let God"...have a spectacular day everyone 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We are One

There is no distance between you and me. There is only our hearts connecting through the power of Unconditional Love. What you are about to read now is energy being transmuted from In-formation into Trans-formation of your mind & soul. When you realize that everything you ever needed, wanted, desired, and hoped for are already within you, you become one with the totality of it all, one with life, one with the universe itself. Then, the world belongs to you.
Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. I am love manifested to experience an awesome destiny"...have a beautiful day everyone 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Magical Dance

When was the last time you danced to the music of your heart? That's precisely where the magic and miracles reside!
 Affirmation: "Today, I wake up to the tune of inspiration, melody of joy, and song of freedom. I am abundantly loved by the universe"....have a beautiful day 

Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Free to Choose

My perception of freedom is to BE MYSELF and fulfill my desires by expressing them through creativity, joy, and ease. Freeing myself from my own judgments, people's judgments of me, and past thoughts that keep me hostage in the present moment sometime. I'm intending to PASS OVER my lower, negative thoughts, and allow my soul to shine it's light through my heart. A commitment to excellence is born by a decision. This is the new BEGINNING, a fresh new start. Happy Freedom of Choice Holidays to everyone 

 Affirmation: "I am free, abundant, prosperous, and full of love. My character is up to me, I choose it to be glorious in every moment and back it up by my action." have a great day and HAPPY PASS OVER to everyone

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lovely Friends

A great friend loves you for who you are without any judgment, carries you through your darkest moments in life, and points you towards the right direction when you fall off your path. These soul mates come to teach you lessons about yourself and hold your hand along this journey we call LIFE. As you read this, feel your friends that share these sentiments, pass it along, and send a prayer of love, abundance, kindness, prosperity, joy, health, healing, with infinite peace for them. Happy Friday my LOVELY FRIENDS

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance of love, joy, happiness, peace, prosperity, with unlimited wealth coming my way"....have a spectacular day everyone. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Light of Freedom

There is a light of freedom behind the chains of mental slavery. That light is a direct emanation of your Oneness with the eternal source of all, the universe that resides deep within your heart. Through meditation and prayers, you can open yourself up to the LOVE that shines bright and dissolves the EGO from controlling you. THE WAY is more than a theory. It's a PRACTICE and one that will lighten up your soul with absolute bliss.
 Affirmation: "I AM FREE"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring Day.

After every winter there is a season of change. Spring comes forward. Life renews. Hearts open up. Whatever you are going through, just know this deep in your heart: THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!! you will overcome it, strive, and make it through. HAPPY NEW YOU my friends :)))
 Affirmation: "I am a channel of love, peace, compassion, joy, kindness, abundance, and prosperity to myself and others. As I internalize these soul qualities, the light in my heart shines and melts every person's heart throughout the world".....Have a spectacular day 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Don't look at your life from outside in. You've got it backwards. It's INSIDE-out!!! Forget about the opinion of others about you. Forget about your image. Remember that most people are operating at lower frequencies of fear, doubt, worry, lack, and limitation where they are trapped in their EGO and pass judgment from this space. So, why would you worry about them and their opinion of YOU? Be YOURSELF and allow your own authenticity, charisma, creativity and your passion shine through. This was my affirmation last night in meditation: "I love myself. I am worthy. I am more than enough GOOD". Repeat it as often as you can.....have a lovely day :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

What Do I Want?

What kind of attitude you want to carry out and reflect towards life? It's the beginning of the week, start of a new day right now, right there wherever you are, all you've gotta do is DECIDE!!!!! Make a firm decision now to be the BEST you, to appreciate yourself, walk in peace, talk with grace, fill your mind with inspiring thoughts, nourish your body with healthy food, move yourself around, and above all radiate LOVE. Start this with yourself, Radiate LOVE & GIVE LOVE!! I'm expanding that love in you and strengthening it right now, as you are reading this. Come on, do it, smile, Make today the best day in your LIFE. No Matter what!!!!! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

No Strangers

There are no strangers in this world, only people you haven't met yet. I know YOU though! You are a beautiful spiritual being having a purposeful human incarnation, reflecting and revealing the perfection of God as your life, your thoughts, your actions, and as your inner beauty. Shining your LOVE wherever you go. Do you KNOW ME??? Namaste. Have a magnificent Sunday.
 Affirmation: " Today, I reach deep down in my heart and release all love, all beauty, all compassion, all joy, all kindness, all peace, all abundance, and all laughter with the word. This is the best day of my life just because I AM ALIVE" 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Have the COURAGE

Have the courage to shift out of your current paradigm. It begins by turning within and forgiving your past and people who played different roles in it. This will set you on a purposeful path, free you from resentment, and change your life. The KEY is: MEDITATE
 Affirmation: "As I forgive my past, I become more in tune with the present moment, and I set myself up for a blissful future"...have a peaceful weekend. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Passing Compassion

I am setting a prayer field of love, positive energy, healing, and lots of compassion right now for those friends who have lost a dear person in their lives. Remember that they have simply been transitioned from one phase of existence into another. They've joined the 'return' movement back to their divine origin, the eternal, infinite source of it all. Their memories are sacred signs that they are still here with you. If you've lost your parents, you know that their DNA, genetic code, lives on in you. As you breath and nourish your cells, so are you breathing and nourishing theirs. If you've lost your kid or sibling, know in your heart that part of them is always in your heart. It is their Soul that chose to share this lifetime together with you in order to evolve and complete their lessons here. You were the vehicle and guidance in which they chose to carry on their mission. They graduated and met their destiny. So, cheer on, hold their memories dear in your heart, and be the BEST 'YOU' TODAY BECAUSE THEY EXPECT YOU TO BE!!! Namaste,,,,,I love you guys
 Affirmation: "I am being the best 'ME' I can BE today. With the joy in my heart and a clear PURPOSE for my life, I strive, I live, I walk, and I share my talents, gifts, creativity, love, and kindness with the WORLD"....and so it is, Amen.....have a great Friday 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Talking about spirituality and reading books is pretty cool. It's a hype! People will pick up a sense of feeling GOOD temporarily and look for a quick fix to their problems. PRACTICING it is AWESOME though because you become true reflection of your inner world, thoughts, and feelings without judgement. You tap into LOVE energy that's around you all the time. You flow with nature, and you radiate peace that surpasses human understanding. Are you up for the practice?
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in ONENESS with God. My life is the reflection of the only ONE life. The universe supports me. I am available for success, health, & abundance NOW. Come what may.".....have a beautiful day. Love you guys 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Self Reflection

I love the early morning silence. Hot cup of coffee in my hand, contemplating my experience from last night and everything else I did in the past. Before meditation, I like to do a little scan of where and how far I've came from. "Self Reflection". I open my heart and wrap around all my experiences in love, forgive the ones that didn't serve my higher good, and hold on to my vision in LIFE which is: To love, to heal, to inspire, and to BE abundant for myself & others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. As I rise my vibration and energy, I'm taking you with ME :)))))
Affirmation: "I am one with the universe, one with the power of NOW. My life is the reflection of the only LIFE, the one LIFE, the one GOD."....have a beautiful day 

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Week, New Time

Beginning of the week with a new time change. You are invited to WAKE UP an hour earlier from your sweet sleep. Use this time to reflect within your SOUL, meditate, and set yourself up for a fantastic day. Clear your energy and RISE up with a smile on your beautiful face. Be proud of who you are, what you have to offer the world, share your talents with people. YOU are LOVE shining its magnificent energy through your LIFE!!!
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love, in faith, in joy, and in sharing my talents with the world. I am available and receptive to more GOOD that I can possibly imagine. Come What May."...have an awesome day 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Keep it REAL

Good Morning LIFE: All the beauty, love , joy, enthusiasm, compassion, abundance, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind is already here deep within YOUR own heart. BE YOURSELF ,,,BE REAL. Simplify your life as much as you can:)
Affirmation: "I walk a simple life today with a smile on my face, joy in my heart, and the knowing that my desires will be ALL met by just BEING myself, REAL!!!"....have a beautiful Sunday. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


As you read this I invite you to feel empowered, I invite you to feel your uniqueness, your gifts, talents, capabilities, and all the blessings that are residing within you. I invite you to step OUT from what the society has labeled you and just for these brief seconds expand away from your problems. Look at them from distance, connect to your inner power, purity, light, and strength shining directly from you heart. Connect to the life FORCE, the infinite universal energy that's running through your body with each breath. YOU ARE A MAGNIFICENT BEING, YOU ARE ETERNAL, YOU ARE LOVE ITSELF. Allow these words to penetrate your SOUL & Re-READ this as often today as you can with an INTENTION to RISE above your challenges & turn your life around for the BETTER. You Can do it, You have a mandate to do it!!!!
 Affirmation: "Today, I pay attention to what my heart desires, I step away from the masks I've put on my face and become REAL, BEcome my true self."....have a beautiful weekend.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Last Thing

The last thing you want to do is to allow the negativity that is so rampant in people's interactions, talk, looks, attitudes, and association get to you. How do you do this? By raising your inner vibration through meditation, prayer, and positive thinking. You RISE above this negative energy field and float over it. You'll be in tune, aware, and sharp focused when you face people that want to suck on your energy and dump their garbage on you. Simply, bless them and move on. Best defense is SILENCE, SMILE, and a NO Thank YOU to their quick sand type thinking. Love energy is the most potent shield that can help you deal with these circumstances. Love, forgive, and walk right through them. Don't LOOK BACK,,,Keep on walking :) Happy Friday.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My wish on my Birthday :)

Dear friends ; I've lived the most incredible year of my life and shared my journey with you almost everyday. Your outpouring love is so appreciated. Thank you for being part of my life, pieces of my heart and soul. I'm grateful for every one of you and on my birthday I send you light, love , abundance, health, prosperity, joy, peace , success, and happiness. I Love You Very Much : :) Namaste
 Affirmation: I'm grateful for everything that I am and everything that I have. Life supports me, I say YES to life. In this YES factor, I love, I heal, I inspire, and I bring forth abundance for my self and everybody else in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. And so it is,,,,Amen 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


You have the Power and the Choice to allow the thoughts in your mind. As you clean your inner dialogue, it will manifest in your outer circumstance and the people you attract in your life. As your energy changes, so does your surrounding. Those that don't match you will disappear effortlessly on their own. Slowly, you'll walk your path in bliss :)
 Affirmation: 'I am walking my path in peace and harmony. I commit myself to excellence, beauty, love, joy, abundance, sharing, creativity, and know that the universe bends itself around these vibrational frequency to support my life."...have a great day

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Guardian Angels

We all experience difficult, challenging, and stressful times in our lives. Have you noticed that sometimes you know there is a Guardian Angel protecting you? I have a deep sense of certainty that my Grandfather is my Guardian Angel. I never met him, he passed away before I was born. I share his name, Sion, in Hebrew. I want to sent out my love and respects to ALL the beautiful Angels in this realm of existence and those who have left us to the other side. They are OUR protecting shields and guards at all times!!!! Who are some of your Guardian Angels?
 Affirmation: Today, I open myself up to become someone's Guardian Angel in this life. To share, to love, to heal, to inspire, and to bring abundance to that one special person NOW. All of my Needs are MET!"...have a beautiful day everyone:) 

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Great Friend

I want to send out a special LOVE today to a great friend of mine who's been in my life for over 20 years. We don't see each other often as we used to, neither do we talk on regular basis. You know this person is special when each time we connect, we bring the best OUT of each other. WE LAUGH, oh WE LAUGH and just are TRULY ourselves!!!! I just feel GOOD around his ENERGY. This message is to all my awesome, REAL, friends out there Now....Thanks for BEING you & BEING in my life :)
 Affirmation: "I live to laugh, to express myself, and to extend my love un-inhibited. I am blessed and grateful for all the amazing people in my life.".....have a spectacular Monday. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Takce care of YOU!

The most important person to take care of first in your life is YOU!!! Be your own best friend and mentor. You have the capability within you, the intelligence, creativity, confidence, abundance, and strength. I want you to be the BEST you in every single moment. You can do it. Yes?
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in absolute confidence with peace of mind. Life is on my side, universe conspires for my best in every second of my existence."...have a beautiful day 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Own it!

If you feel a sense of heaviness in your shoulders, chest, and upper stomach areas, you maybe carrying other people's energies of guilt, doubt, worry and resentment. These feelings slowly eat through your mental & physical body. Like a parasite sucking out the living life out of you and potentially becoming cancer. Solution: Spiritual discernment. Self realization, DEEP FORGIVENESS work, Meditation, and taking care of yourself through exercise with high quality nutrition. Dis-ease is self inflicted, so is it's counterpart: VITALITY. It's time to WAKE UP and live a happy, healthy, FREE LIFE!
Affirmation: "I am living a FREE life. Opening my heart, shining my light, giving more than taking, sharing more than hording, allowing then natural energies of love, joy, kindness, peace, abundance, compassion, and gratitude shower my entire being with molecules of vitality gushing through my blood stream in every moment of my life."...have a great weekend :) 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Your ONLY day :)

It's Friday, you've been looking forward to the weekend. You may have had an awesome week or a very challenging week. I invite you to take a deep breath right now as you are reading this, shift your attention into a TIMELESS dimension, realize that you are more than your hours, days, weeks, and life's circumstances. As you are contemplating that, notice how grand you are. Realize what lies behind the thoughts and actions is a beautiful eternal SOUL the giggles at your mundane worries. Re-cognize your true essence. You can do ALL THIS right now. Breath out. Open your heart to unconditional LOVE that's coming through my words, right to your beautiful eyes and into your kind HEART. Enjoy your DAY, make it count. Make it the best day ever in you LIFE!!!! It's all that you've GOT.
 Affirmation: I am LOVE in action. I attract abundance and prosperity into my life because that's who I am. All of my needs are met right at this moment."....have a peaceful day